Learning a language online is easier with our posts

Classgap launches its new version of the Workspace

One of the most distinctive features of the Classgap online classes platform is its Virtual Classroom, which provides tools for live communication between teachers and students. The Virtual Classroom also includes its own Workspace, where users can find all the material created during classes, as well as open, edit, create or upload files. The platform is constantly evolving and this time it has launched a completely new version of the Workspace...
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The best online teaching platforms in 2024

Today, online learning has become a powerful tool that connects educators with students around the world, providing more flexibility and accessibility for everyone. With the growing number of e-learning platforms, there is also a need to explore and understand the distinctive features of each one. In this article, we will delve into some of the leading online learning platforms in 2024. From real-time interactivity to the diversit...
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Tips for passing Biochemistry

Preparing for an exam requires time and effort, whether it is biochemistry or any other field, if you are studying chemistry and you don't even know where to start or you find it hard to stay motivated, don't miss this article, we bring you the best techniques to start studying biology.  If you follow our advice and work on your perseverance you will be on the right track to get a successful result in your exam. One of the most effective te...
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5 doubts when starting to study Spanish online

Spanish is one of the most studied languages in the world, but learning it can be both an easy and difficult experience, depending on your mother tongue. For example, for English speakers, distinguishing between the masculine and feminine can be very difficult. While for learners of Latin-derived languages, learning Spanish can be easier, but you run the risk of getting confused and meeting false friends. In this article we will talk about the 5...
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Online programming classes to pass computer science exams

In recent years, our society has undergone radical changes. Technology has made great strides and in a short time, computers and the internet have become practically indispensable. From PCs and 32 or 56K connections, we have moved to having instant access to the net from anywhere, thanks to smartphones, tablets and laptops. The IT sector has thus turned out to be one of the most profitable, as well as one of the most interesting for many young ...
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Studying music: presential or online piano lessons?

Who has never sung in the shower or perhaps in the car with the windows closed and the radio blaring? The voice is arguably the most widely used instrument in the world and is present in all musical genres. However, the piano is one of the most studied instruments today, as well as being ideal for those who want to learn to sing. And now we come to the classic question: is it very difficult to learn to play the piano? Not really, the piano...
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Giving Italian lessons online: useful tips

With the advent of technology and increasing global connectivity, more and more people around the world want to learn Italian for personal, academic or professional reasons. This growing demand has created an unprecedented opportunity for tutors to also offer online Italian lessons to international students, allowing them to learn the language from the comfort of their own homes.   If you are a passionate Italian tutor and would like to exp...
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The education of the future: online classes with private tutors

It seems unbelievable, but the future of education is already here. Although it was expected in the near future, the pandemic has accelerated some changes that will lead to modify the entire educational system in the near future. The technological revolution will change the traditional way of learning and will change the roles of students, teachers and parents. The Internet will become a very important source for the development of children's kn...
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How to become a French tutor online: complete guide

Today, thanks to technology and the growing demand for learning on the web, becoming an online French tutor is an opportunity accessible to all who wish to teach and make a difference in the lives of students. Giving French lessons online offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing tutors to work from home or anywhere in the world, reaching students from different cultures and backgrounds. If you have a good command of the French language and an...
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The basics for learning French online

Achieving mastery of a language does not happen overnight. If not enough time is spent on it, words will be learnt in isolation, without getting to understand the logic, rules and peculiarities of the new language. With French, exactly the same thing happens.  We are used to spending most of our lives learning and speaking in our mother tongue, so it is normal to encounter certain difficulties in learning a language different from our own,...
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Online computer science lessons: how to understand Java and Python

Being a computer science enthusiast, and having fully grasped the potential of the digital revolution, which gave birth, as you know, to the third and then the fourth industrial revolution, will sooner or later lead you to deal with perhaps the most important and fascinating aspect of this field: the science of programming. However much you may have delved into and studied the elements of computer science at school, as soon as you are confronte...
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Learn HTML language with online coding classes

Does the acronym HTML mean anything to you? Probably yes, since it is the markup language (hence the name HyperText Markup Language) commonly used to accomplish the formatting and layout of a web page.  In recent years, the world of the web has become an integral part of our lives, moreover, for many it is also a considerable source of income. Therefore, nowadays websites are popping up like mushrooms!  Unlike twenty years ago, howeve...
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Additional Resources for Online Maths Classes

Are you an online maths tutor or are you taking math tutoring? Regardless of your location, in this article you will discover a comprehensive list of complementary tools that will help make online maths classes more interesting and effective. Whether you are a student looking for a way to deepen your understanding of maths concepts, or a parent looking for additional resources to support your children, these materials will be able to meet your n...
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How much do online tutoring classes cost?

Surely if you are reading this article it is because you are looking for the best price for your child's online tutoring classes, are we wrong? We are not going to offer you a magic formula for cheaper lessons, but we are going to explain how you should choose the tutor that best suits your budget. Classgap allows you to find the tutor that best suits your budget, as you can check the prices of the online tutoring they offer, and filter accordin...
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