The basics for learning French online

Achieving mastery of a language does not happen overnight. If not enough time is spent on it, words will be learnt in isolation, without getting to understand the logic, rules and peculiarities of the new language. With French, exactly the same thing happens. 

We are used to spending most of our lives learning and speaking in our mother tongue, so it is normal to encounter certain difficulties in learning a language different from our own, with new rules of grammar and pronunciation.This is also why many run for cover by seeking the external support of an online French teacher, perhaps a native speaker, to speed up learning.

But now comes the fateful question: is it possible to learn French and master it as if it were a second language in just three months? If you already have a basic knowledge, it will be even easier for you to achieve this goal. If you enjoy studying French consistently, without skipping online French lessons and practise daily, we assure you that you will advance much faster in the process of mastering this language than others, and in time you will be able to speak it fluently.


Beginners' tips for online French lessons

There is no magic formula that will turn you into a French expert overnight, but we can give you some tips to apply during your online French lessons that will be useful in your learning process and help you speed up your training.

  • Study the basics before moving on. Your online French tutor will explain to you from the very first lesson that learning grammar is as fundamental as expanding your vocabulary (by reading, listening to podcasts in French, or TV series): these are key aspects.
  • Speak French. During your online French lessons, speak and ask questions in French to avoid using Italian. Take advantage of having an online French teacher just for you and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Work on presentation and basic greetings: understand how to talk about yourself, introduce yourself. Use phrases such as "my name is..., I am from..., I live in..." and other greetings, as well as leave-taking formulas: "Greetings, Bye, see you soon, goodbye, goodbye..."
  • Learn numbers. Numbers in French are important to be able to perform tasks such as counting, indicating quantities during a purchase and writing down telephone numbers, among other things. 
  • It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the auxiliaries 'être' and 'avoir' in order to construct basic sentences. These auxiliaries are essential for acquiring skills in the use of other verb tenses, such as the past perfect, for example.
  • Learn the verbs of the first group (those ending in 'ER'), as well as the most important verbs in French. Sentence construction without verbs is impossible, which is why it is important to know them. 
  • It is essential to understand phonetics in order to pronounce correctly, otherwise, it will be difficult to make yourself understood in France. You can practise with your French tutor online. If you start working on phonetics from the beginning, it is not a difficult process to acquire.


In general, these are the aspects that are covered in the first online French lessons. These basic elements will provide you with a solid base from which you can progress with learning French and learn to speak it correctly.

Resources to improve your French pronunciation

Do you want to speak French like a native speaker? Don't worry, because as we at Classgap always say, it's all about practice and perseverance. Thanks to new technologies and easy access to online French lessons, you no longer need to go all the way to Paris to learn to speak like a French speaker.

With online French repetitions, you can get rid of your fears and start speaking French correctly. It will be just you and your online French teacher in the classroom, which will allow you to overcome your fear of making mistakes, set the pace of the lesson and focus on your weak points without having to consider the needs or level of other students.


Online French lessons here

  • Films in French: Watching films and series in French is one of the best ways to familiarise yourself with the language. You will see how your ear will gradually get used to it, play with subtitles until you no longer need them: you will have reached an advanced level.
  • Music in French: The advantages of listening to music in French are obvious, you will accustom your ear to the language you are trying to learn and if you dare to sing, you will see that you will also improve your pronunciation over time.
  • Books in French: Reading, regardless of the language, is the best way to acquire new vocabulary and reduce spelling mistakes. We recommend that you sit down in a comfortable place with a book and a highlighter and write down any words or constructions that you do not know. If you combine this with reading aloud, you will see how your pronunciation will improve. Regarding books to read, you can ask your online French teacher for advice: he or she will certainly know how to help you.