⏱ Usually responds within 12 hours

🏆 Over 5 years of experience teaching online classes

🔝 One of the most popular tutors


She's from Italy

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About me

Discover a new world learning Italian.

Hi! Are you looking for a teacher to learn the beautiful Italian language? Maybe I can help you! I'm graduated in Italian Philology and I started giving Italian classes five years ago, when I was livinig in Salamanca. After that experience, I lived for some years in Porto, where I worked as Italian teacher for an Italian cultural association and online. I've been teaching my language for many years and I'm actually ending a master in Italian Philology in Milan. Teaching is a great passion...

Hi! Are you looking for a teacher to learn the beautiful Italian language? Maybe I can help you! I'm graduated in Italian Philology and I started giving Italian classes five years ago, when I was livinig in Salamanca. After that experience, I lived for some years in Porto, where I worked as Italian teacher for an Italian cultural association and online. I've been teaching my language for many years and I'm actually ending a master in Italian Philology in Milan. Teaching is a great passion for me, it's inspiring and motivational. Write me to have further information about my dynamic and entertaining classes!

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  • Italian
    • Vocabulary
    • Reading comprehension
    • Conversation
    • Customs
    • Writing
    • Grammar

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Student reviews


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Lorena Andrades
Irene Ricart
Llevo 8 clases con Viola y es estupenda. Se adapta a mi ritmo y mis necesidades y las clases son muy amenas. Totalmente recomendable!
It.s ok, I.m so glad . tank you
Viola is such a nice teacher! She is so friendly and gives very nice lessons! The classes are a lot of fun! She always prepares very well. For example, we did lexical exercises with with photos and words to combine, listening exercises where we also had some photos and short dialogs to match and even videos, and I get to talk a lot. She really makes sure that you have a good time and understand everything and adapts to your level. I highly reccomend her! She is the best Italian teacher I have had! And in the 4 lessons we had so far, I definitely improved my Italian.
Viola es súper simpática y cercana. Las clases son dinámicas y se aprovecha muy bien el tiempo. Recomendable!!
Viola es muy paciente y sabe mucho, con ella se puede aprender gramática y también hacer clases de conversación. Siempre está dispuesta a responder mis dudas, estoy muy contenta con sus clases. La super recomiendo!
Lleva ya bastante tiempo dando clase con Viola y estoy muy contenta. Se explica muy bien y hace que entiendas todo sin problema. Recomiendo mucho sus clases.
Jenny Castro
È una ragazza molto brava.
Viola es una profesora estupenda, se adapta al nivel de cada alumno con unas clases muy dinámicas y siguiendo la necesidad del alumno (reforzar la comunicación oral, gramática, etc.) Estamos encantados con ella tras año y medio aprendiendo italiano!! :)
Hoy con mucha pena termino (por ahora) las clases con Viola (por motivos personales). Inicialmente sólo tenía idea de coger las clases para la temporada de confinamiento, y me gustaron tanto sus clases que ha terminado siendo mi profesora durante dos años. Es una gran profesional y una gran persona. Las clases son muy amenas y divertidas, las conversaciones interesantes, y se adapta al nivel del alumno, a sus necesidades y a sus gustos, sin dejar en ningún momento de corregir frases, enseñar vocabulario y dar explicaciones pertinentes. En definitiva, he aprendido muchísimo y ha sido un gran placer. La recomiendo muchísimo!
Maravillosa profesora, buen dominio de la lengua, cultura e historia italiana. Sabe comunicar y trasmitir sus conocimientos. Gracias, Viola!
Elena Dorado Pérez
Daniel Martínez Villamil
Insegnante spettacolare He podido aprender italiano de una forma muy dinámica y divertida. Me ha permitido coger confianza para avanzar en mi trabajo. Brava!
una excelente profesora, amplio conocimiento del idioma y una gran calidez humana.
Es muy simpática y ayuda a abrirte un poco más al hablar, me gustan las clases, además anima mucho :)
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all



SpanishFull proficiency

EnglishConversational skills

PortugueseFull proficiency


Degree - B.A. Lettere Moderne
Certification C2, Español
Certification C1, Portugués
Master/Postgraduate Literatura Y Filología Italiana

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About me (pictures, hobbies, extracurricular interests...)

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Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

Other recommended online Italian teachers:

$10 /h
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657 lessons

Teaches: Italian

Speaks: Italian, English, French

Salve! mi chiamo Paola . Ho insegnato per molti anni nella scuola pubblica, nei corsi di italiano per stranieri. Ho esperienza per tutti i livelli di ...