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About me

Guitar classes adapted to you with a practical and experiencial aproach. All levels.

My name is Nicolás Ramírez, I´m a musician and a guitar teacher. To me music is more than just a hobby. It´s a way of expressing myself, my emotions and experiences. At the same time it is a form of therapy as it is a path of self-exploration. Also a way to have fun and to comunicate. I like to teach with a practical approach, adapted to the student. I try to help the student tpo internalize the music,also to be able to play from heart and ear, not only by theory. We also learn the theory base...

My name is Nicolás Ramírez, I´m a musician and a guitar teacher. To me music is more than just a hobby. It´s a way of expressing myself, my emotions and experiences. At the same time it is a form of therapy as it is a path of self-exploration. Also a way to have fun and to comunicate. I like to teach with a practical approach, adapted to the student. I try to help the student tpo internalize the music,also to be able to play from heart and ear, not only by theory. We also learn the theory bases neccesary to play in a harmonic way, also to understand the musical language and to comunicate with other musicians. I adapt myself to the students' wishes and needs on how he/she wants to play and learn, taking into consideration favourite styles and songs, motivation, needs and wishes. My classes are directed towards beginners as well as advanced players. Each class will be different for each student as I believe that each person has it´s own way of learning and expressing itself through music. Classes can be given in spanish, german or english. Aproximately and depending on the student´s level, needs and wishes, classes will include: -Solid fundations for begginers *Basic Chords *Good posture (to prevent injuries on long term) *Strumming techniques and fundations to learn other strumming patterns, pick and fingers) *Arpeggios *Songs adapted to each step and, if possible and wished, chosen by the student * First steps toward some specifice genres: blues, rock, raeggae, funk, rock, pop, bluesgrass, country, ... *Musical expression without specific song *Tuning by ear *Initiation in improvisation and study of basic scales to deepen pur musical knowledge and understanding *.... - Deepening of the advanced student´s skills and knlowledge * Refinement of already known skills (if wished and necessary) *In depth study of some genre(s) *Initiation on improvisation *Further development of improvisation and backing * Deepening into study of scale and their use * Freeing our creativity *Advanced chords and chords variations * Arpegios *Ear training *Songs *Improvisation beyond specific genre *Creation of own songs and sound *.... As I studied psycology I´m much aware of the benefits and value of music for our mental health and general well being. That´s why I also like teaching and talking about the following subjects (if interested): -Musical expresion and it´s therapeutic value -Free musical expression -Expression of ones feelings and thoughts through own songs -Creativity training and how to open up to it -Using our voice for singing and improvisation ... If you are interested you con reserve a free first session, in which we can get to know each other and talk about your objectives, level, doubts about my method or any other relevant question. I´d be happy to help you find your sound and way through music.

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  • Guitar Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

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Cristina A
Hace que aprendas desde el corazón, gracias Nico
Nico es un profesor fantástico. Te ayuda en todo lo que necesitas. Tiene mucha pacienca y te lo pasas genial en sus clases. Sientes con él que progresas muy rápido. ¡Un profe excelente!
sofian nassiri
Una persona increíble con mucha paciencia, se toma su trabajo muy enserio y motiva a sus alumnos ( en este caso a mi), a seguir tocando y avanzando musicalmente, Estoy muy agradecido de haberme topado con un profesor que se toma su curro con tanto entusiasmo, recomendado 100%.
Unai Fernandez
Juanmi (Granada)
Buen profesor de guitarra. Online y presencial. Totalmente recomendable. Gracias
Salgo de absolutamente todas las clases sintiendo que he aprendido algo nuevo además de con ganas de ponerme a practicar conforme salgo por la puerta. Eso por no mencionar lo rápido que se pasan y el trato tan humano que tiene. Totalmente recomendado.
Daniel Cruz
Excelente. Un enfoque muy particular de la música desde el sentimiento y la interpretación. Con técnicas que hacen las clases muy amenas. Además siempre lleva el trabajo muy bien preparado para aprovechar la clase al máximo. Un fenómeno, de verdad.
¡Nicolas es un maravilloso profesor de música! Es paciente, colaborativo, flexible y mantiene las lecciones dinámicas y enfocadas. En general, brinda equilibrio adecuado entre motivación y desafío, y siento que estoy aprendiendo algo nuevo y progresando en cada lección. No puedo decir suficientes palabras positivas sobre su estilo de enseñanza. Lo recomiendo mucho a cualquier persona interesada en aprender a tocar la guitarra.
Es un chico muy agradable y tiene mucha paciencia con los niños
Muy buenas clases, Nicolas es muy paciente, me encantan sus clases y el amor que les pone !! Aconsejo !!!!!!
Genial, muy tranquilo, natural y paciente :)
Carlos Rivero
Nicolás no es solo un gran guitarrista pero también una persona de confianza, muy honesto y fiable. Lo que más me gusto de él como maestro de guitarra es su manara de ver la música “out of the box”, bastante anárquica. Sus consejos me ayudaron mucho a ser más pragmático y creativo, a no centrarme demasiado en la teoría. Además tocar con el siempre es un gusto. Gracias Nico! Cuidate.
Una muy buena experiencia, valoro mucho las cosas aprendidas y tengo ganas de seguir aprendiendo. Me ha ayudado ha encontrar mi manera de tocar y como progresar paso a paso, disfrutándolo.
Muy buen guitarrista y buen profesor, sabe cómo enseñar con paciencia y hace que sea muy fácil. Gracias Nico!!
Nico es un profesor muy humilde y con mucha paciencia. Da gusto aprender con él. Lo recomendaría sin duda.
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EnglishFull proficiency


Degree - B.A. Grado En Psicología

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Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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$22 /h
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