🏆 Over 10 years of experience teaching online classes


She's from France , currently lives in Spain

10 10 38
About me Availability Reviews (38) More info

About me

Do you want to getting better at French or Spanish ? You are tired from academical lessons and you are looking for getting more fluent and learning more vocabulary ? If it is the case, I am your teacher ! I will help you to obtain the vocabulary and the confidence you need adapting my lessons to your level and your objectives thanks to the necessary grammar rules. I love languages, travelling and discovering new cultures and traditions. I am French and I got a diploma in Foreign Languages appli...

Do you want to getting better at French or Spanish ? You are tired from academical lessons and you are looking for getting more fluent and learning more vocabulary ? If it is the case, I am your teacher ! I will help you to obtain the vocabulary and the confidence you need adapting my lessons to your level and your objectives thanks to the necessary grammar rules. I love languages, travelling and discovering new cultures and traditions. I am French and I got a diploma in Foreign Languages applied to International Trade. Since then I am teaching French as well as I am taking part into various international proyects as a freelancer. What are you waiting for to try out ?

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  • French
    • Business French
    • Vocabulary
    • Grammar
    • Local culture
    • Conversation
    • Writing
  • Spanish
    • Customs
    • Conversation
    • Grammar
    • Colloquial Spanish
    • local culture
    • Vocabulary

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Student reviews


Based on 38 ratings
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Super educada, correcta y ningún problema con ella chica muy amable y responsable 🤩😗
Belén Barrera
Great class! she adapted super well to my level and it felt like being with a friend having a nice talk while improving my french fast :) Also very clear pronunciation and good microphone (not always the case), which makes it way easier
Ci tengo molto a questa insegnante. E' una bella persona, sempre disponibile e molto professionale.
Las clases de conversación con Marine son divertidas y amenas. Estoy adquiriendo vocabulario y corrigiendo errores. Me encanta que guarde siempre unos minutos para corregir fallos.👏🏽👏🏽
Llevo unas semanas dando clase con Marine, ya que quería mejorar mi conversación en francés. Marine es una profesora excelente, explica muy bien la parte gramatical y te hace pensar sobre los errores que cometes, para darte cuenta tú solo de ellos. Estoy mejorando mi conversación y la recomendaría a otros usuarios de cualquier nivel,
Leticia Vaquero
Es un profesora muy atenta y se adapta a todos las necesidades que va viendo.
Me encanta Marine!! Es una profesional y muy divertida. Se nota que tiene años de experiencia y hace que las clases sean agradables y entretenidas. Totalmente recomendada. Gracias Marine!!!
Elle est parfaite :)
Marine è professionale, preparata e molto gentile. Esattamente quello che cerchi in un insegnante.
Marine se adapta perfectamente a mis necesidades. Las clases son súper agradables y me enseña bien. No puedo tener mejor profesora!
Parfait !
Jana Hernandez Araujo
Marine es genial! estoy aprendiendo un montón y las classes se pasan volando.
Carlos C F
Muy buena primera clase. Se me ha pasado volando. Conversación entretenida y haciendo hincapié en lo errores cometidos con mucha tranquilidad, muy buenas explicaciones. Sin duda repetiré.
Marta Naval
Marine es una profesora super recomendable, su metodología está basada en la conversación y a partir de alli, saca los puntos a mejorar del alumno. Se interesa mucho por sus alumnos, adaptando las clases y dando feedback contínuo.
Irene Santana Carnero
genial. Estoy aprendiendo mucho
Estoy muy contenta con las clases con Marine. Detecta rápidamente las necesidades y carencias del alumno y busca la forma de ayudarle a superarlas o a aprender nuevos conceptos. Muy satisfecha!
Patricia Ripoll
Marine destaca por su profesionalidad y empeño en su trabajo. Durante las clases, muestra gran interés y pasión por la enseñanza, adaptándose a mis necesidades en cuanto a refuerzo en ciertas áreas y siendo proactiva a la hora de proponer temas y ejercicios para mi mejora. Sin duda, la recomendaría para cualquier persona interesada en aprender francés!
Juan Manuel
Prueba genial con Marine, ha visto rápidamente mi nivel y mis necesidades. Como la tenia planificado la he hecho pero desgraciadamente no voy a seguir porque mi empresa me va a pagar clase presencial. No dudes en elegir a Marine si buscas clases divertidas y profesionales a la vez.
Ha sido una clase super amena. La verdad que es una persona muy amable, educada y divertida.
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all




ItalianFull proficiency

EnglishConversational skills


Master/Postgraduate Master Marketing E Estrategias Opción Packaging
Degree Licenciatura En Lengua Y Comercio

About me (pictures, hobbies, extracurricular interests...)

deportes viajes cine teatro lectura idiomas naturaleza animales

Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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$10 /h
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396 lessons

Teaches: French

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Salut ,Je m'appelle Ebenezer et Je suis étudiant en master 1 en lettres bilingues et en économie/gestion à l'université de ngaoundéré au Nord Cameroun...

$15 /h
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889 lessons

Teaches: French

Speaks: French, Spanish, English, German

French teacher with 3 years experience. Do you want to learn french having fun?

Hello, being the son of a professor, I grew up in the world of education and regularly gave private lessons during my studies at the University. Since...

$20 /h
Free 20 min. trial






272 lessons

Teaches: French

Speaks: French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian

Teacher of French as a Foreign Language with more than 10 years of experience. I offer a personal lesson plan with fun classes adapted to your level and your goals!

Originally from La Teste in the southwest of France, I have been working for more than 10 years in Latin America as a teacher of French as a Foreign L...