⏱ Usually responds within a few hours

🏆 Over 5 years of experience teaching online classes

🔝 One of the most popular tutors


He's from Spain

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About me

My name is Francesco, I am Italian, I have been living in Spain since 1998, I have a degree in tourism and I have been teaching Italian and Spanish for 5 years. I have a DELE C2 certificate in Spanish (Instituto Cervantes in Seville) and a B2 certificate in English (E.O.I Barcelona). I would love to pass on to you my love for my country, my language and Italian culture in general. Any reason is a good reason to learn Italian. Practice with me colloquial Italian, conversation, writing and gram...

My name is Francesco, I am Italian, I have been living in Spain since 1998, I have a degree in tourism and I have been teaching Italian and Spanish for 5 years. I have a DELE C2 certificate in Spanish (Instituto Cervantes in Seville) and a B2 certificate in English (E.O.I Barcelona). I would love to pass on to you my love for my country, my language and Italian culture in general. Any reason is a good reason to learn Italian. Practice with me colloquial Italian, conversation, writing and grammar. I always adapt to the level of the student and the objectives he/she wants to achieve, whether it is to learn the basics or to prepare for an exam. My method is to immerse yourself completely in the language, as if you were already living in Italy. I have a lot of material at my disposal such as videos, texts, exercises and games. My priority is to keep the student interested while increasing his level and skills. Try me and you won't regret it.

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  • Italian
    • Colloquial Italian
    • Conversation
    • Local culture
    • CELI Exam Preparation
    • Grammar
  • Spanish
    • Customs
    • Conversation
    • Grammar
    • Writing
    • DELE A2

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Student reviews


Based on 23 ratings
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Nicolás Glez
Las clases con Francesco son geniales. Gracias a él he podido soltarme y hablar italiano de forma fluida en pocos meses, llegando a alcanzar el nivel B2. Las clases son muy divertidas y prácticas en las que se hablan temas interesantísimos y se aprende sobre la cultura italiana. Lo recomiendo sin duda!!!
Buonsera insegnante. Grazie Francesco
Francesco è un insegnante davvero simpatico e paziente! Mi Piace molto studiare con lui. Francesco is an invested and motivating teacher who makes you feel at ease. Do not hesitate to take classes with him, they are well-structured and nicely challenging.
Tenía pendiente escribir mi opinión después de haber logrado alcanzar mi objetivo propuesto. He obtenido el nivel B2 de italiano en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. El reto no era nada fácil de conseguir dadas mis circunstancias personales, pero gracias a Francesco, su paciencia infinita, la confianza depositada y el nivel de implicación en su trabajo me han ayudado a alcanzarlo. No tengo más que palabras de agradecimiento hacia él, a nivel profesional y personal.
Marie Laure
Je suis très contente de ma première leçon avec Francesco. Il est patient, utilise des documents comme support de cours qui me sont très utiles. Francesco est pédagogue et très sympathique ! Je le recommande :-)
Augusto Ramos
Siempre muy interesantes las conversaciones con Francesco!
Macarena Lopez
Las clases con Francesco son amenas, distendidas y a mí se me pasa cada una en un santiamén, esperando siempre la próxima como un niño una golosina. Tras cada clase me siento aún más motivada por aprender y descubrir algo nuevo, a través del amplio y creativo material que aporta y su buena disposición. Preparada ya para la próxima clase :)
luis garcía villarrubia
Muy amable. Disfrute mucho la clase.
Jabran Ali
cours très vivant
Eccezionale...molto professionale e serio. E i risultati scolastici sono la cartina torna sole...ultime due verifiche due 8...grazie
Maria ortuño
Francesco is an excellent teacher and our teenage son feels very much at ease with him. The lessons are varied and interesting; Francesco clearly has a lot of experience and plenty of different material to use. Francesco is friendly and patient, and explains things clearly. Our son is preparing to take an exam. We had not expected him to make so much progress in such a short space of time. We are very grateful for all of Francesco's help and support.
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all



SpanishFull proficiency

EnglishWorking proficiency

CatalanConversational skills

FrenchConversational skills


Degree Turismo
Certification Dele C2 Castellano (Instituto Cervantes Sevilla)
Certification Inglés B2 E.O.I. Barcelona
Certification Traductor De Italiano - Español - Italiano

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About me (pictures, hobbies, extracurricular interests...)

deporte gastronomía viajes meteorología y clima cine

Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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$10 /h
Free 20 min. trial






657 lessons

Teaches: Italian

Speaks: Italian, English, French

Salve! mi chiamo Paola . Ho insegnato per molti anni nella scuola pubblica, nei corsi di italiano per stranieri. Ho esperienza per tutti i livelli di ...