⏱ Usually responds within 12 hours

🏆 Over 5 years of experience teaching online classes


She's from Italy , currently lives in Spain

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About me

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Ciao! Mi chiamo Francesca ho 37 anni, sono Italiana e vivo a Madrid da più di 10 anni. Ho studiato in Italia la triennale in Lingue e comunicazione, e dopo aver omologato il titolo mi sono laureata in Spagna in Pubblicitá e RR.PP. Anche se lavoro nel settore della Pubblicitá é da tanti anni che do lezioni di Italiano visto che, oltre ad essere la mia lingua materna, é ció che mi é sempre piaciuto. Nelle lezioni mi piace che gli alunni si sentano a loro agio e sapere l’obiettivo da raggiungere, ma senza dimenticarci che una delle cose più importanti é il cammino e imparare una lingua é un piacere non un obbligo e ci arricchisce dentro.

Bye! My name is Francesca, I am 37 years old, I am Italian and I have lived in Madrid for more than 10 years. I studied in Italy the three-year course in Languages and Communication, and after having approved the qualification I graduated in Spain in Advertising and RR.PP. Although I have been working in the Advertising sector, I have been teaching Italian for many years since, in addition to being my mother tongue, it is what I have always liked. In the lessons I like that the students feel at ...

Bye! My name is Francesca, I am 37 years old, I am Italian and I have lived in Madrid for more than 10 years. I studied in Italy the three-year course in Languages and Communication, and after having approved the qualification I graduated in Spain in Advertising and RR.PP. Although I have been working in the Advertising sector, I have been teaching Italian for many years since, in addition to being my mother tongue, it is what I have always liked. In the lessons I like that the students feel at ease and know the goal to reach, but without forgetting that one of the most important things is the journey, and learning a language is a pleasure not an obligation and enriches us inside.

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  • Italian
    • Vocabulary
    • Reading comprehension
    • CILS Exam Preparation
    • Conversation
    • CELI Exam Preparation
    • Grammar

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Student reviews


Based on 75 ratings
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Encantadora, agradable, responsable, puntual… absolutamente recomendable!! Una suerte haberla encontrado!!!
Adrian Kurek
Ho avuto un ottima esperienza con Francesca. Le lezione sono sempre strutturate e mirate in base alle esigenze personali. Persona molto piacevole con cui e facile migliorare l'Italiano o prepararsi per l'esame. La consiglio a tutti!
Alejandro del Toro Martínez
Sin duda, un acierto para quien elija a Francesca como profesora. Siempre disponible, amable, hace sus clases muy amenas y el método de enseñanza es muy efectivo. 100% recomendable.
He pasado varios años estudiando idiomas y puedo afirmar que Francesca es, sin duda alguna, una de las mejores profesoras que he tenido el placer de conocer. Su método didáctico, claridad en la enseñanza, responsabilidad y excelente actitud la hacen destacar. Recomiendo sus clases sin dudarlo a cualquier persona interesada en ampliar su vocabulario, sumergirse en la cultura italiana o prepararse para un examen internacional.
Angelica Chazarreta
Muy agradable y comprensiva
Majo Alandes
Francesca es muy atenta y se sabe adaptar muy bien a las necesidades que tienes. Estoy muy contenta con sus clases y de ver cómo avanzo.
Amanda gv
Todo perfecto
María Luján
Excelente profesora
Brigida Herrero Udaondo
Fantástica!!!! Si buscas una buena profesora de italiano, paciente, amena y con muchísimo conocimiento tanto del español como del italiano esta es tu profesora.
bravissima insegnante
Laura M
Es una excelente profesora, simpática, agradable y dedicada a sus alumnos. Hace las clases muy dinámicas y útiles. Hace que te sientas muy cómodo en clase.
Excelente profesora! Muy clara y didáctica!
María Prados Mejías
Maravillosa profesora, atenta, cariñosa, metódica. Prepara todas las clases con una atención buenísima y se adapta a las necesidades de aprendizaje. No he podido elegir mejor. Muchísimas gracias
Carolina ghioldi
Es muy divertida y muy dicactica y la paso muy bien y además aprendo .muy recomendable .también es exigente pero divertido asi que uno lo toma MB . Carolina
Francisco Riquelme
Muy amable, muy didáctica y dispuesta ayudar!
Sylke Lenzen
Gentilissima e molto competente, la lezione vola con lei, è un piacere
Francesca es una gran "professoressa". Sus clases son amenas, didácticas y muy divertidas. Entiende a la perfección las necesidades del alumno y de modo práctico explica y resuelve cualquier duda. Prepara sus clases con interés, rigor y profesionalidad,
Tania Perez
Muy buena
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all



SpanishFull proficiency


Degree Publicidad Y Rr.Pp
Certification Diploma Dele C1
Degree Lingue E Comunicazione
Certification Cedils (Certificazione In Didattica Dell'italiano A Stranieri)

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Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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$10 /h
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657 lessons

Teaches: Italian

Speaks: Italian, English, French

Salve! mi chiamo Paola . Ho insegnato per molti anni nella scuola pubblica, nei corsi di italiano per stranieri. Ho esperienza per tutti i livelli di ...