⏱ Usually responds within a few hours

🏆 Over 5 years of experience teaching online classes

🔝 One of the most popular tutors


She's from Germany , currently lives in Spain

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About me

Native German teacher with 5 years of experience. Lessons for all levels!

Hello dear students 🙂 I'm Catharina, a qualified German language teacher from Hanover, Germany, with experience in teaching students from the US, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, Middle East, etc. Apart from teaching, I'm passionate about travelling and learning languages through classes and self-study. I am excited to teach my students German through a variety of approaches and exercises. Together we can read, write, and most importantly speak the language in class. I’m excited t...

Hello dear students 🙂 I'm Catharina, a qualified German language teacher from Hanover, Germany, with experience in teaching students from the US, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, Middle East, etc. Apart from teaching, I'm passionate about travelling and learning languages through classes and self-study. I am excited to teach my students German through a variety of approaches and exercises. Together we can read, write, and most importantly speak the language in class. I’m excited to learn about your country and culture. I’m also fluent in English, Spanish, Italian and French. So, if you’re a complete beginner in German, I could help you out in these languages, too.

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  • German
    • Conversation
    • Grammar
    • reading comprehension
    • Goethe A2 Exam Preparation
    • Goethe C1 Exam Preparation
    • Goethe-Zertifikat B1

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Student reviews


Based on 9 ratings
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Catharina is muy buena profesora, llevo un mes aprendiendo con ella y la recomiendo mucho para cualquier nivel. Danke!
Anne Dixon
Catharina is an excellent teacher. She is doing a great job of catering the lessons to my needs. I asked for everyday conversation practice and she speaks slowly and enunciates very clearly, which really helps me to understand. And she's great at making conversation. I also asked to learn more grammar and she explains it very clearly with examples and then gets me to practice using the grammar by asking me everyday questions. I like that she types everything I'm learning up in the notes (that I can see in real time) and then sends them to me so I can review them later. I highly recommend her!
Carlo Tellez Withbrown
Catharina du bist Toll, Prima und Supermädchen! Du bist die Beste Lehrerin im Universum.
Julian Prado
sehr gute lehrerin, sehr empfehlenswert
Pamela Peiro
Me gustan mucho las clases con Catharina. Sus clases son muy dinámicas y adaptadas a lo que necesitas. Tiene mucha paciencia, el tiempo se pasa muy rápido y sientes que aprendes mucho cada dia.
Angeles Maquieira
Su simpatía y amabilidad hacen que cada clase sea un placer. Siempre está dispuesta a adaptarse a mis necesidades y horarios, lo que ha hecho que el proceso de aprendizaje sea mucho más fluido y cómodo para mí. A pesar de que el alemán puede ser un idioma desafiante, ella logra descomponer las partes complicadas en segmentos más simples, lo que me ha ayudado a progresar de manera constante. Su flexibilidad es una cualidad invaluable. Siempre está dispuesta a ajustar el enfoque de la enseñanza según mis intereses y metas, lo que ha permitido que las clases sean más relevantes y efectivas. Además, su capacidad para adaptarse a mi ritmo de aprendizaje individual ha sido fundamental para que me sienta segura mientras adquiero nuevas habilidades lingüísticas.
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all



SpanishWorking proficiency

EnglishFull proficiency

FrenchFull proficiency

RussianConversational skills

ItalianWorking proficiency

PortugueseConversational skills


Master/Postgraduate Máster En Linguística

About me (pictures, hobbies, extracurricular interests...)

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Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

Other recommended online German teachers:

$16 /h
Free 20 min. trial






190 lessons

Teaches: Spanish, German

Speaks: Spanish, German, English

Hallo! Ich heiße Carolina. Ich bereite Studenten auf internationale Prüfungen vor, A1, A2, B1, B2, Goethe-Zertifikat, Deutsches Sprachdiplom, German I...