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Online Social sciences tutors

$11 /lesson

Free trial available

Dion E.

Dion E.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
South Africa

New Tutor

Social sciences

Best Online Teacher in the Market with More Than 3 Years Experience in the industry ⏤ Hello everyone,My Name is Dion Excellent a student studying towards Bed(Bachelor Of Education ) in University Of South talkative ,f...

$11 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
United Kingdom

New Tutor

Social sciences

Psychology graduate with 2-years of teaching experience offering Psychology tuition. ⏤ Hello! I am Faaria. I have a first-class BSc (Hons) in Psychology with Criminology and 3 A*s in my A-levels (Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry). I ha...

$26 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
United Kingdom

New Tutor

Social sciences

Sociology, Law and Politics tutor with over 6 years of experience! ⏤ I specialise in Law, Sociology and Politics tutoring for A-level/IB/BTEC and undergraduate Law. I have experience volunteering in schools, teaching le...

$18 /lesson

Free trial available

Scott F.

Scott F.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
United Kingdom

New Tutor

Social sciences

Sociology tutor for over 30 years to A Level and university students ⏤ Hello! I'm Scott Fleming. Until recently I worked at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln and have been teaching sociology for over 30 years. My ...


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
South Africa

New Tutor

Social sciences

Maths tutor with 4 years experience providing online classes for all students ⏤ Hello there my name is Nikita and I am 20 years old living in Durban south africa I am a native English speaker and on this platform I will be an Eng...



$46 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Social sciences

Greetings, Thank you for reading my presentation letter. I am a resilient and engaging person with a good sense of humour who is committed to lifelo...

$29 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Social sciences

Seasoned Psychology and Sociology Tutor with 700+ Hours Experience of Tutoring. ⏤ Hello! I’m Sophia Abid, a dedicated Psychology and Sociology tutor with a degree in Psychology from Iqra University. With over 5 years of experience i...

$7 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
South Africa

New Tutor

Social sciences

Social Science Teacher with more than 5 years of experience. ⏤ Hello, my name is Zaza Mfazi. I have a BA degree for public administration. I have been teaching English and Social science for 5 years now, teaching ...

$18 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

New Tutor

Social sciences

Psychology tutor with First-Class Honors & teaching experience ! ⏤ Psychology tutor with a First-Class Honors degree and experience supporting learners with individual needs ! I find teaching/tutoring work very fulfi...



$11 /lesson
Juan A.

Juan A.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

254 lessons

Social sciences

Profesor de Ciencias Sociales y de Humanidades con más de 6 años de experiencia. ⏤ Hello! I am Juan Antonio, a professor of humanities and Social Sciences, graduated in History and with a master's degree in Teaching Staff and another...

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