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Profesor de Italia

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Hey there guys! It's Dario here, I'm Italian and polyglot. I'm a translator and English/Italian professor. Three methods in my classes: - Fall in love with the language you're learning! Knowing more about culture, customs and slang, is very useful in order to achieve a full comprehension of the language, other than exploring your personal knowledge and curiosity. - Don't be shy! Being shy speaking another language is very common. In my personal opinion, you could be ashamed only of not ...

Hey there guys! It's Dario here, I'm Italian and polyglot. I'm a translator and English/Italian professor. Three methods in my classes: - Fall in love with the language you're learning! Knowing more about culture, customs and slang, is very useful in order to achieve a full comprehension of the language, other than exploring your personal knowledge and curiosity. - Don't be shy! Being shy speaking another language is very common. In my personal opinion, you could be ashamed only of not speaking properly your own language! All newness are unknown, but trying - and making mistakes - is the best way to progress. - Let's be unconventional. Another common difficulty in learning is the didactic schedule. Sometimes it gets too boring or basic, and it ends up to tarnish the beautiful process of communication and discovery. Let's flesh it out with slang, informal speaking, "real" and actual conversation. In few time, understanding and speaking to a native it's gonna be one of your skills. Most of all, let's have fun while working: turning a new expertise in a passion, will make it easier to be achieved. We gonna work sewing the process on you, exploring curiosity, feelings, difficulties and new steps in one of the best way to travel without moving: language.

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  • Italiano
    • Comprensión lectora
    • Italiano coloquial
    • Conversación
    • Gramática
    • Preparación entrevista de trabajo
  • Inglés
    • Gramática
    • Inglés coloquial
    • Conversación
    • Preparación para entrevista de trabajo
    • Comprensión lectora

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Estudios y certificaciones

Licenciatura Dottore In Relazioni Internazionali
Grado Dottore In Scienze Delle Comunicazioni Per Le Culture E Le Arti
Certificado English Speaking Board Level 2 Certificate International All Modes (C1). Pass With Distinction.
Máster/Postgrado Traduzione E Processi Interlinguistici Cursando

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Sport Books Videogames Series Cinema Yoga Meditation Cultures Travel Cooking football soccer music guitar

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13 clases

Enseña: Italiano, Inglés

Habla: Italiano, Inglés, Francés, Español

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