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Profesora de China

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Hi there! I am Ruizhi (Rachel). Education Background: I studied medicine at Peking University and Yale University. I was a young doctor and then I worked at pharmaceutical companies. I also learned psychology a little bit, the psychoanalysis. Hobbies: I like skiing, swimming, travelling, reading novels and watching films (my favorite topic). I have been to over 40 countries. I like cats and dogs. Teaching experiences: I taught Chinese at Yale for 2 years as a part time job of the school. Th...

Hi there! I am Ruizhi (Rachel). Education Background: I studied medicine at Peking University and Yale University. I was a young doctor and then I worked at pharmaceutical companies. I also learned psychology a little bit, the psychoanalysis. Hobbies: I like skiing, swimming, travelling, reading novels and watching films (my favorite topic). I have been to over 40 countries. I like cats and dogs. Teaching experiences: I taught Chinese at Yale for 2 years as a part time job of the school. Then I continued teaching Chinese for 3 years online. My students included Americans, British, Koreans and African. My teaching style is being most effective and practical. We just learn what we will use. We will bring our talk in the daily scene, which enables you to talk very natively. And if you find pronounciation is difficult, we will try to find similar words in your mother language, which I believe is a good try. My mandarin is standard without accent. I lived in the USA for 3 years, the new haven CT, which means I am familiar with western living style and topics. I totally understand the difficulties you might meet in learning Chinese, just like what I once encountered in English learning. But I am sure you will learn better than I did in English, lol. Best regards, Rachel

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  • Chino Proficiency/C2

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