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Lezioni private di Russo online

11 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese, Italiano

Negli ultimi anni ho sviluppato una mia metodologia di insegnamento. Le sue peculiarità sono: 1) un approccio didattico chiaro, sistematico ed esausti...

8 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese

“Hello, my name is Natalya, I am from Russia and I love languages and I am always delighted to share this passion with students” - it’s how I usually start my private lessons)) I became a ESL teacher quite recently (about 1.5 years ago), but for more than 5 years I have been using my fluent English (C1) in my work as project manager and IT business analyst in international companies. I use flexible methods and individual approach in my teaching for adults and always make an accent on the student’s needs at the moment. I believe my skills, knowledge and experience in different spheres (not only in teaching) can be very helpful for my potential students. I graduated from Kuban State University as a teacher of Russian language and language (Philologist) and had been intensively trained as an English interpreter. Now I am obtaining TESOL degree in Arisona State Unversity remotely. I am expert in tutoring General and Business English, teaching grammar and vocabulary, speaking and reading skills in context of business situations. I'm not questioning the students' abilities, I'm developing them. 39 satisfied students, ~800 lessons in Skyeng, 4.9 out of 5 ranking among students - these are my main achievements during active teaching for 1 year. —— English was not given to me immediately - for some time we were strangers to each other. University course, advanced training, self-study, tutoring - all this knowledge and experience were useful in 2016, when I began to really use the language: in work, in communication. And this attraction of another language, another mentality moves me further. I never give up! So, if you move gradually, do not give up and add emotion to your studies - I am sure you will learn the skill you need, whether it is English or any other. And I’ll be happy to help you with that!

16 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Spagnolo, Inglese

Profesora titulada de Ruso. ✅ Clases eficientes e interactivas. ¡Hola! ¿Quieres aprender ruso de forma efectiva siguiendo un método comunicativo y utilizando plataformas interactivas 😀? Conmigo no utilizarás los aburridos archivos en PDF, sino que disfrutarás de un aula interactiva, donde podrás poner en práctica todo lo que vayamos aprendiendo. Descubrirás todas las posibilidades del trabajo en línea, que ayudan a mantener la motivación. No dudes en pedir tu primera clase gratuita en la que te explicaré los métodos innovadores que utilizo en mis clases. Con un poco de tiempo y dedicación, aprenderás la lengua de Tolstói, te sumergirás en los laberintos de la mente de Dostoyevski, serás capaz de disfrutar la palabra punzante de Chéjov en su idioma original. También podrás comprender el misterio del "alma rusa", que tanto ha intrigado a las personas durante siglos. Sea cual fuere tu propósito, puedo ayudarte en este emocionante viaje por una lengua que amo y que tanto me ha enseñado. Método: En mis clases sigo el método comunicativo que tiene como prioridad la comunicación y el aprendizaje consciente. Además, utilizo plataformas interactivas, por lo que participarás de forma activa en cada actividad. La ventaja de esta metodología es que cada pequeño avance teórico se afianza con la práctica comunicativa, por lo que el estudio de la lengua se hace más rápido, ameno y divertido. También presto especial interés a los intereses del alumno y trato de preparar materiales adecuados a sus gustos y necesidades para conseguir mayor motivación de aprendizaje. Un poco sobre mí: Soy profesora titulada de ruso por el Instituto Estatal de la Lengua Rusa de Moscú y Máster en Literatura Comparada en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Desde hace mucho tiempo estoy afincada en la ciudad color teja llamada Barcelona. Pese a no estar en mi país de origen, siempre he intentado mantener el puente entre ambos mundos a través de la lectura y la escritura. Imparto clases de ruso por el placer de seguir esparciendo la semilla de una lengua muy especial, compleja si se quiere, pero también musical y expresiva. Además de impartir clases, me dedico a la traducción, la escritura y la pintura.

14 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Italiano, Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Russo

Interprete e traduttrice di professione, insegnante di lingue per passione!

Sono traduttrice ed interprete di professione. Ho conseguito il titolo di Laurea Triennale in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica nell' Ottobre 202...

18 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Italiano, Tedesco, Russo, Inglese, Francese

Interprete offre lezioni di lingue - approfondimenti, commerciale, business

Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Alice, lavoro come interprete e sono appassionata all'insegnamento della mia lingua, nonché delle lingue straniere. Offro lez...

18 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Daria G.

Daria G.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Spagnolo, Russo, Inglese, Francese, Italiano

Soy un profesor educado de ruso y inglés con más de 10 años de experiencia. Soy una profesora nativa de ruso. Enseño inglés y ayudo a preparar IELTS y TOEFL.

21 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Tedesco, Inglese

My background as a teacher of ESL is extensive. I taught technical English to engineering students at the university (MEPhI) for 8 years. Additionally I have been preparing Russian students for the English State Exam at school and adults for business and private trips to English speaking countries. As a philologist I am able to pinpoint individual issues and difficulties to help correct problems in language acquisition. I provide a variety of activities so you will never get bored. For example, I will use fun warm up tasks, games, interactive conversational lessons, and quizzes. We will use authentic materials as well. All materials are provided. You will learn conversational skills, formal writing skills, and test taking strategies all in a fun manner.

10 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






11 lezioni

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Spagnolo

My name is Elizabeth, and I am a foreign language teacher with over 5 years of teaching experience. I am a certified educator with a master's degree, and I also hold a certificate for teaching Russian as a foreign language. Passion for languages and teaching is my calling. Sharing knowledge with enthusiastic learners brings me the highest satisfaction. My main goal is to make each lesson productive and enjoyable. I always tailor my lesson plans to meet the needs of my students, ensuring that the sessions are interesting, relevant, and informative. My lessons are never dull, and the focus is always on the student! I am ready to assist you in achieving any goal, whether it's learning a language for travel, exam preparation, business communication, or grammar lessons. I approach each student individually, developing lessons specifically for them. So, don't hesitate! See you in class!

7 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese

Welcome to the world of the Russian language! My name is Polina. I am a native speaker of Russian language from St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia. I strive to create a comfortable and friendly environment in my classes. My approach is based on being approachable and open to communication with my students. I believe that learning should be fun and inspiring, so I try to include a variety of teaching methods to keep you interested. I also speak English. This allows me to better understand the characteristics and challenges students face in order to tailor optimal learning approaches. I am confident that together we will be able to achieve your goals in learning the Russian language. Come to my classes and together we will immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of the Russian language! See you soon!

6 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






48 lezioni

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Inglese, Russo, Turco

Ciao, mi chiamo Liudmila. Grazie per aver guardato il mio profilo! Sono un tutor professionale di lingua russa come lingua straniera e lingua russa in...

Il miglior posto per imparare

1. Trova un insegnante
2. Prenota la prima lezione
3. Impara nella nostra aula virtuale

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