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Lezioni private di Russo online

17 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese

Cuando se trata de enseñar ruso, me baso principalmente en métodos comunicativos y directos. Aquí una breve descripción de cuáles son: 1. La esencia del método directo es evitar el idioma intermediario y hablar principalmente (preferiblemente sólo) el idioma de destino. Este método se puede implementar a partir de A2. Si Vd. no tiene experiencia anterior con el ruso, el enfoque comunicativo (que se describe a continuación) será más adecuado. Ante nosotros tendremos un material auténtico en el idioma de destino que tiene imágenes vívidas; nuestra tarea será transmitir con la mayor precisión posible lo que vemos. Además, presentaremos varias situaciones de la vida real en las que tendremos que utilizar las habilidades lingüísticas que hemos aprendido para conseguir resultados. Aquí es donde entran en juego las habilidades para escuchar. 2. El método comunicativo (Content-based Instruction, Instrucción basada en contenidos) se basa en el análisis del material lingüístico, ya sea un fragmento de una película, una serie de televisión, un vídeo de YouTube, un texto pequeño o un anuncio. Después de familiarizarnos con el material, anotamos todas sus características lingüísticas, construimos un mapa de palabras y discutimos lo presentado. De esta manera, el pensamiento se desarrolla en imágenes que se expresan inmediatamente en palabras en un idioma extranjero; no es necesario traducir mentalmente lo que se quiere decir. Su vocabulario crece mediante la práctica inmediata de nuevas palabras, en lugar de memorizar listas y tablas. Ambos métodos tienen como objetivo desarrollar habilidades para hablar y escuchar. En cuanto a la lectura y la escritura, es mejor utilizar otros enfoques cuando sea necesario desarrollarlos. Aquí se puede encontrar más información sobre los diferentes métodos de aprendizaje de idiomas: Thornbury, S. (2017) Scott Thornbury's 30 Language Teaching Methods. Cambridge University Press Lyster, R. (2007) Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content: A Counterbalanced Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Para concluir, permítanme compartir algunas reflexiones sobre la cultura, la filosofía y las características de la vida cotidiana: Debo decir que muchos profesores suelen pasar por alto esta parte tan importante del aprendizaje de idiomas y se centran más en la gramática y el vocabulario. El lenguaje, en general, es cultura, y todos los buenos manuales de idiomas tienen una sección correspondiente, que a menudo no es inferior en volumen a las secciones gramaticales y léxicas. ¡Espero verles en las clases!

18 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Francese, Inglese

Hello, my name is Tatiana. I graduated in teaching Russian as a foreign language from Moscow State University and I teach Russian online in French or English. I organize the lessons according to the objectives and interests of each student and adapt the lessons to your level of Russian. During class, I devote time to all aspects of the language: grammar, speaking, listening, reading, writing. I will also tell you about the culture and history of Russia. I will be happy to help you learn my native language.

18 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Francese, Greco

Hi, I am Julia and will be happy to become your tutor of Russian language. Being a native Russian I have graduated from a pedagogical institute of foreign languages where i was taught not only English and French languages, but also the way somebody could present a foreign language to a student. I have been practicing my professional skills by giving private lessons for several years, afterwards I moved to Greece where I worked as a front desk receptionist having lots of practice in multiple languages. I will be happy to share my knowledge with you too. Let us start!

11 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese

Contact me before booking, much more hours are available! Hello! My name is Irina. I'm Russian. I'd be happy to help you learn my native language. With me, you will learn to speak, write, and read in Russian - without stress, in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere. Your success is my job. In 2003, I completed my studies at Tver State University with a master's degree in Teaching Russian Language. Since 2009, I've been working as a tutor, helping people who speak English to learn the Russian language. As a certified teacher, I have the linguistic knowledge needed to explain the unique features of the Russian language, such as its system of cases, verbs of motion, differences between animate and inanimate objects, variations in verb tenses, and more. I ensure better understanding by providing relevant comparisons to English. I offer: Conversational Russian; Russian for beginners; Intensive Russian; General Russian. *Conversational Russian. Well, being a native Russian speaker, we can chat about anything :D I guarantee you: expanding your vocabulary and improving your grammar; learning idiomatic phrases related to different topics; picking up slang (if relevant to the topic). *Russian for beginners. Beginners are my favorite kind of learners: they're new to the language and don't know about cases yet. I welcome all newcomers and enjoy working with those who are starting from scratch; we'll get along just fine. *Intensive Russian. Do you have limited time, but you need to learn a language "yesterday"? No problem! We will study 5 times a week, 2-3 hours a day, and by the next day, you'll need to learn a ton of material. Sounds tempting? Come on in! :) *General Russian. I'll guide you through all the possible structures of the Russian language. It's a lengthy journey if you're starting from scratch, but it will be a calm, steady, and productive process. First, we'll figure out your needs and level. From there on, we'll move at your pace, according to your preferences, and aligned with your interests. However, the most challenging part for anyone learning any language is to start speaking and understanding real-life conversation. With me, you'll have a safe space to speak, make mistakes, and improve – a place where you can grow confidently.

13 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.






11 lezioni

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Spagnolo

¡Hola a todos! Soy ruso nativo y además profesor licenciado en ruso, y podría proponeros cuatro variantes de clases. 1. EL CURSO BÁSICO (ELEMENTAL). Es un método detallado y sistemático, en el que desarrollaremos todas las habilidades de expresión y comprensión lingüística (leer, escribir, escuchar, hablar). Esta metodología es la más apropiada para los que desean aprender ruso desde el cero y tienen bastante tiempo para hacerlo con dedicación. En cada clase van a tener un PDF diseñado con ejercicios e instrucciones y las tareas de casa que puedo corregir entre las clases. 2. EL CURSO RÁPIDO DE SUPERVIVENCIA para turistas en Rusia. Es muy recomendable si piensas realizar un viaje a Rusia en un par de semanas y no sabes ninguna palabra en ruso. El curso contiene fonética y 10 CLASES ya planeadas y diseñadas en el formato PDF. Aprenderás las frases básicas, el vocabulario más útil y necesario para tu viaje y además te harás a la idea de las principales estructuras del idioma. 3. CLASES PERSONALIZADAS, adaptadas a tus necesidades individuales: si quieres estudiar o simplemente practicar, yo preparo el material y durante la clase trabajamos sobre este tema. 4. MANTENIMIENTO DE SUS HABILIDADES CONVERSACIONALES. Podemos discutir diversos temas o hacer ejercicios conversacionales.

15 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese

Hello everyone! My name is Dmitriy and I am a tutor and native speaker with more than 3 years of experience. During teachingk, I have developed my own methodology and unique materials for learning and full immersion in the language environment. In the process of studying, I conduct many tests and assessments that reveal the student’s level of knowledge. The course of study is divided into competencies - speaking skills, grammar, vocabulary and listening skills. Homework is included with each topic. At the end of each level there are exam tasks that allow you to determine your level of knowledge.

30 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Inglese, Russo, Turco

Bright, intelligent and talented individual with over seven years of professional experience in teaching English as a Second language in-person, one-to-one and online. Have a passion for supporting young people to learn English as a Second Language. Highly empathetic and understanding towards non-native English speakers, who need help adjusting to a new life in the UK and need support to bridge gaps in their learning, build confidence and consolidate their learning.

30 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Italiano, Inglese, Russo, Francese, Tedesco

Madrelingua con esperienza aiuta a migliorare tuo livello del russo

Please rewrite this in French : Ciao tutti! Mi chiamo Emiliia. Sono esperta di inglese e madrelingua del russo. Sarò lieta d'aiutarti a parlare o/e mi...

20 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Francese, Spagnolo, Inglese

Je m'appelle Ekaterina, je suis russe, j'habite en France depuis 2010. J'enseigne le russe pour les francophones et le français pour les russophones. L'enseignement est ma passion. Ma méthode est efficace et pragmatique : - Objectif principal orienté vers la communication : S’exprimer et Comprendre; - Diversité des activités : Prise de parole, Ecriture, exercices d’Audition, Lecture; - Suivi détaillé et personnalisé avec contrôle de la progression. Je m'adapte à vos besoins avec dynamisme et enthousiasme.

8 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Russo

Parla: Russo, Inglese, Tedesco

With my teaching experience, I've developed effective methods to make learning both educational and enjoyable. My goal is to provide a supportive and engaging atmosphere for your learning, whether you're new to the language or already familiar. Together, we'll dive deep into Russian grammar, vocabulary, and culture, all according to your learning style. Our lessons will be interactive, featuring carefully designed exercises and lively conversations. My main focus is to help you reach your full potential and become proficient in the language. Let's make the complex simple and enjoyable as we master the beauty of the Russian language. I enhance your learning through a variety of effective resources: - Engaging Media: I include interesting videos and audio materials. This will help you to receive an experience in real language use and keep you interested. - High-Quality Books: I provide exceptional student books that offer well-structured guidance and a comprehensive understanding of the language. These books are indispensable companions on your learning journey. - Tailored Curriculum: Your progress is of utmost importance. I meticulously design a customized curriculum that aligns with your learning preferences, pace, and objectives. This personalized approach ensures efficient comprehension and confident advancement.

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