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🏆 Más de 5 años de experiencia dando clases online

Abhishek G.

Profesor de India

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Hello Young learners. "Learning is Fun", this the statement I go by because we can only learn as long as it is fun. Secondly, we all have different minds and different thought processes. So which means We all have different ways in which we learn(for example- some of us are visual learners while some of us feel more comfortable with words and numbers, etc). So that makes personalized teaching strategies more important. To tackle that: What do we do in sessions? Before taking on a learner I ask...

Hello Young learners. "Learning is Fun", this the statement I go by because we can only learn as long as it is fun. Secondly, we all have different minds and different thought processes. So which means We all have different ways in which we learn(for example- some of us are visual learners while some of us feel more comfortable with words and numbers, etc). So that makes personalized teaching strategies more important. To tackle that: What do we do in sessions? Before taking on a learner I ask for student profile from the parents so that I may know the young learner Student profile info *Name? *Grade? *Interests and hobbies of the learner? *The subject they hate or like and why? *And why are the parents opting for tutoring and for which subject? *I want the parents to tell me about any Special education needs of the learner(ADD, ADHD, etc) so that I can manage my teaching strategies. 1) I make sure to build a rapport with the learner so they can feel comfortable in communicating. 2) By asking questions I pre-asses the learner , so that i may know the learning gaps that are needed to fill. Every learner has a different learning gap. 3) Then, we proceed with relating the topic to the real world so that we can generate interest in the young learner because an engaged learner learns better. 4) I ask a lot of questions and promote the learners to ask a lot of questions because the real learning happens in asking Questions as compared to long and one-sided explainations. 5)I always make the learner speak up his/her reflection in their own language as a little recall exercise. And while their reflecting I hit them up with a post-assessment question so that we know what is it that the learner has understood and what do we need to work on more. To promote confidence in learners, I also engage in role-reversal technique, where the learner becomes the tutor and I become the learner for a while. This technique builds confidence and cements the concept which the learner teaches me by playing the role of tutor and it also gives me feedback about How much the learner knows. I also know how to effectively teach(Special education needs) SEN learners, like learners with Autism, speech disability, learners with ADHD, or the learners with English as their elective language, etc. I work with an Ed-tech company as a Subject matter expert (maths and science) where we take sessions for U.K kids and frequently take sessions for the SEN kids. And being a teacher is not about just teaching subjects it about being empathetic towards the learner's needs and learning gaps and giving them a push so that they feel comfortable in taking on a challenge on their own. So, let us start our learning journey.

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  • Matemáticas
    • Álgebra
    • Matemáticas básicas
    • Álgebra lineal
    • Lógica
    • Geometría
  • Física
    • Teoría de circuitos y electrónica
    • Física Molecular
    • Física básica
    • Física del Estado Sólido
    • Física Mecánica

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Licenciatura B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

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