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🏆 Più di 5 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento online


Insegnante da Stati Uniti

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Su di me

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My name is Johari Gardner, and I love music! I have been a musician for over a decade, with 15 years of experience playing drums, 8 years on bass, 5 years on guitar and piano, and I've recently started learning saxophone and trombone. I have played drums and percussion in a few professional settings, as well as at many colleges and universities around the world. I am also a university student, studying to get my Master's in Music Performance. I have performed in professional settings with many...

My name is Johari Gardner, and I love music! I have been a musician for over a decade, with 15 years of experience playing drums, 8 years on bass, 5 years on guitar and piano, and I've recently started learning saxophone and trombone. I have played drums and percussion in a few professional settings, as well as at many colleges and universities around the world. I am also a university student, studying to get my Master's in Music Performance. I have performed in professional settings with many notable people, such as David Benoit and Earl Klugh. My specialty is in jazz music, however, I have ample experience in all genres of music. I can read sheet music, and excel in all-things music. I also produce music, and have been making hip-hop, pop, r&b, and afrobeats for 4 years. Below are some notable things I have done. I have been teaching music theory for 5 years and drums for 4. I will begin to teach music production in the near future, as well. If there's one thing that I've learned from teaching, it's that it is very important for a student and teacher to have a strong bond that allows for a student to feel comfortable asking questions. All students have their own way of learning, and one of my primary teaching methods is repeating and rephrasing, so I can appeal to many different learning styles. Students have many different ways of receiving information, and I want to cater to that. Some notable things that I have done: 🥁Asia America Symphony Orchestra, with Grammy award winners David Benoit and Earl Klugh 🥁Music Production with Grammy award producer Dave Wilder ('I try" by Macy Gray) 🥁Music Production with Artist 'Apropos' in Detroit, Michigan 🥁Jazz Band for the President of Long Beach City College, received Letter of Recognition 🥁Mentoring children in jazz music with Barry Cogart, and Grammy award nominee Albert Alva Some fun facts and unrelated hobbies: 🎮I'm a gamer! I love playing all types of games, like Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Pokémon, etc. ⚽I played soccer (football for the rest of the world) at the Long Beach State University Men's Club 👨‍🍳-I almost went to school for culinary arts, and actually did study computer science, before I changed my major - and in turn my life - to music!

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  • Musica Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato
  • Batteria Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato

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Valutazioni degli alunni

I greatly enjoy my classes with Johari. He is an amazing teacher with a lot of passion, experience and knowledge which manifests clearly during the classes. Whenever I don't understand something he has the time and patience to break it up until I do understand. Furthermore, his classes are very entertaining thanks to the practical exercises and examples, and his own bubbly personality which allows room for a laugh now and then. Learning musical foundations and improving instrument and production skills is a lot of fun thanks to Johari's classes. I can tell I make progress fast now. I have recommended Johari as a teacher to family and friends before and will gladly continue to do so :)
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Studi e certificazioni

Laurea Triennale Music In corso

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• In che modo si realizzano le lezioni?

Le lezioni si realizzano nell'aula virtuale di Classgap, sviluppata per un apprendimento dinamico con diverse funzionalità, come la videoconferenza, la lavagna virtuale o editing di testi in tempo reale. Nel seguente link puoi vedere una demo dell'aula e conoscerla: Vedere l'aula virtuale

Altri insegnanti di Musica online consigliati:

15 €/h
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10 lezioni

Insegna: Musica

Laureato In Flauto Traverso presso il Conservatorio di Livorno

Ho iniziato ad avvicinarmi alla musica quando frequentavo la seconda media. Presi per diversi anni lezioni presso la Filarmonica di Sestri Levante. D...

17 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Piano, Musica

Laureato in Pianoforte Jazz in conservatorio con la votazione di 110 e lode Impartisco lezioni base e avanzate di Pianoforte, Solfeggio (Ear Training)...

18 €/h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Piano, Musica

Lezioni di teoria e solfeggio con preparazioni esami al conservatorio

Diplomato al conservatorio “Ottorino Respighi” di Latina. Ho studiato composizione con il Maestro Stefano Fonzi (direttore d’orchestra di San Remo non...