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Cours particuliers de Grec en ligne

13 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Grecque, Anglais

Hello, I'm Elena Maragkou. I have a degree in History and Archeology from the University of Thessaly. I have 3 years experience in teaching Greek and English and I have experience in private lessons. I would like to organize my classes according to the objectives of each student and I'll be happy to help you learn that language. English is a language that a lot of people use and it would be great to communicate with people in English. Also Greek is an interesting language and it would be great if more people were able to speak Greek.

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



20 cours

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Grecque, Anglais, Allemand, Français

Γεια σας! I am Katerina, 30 years old and live in Thessaloniki, Greece. I have a BA in Greek Philology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a grade of 8.94 and a MA in Sociology from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Ι have over 6 years of experience with teaching Greek to foreigners in the Open Universities (Volkshochschulen) in Bayern, Germany as well as in private language schools and preparing students for the Examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek (CGL) and for the Greek Citizenship Examination. Moreover, I have the EUROLTA Certification (Foreign Language Teaching to Adults). I like setting clear personal goals with every student in order for the progress to be obvious even from the second lesson. I am a positive, patient, kind, supportive and creative person with knowledge of teaching psychology. I can adapt any material in the needs of every student depending on his/her goals and I can teach in a way natural to every student. Being an avid learner of languages myself, I know first-hand the trials and tribulations of learning a language and have developed some unique ways to help the student learn in a fun and efficient way. I can teach "by the book" but also outside the box! Central elements of my lesson are humor, honesty and generally a good-willed stance :)

12 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Italien, Anglais, Espagnol

I am Eleonora, 28 years old and a thousand passions. To list them would be impossible! I have been supporting students of all ages for more than 10 years now! I consider myself an empathetic , cheerful and patient person! My goal is to pass on my knowledge with SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE and above all NEVER boring methods! 😊 I will reveal to you all the ''tricks'' to be able to brilliantly pass tests, quizzes and exams ( WITHOUT ANXIETY! 💪🏻) of GREEK, LATIN, HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY,ITALIAN, GEOGRAPHY ,ENGLISH,LAW (even at the university level ) and acquire an infallible study method ! 🎯

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Espagnol, Anglais, Français, Allemand

¿Estás estudiando latín o griego en Bachillerato? ¿Estás pensando en presentarte a alguna de estas asignaturas en la selectividad? Soy Laura Lapesa y estudio arqueología; me apasiona la cultura clásica y, sin duda, las clases de latín y griego fueron mis favoritas durante mis años de instituto. Tú también puedes disfrutar de ellas y bordar la selectividad. 👉 ¿Todavía te cuesta aprenderte la primera declinación? No importa, está en las últimas páginas de tu diccionario, lo que necesitas es aprender a utilizarlo. Mi método se centra en entender el funcionamiento de la lengua para así no tener ningún problema ni a la hora de traducir ni a la de hacer ejercicios de morfología. Tanto en latín como el griego tienen una estructura muy similar; así que en cuanto comprendas una de ellas, la otra te resultará muy fácil. 👉 Puede que se te esté costando la parte de literatura. No te preocupes porque no vas a tener que memorizar nada, entender el conjunto de cada género y su influencia en nuestros días es la clave para obtener la mejor calificación. Durante mis clases, haremos hincapié en la importancia de la literatura grecorromana y su presencia en la cultura occidental de nuestros días. Llevo más de dos años dando clases a alumnos de varios niveles: desde aquellos que empiezan con el latín o el griego desde cero, hasta los que se están preparando para la selectividad y necesitan clases más intensivas y adaptadas a la prueba. ¡Cuéntame tus objetivos, me encantaría poder ayudarte a lograrlos!

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Italien, Français, Anglais

Originaria di Lucca, in Toscana, dopo essermi diplomata nel 2021, mi sono iscritta alla facoltà di Lettere Classiche, che attualmente frequento presso l'università di Bologna. A partire dal 2019, tengo lezioni individuali con ragazzi che riscontrano difficoltà nello studio delle materie umanistiche, come il latino e il greco. Spinta da una grande passione, ho riscontrato ottimi risultati! Il mio metodo varia in base alla materia di insegnamento: -prendendo in analisi la letteratura (italiana, latina o greca), in primo luogo fornisco informazioni di carattere storico, così da poter collocare l’autore/gli autori presi in considerazione in un contesto più ampio; in secondo luogo, dare indicazioni rispetto al genere letterario di riferimento, per poi procedere con la spiegazione dell’autore, senza tralasciare brani o frammenti dello stesso se propedeutici ed essenziali alla trattazione -per quanto riguarda l’aspetto grammaticale (quindi relativamente al latino e al greco), il mio metodo consiste nella lettura della versione, in una progressiva costruzione sintattica del testo, nella presa in analisi dei costrutti presenti in tutte le loro variabili e in una traduzione guidata, seguita infine da un riepilogo del testo e dei fenomeni in esso presenti.

10 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit
Lela E.

Lela E.


Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Grecque, Anglais

Hello! I am Lela Eleni, ESL teacher, I have a TESOL certificate from the World TESOL Academy. I have 3 years of experience teaching online classes to secondary and high school students, with an emphasis on conversational English. I like to organise my online English classes according to the learning objective and I like adding hints of the Arts like music and literature and I will be happy to be your English teacher to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your level of English!

8 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Anglais, Grecque, Russe

Hello , my name is Xenia . I studied Russian language at the Democritus University of Thrace. While i was studying at the university, I also studied how to teach Greek. I was born and I was raised in Greece. I speak Greek, English, little French and Russian. I love foreign languages!! My will to help other people learn foreign languages is huge. I would like to know the level and the goals of student and then to start this beautiful journey. I would love to be your teacher! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit
Raffaella Z.

Raffaella Z.


Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Italien

Sono Raffaella ZUCCARINI. Ho 50 anni, quindi sono laureata in lettere classiche, vecchio ordinamento. Sono approdata all’insegnamento dopo 24 anni di azienda: sono arrivata per passione e per scelta forte. Oggi insegno letteratura italiana e storia al Triennio. Ho esperienza pluriennale di lezioni di latino e greco. Ho scoperto che la mia esperienza professionale, la mia predisposizione materna mi hanno reso una buona insegnante, in grado di decifrare immediatamente il problema e tentare di risolverlo.

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Grecque, Anglais, Italien

Hello!! Γεια σου!! My name is Lila, and I'm a passionate licensed ESL tutor from Greece. I'm passionate about helping students from diverse backgrounds achieve their language goals in English. Although I'm a non-native English teacher, my love for teaching and my enthusiasm for conveying my knowledge to learners help me keep them engaged and satisfied with my lessons. I have a bachelor's degree in Dental Technology and hold a certification in ECPE, which is equivalent to C2 level proficiency in English. Additionally, I am certified in CELTA and TEFL Young Learners courses. Furthermore, I possess a teaching license that grants me the legal authority to practice my profession. My teaching methodology is based on my student's age, level, and needs. During our sessions, I put emphasis on speaking and listening through spontaneous oral talks, questions, and small dialogues that will improve the learners' speaking and listening skills. What is more, I provide guidance on correct pronunciation and sentence structure to help students construct complete and accurate sentences. Another beneficial approach I employ is the integration of visual aids such as photos, videos, and real-life objects (realia) into my lessons.

12 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Grec

Parle: Italien

Ciao sono Emanuele, frequento la facoltà di Giurisprudenza presso l'università di Roma Roma Tre. Ho frequentato il liceo classico, e nonostante i miei studi abbiano preso un percorso diverso, ho sempre mantenuto interesse per latino e greco, che ho sempre cercato di curare, grazie soprattutto al fatto che nel corso degli anni ho sempre seguiti studenti e studentesse per aiutarli nello studio di queste due lingue difficili ma molto affascinanti. Cercheremo insieme di raggiungere l'obiettivo e superare lo scoglio dello studio di queste lingue.

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