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Online Spanish tutors

Learn or improve your Spanish with our affordable online Spansh classes. With one-to-one online lessons, you'll be able to learn at your own pace. Choose from our selection of the best Spanish tutors, located all over the world.

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$13 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
United Kingdom

New Tutor


Speaks: Spanish, English

Hello! 👋 I am Pablo, a native Spanish-speaking tutor from Guatemala with over 20 years of experience teaching in schools, universities, and online pl...



$19 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

1402 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, English, Japanese

Hello my Name Is Antonio. I am from a little town in Alicante, Spain, and I have been teaching Spanish for many years. Professor at the Instituto Cerv...



$13 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

307 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, English

Hi! My name is Marco, and I love teaching. I lived several years in the UK, and I had to go through all the incovenients and dificulties that we, as...



$21 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

768 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, French, English

I live in several languages, although Spanish holds a special place in my heart. I have traveled to over forty-two countries through more than fifteen...



$17 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

893 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, English, French

I am native Spanish teacher with experience with students of differents ages, from Primary till University students. I have been working as languages ...



$10 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

112 lessons


Speaks: Spanish

Hola, mi nombre es Ivana, soy de Argentina, tengo 20 años de experiencia y me encanta enseñar a los niños, tengo mucha paciencia y simpatía con ellos....



$12 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

886 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, English, Italian

Hello everyone, my name is Nicolás, I'm Argentinian, I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, but I've been living in Italy for the last years.... I am...



$21 /lesson

Free trial available

Aline D.

Aline D.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

610 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, Portuguese

Soy profesora de portugués y español desde que me licencié en 2013. Soy graduada en Letras y Pedagogía en Brasil y en España finalicé un máster en Lin...



$19 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

4512 lessons


Speaks: Catalan, English, French, Spanish

Hi! I am Laura Revuelta and my classes are aimed at people who want to learn French, English or Spanish in a dynamic way, with lessons tailored to the...



$13 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

1716 lessons


Speaks: Spanish, English

Me llamo José y soy profesor de español desde hace seis años. En este tiempo he tenido alumnos de casi todas las nacionalidades, he enseñado todos los...



$19 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

796 lessons


Speaks: Chinese, English, Spanish

Hi! My name is Rosario. I am a fully qualified teacher in Spain (Certificado Aptitud Pedagógica) and in the United Kingdom (Qualified Teacher Status)...

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Friendly, Methodical. Fun. Thorough (goes back to make sure understanding). Would recommend.

Julia Hummel 5


Inmaculada is a great teacher :)

Ronen Novak 5


Giselle is an excellent teacher and is good fun to work with. Thanks

Annie Campbell 5

Spanish Online Lessons

🤔Where can I learn Spanish online?

You've decided to start learning Spanish, that's wonderful! Studying a language allows you to set the foundations of the language, even if you already have some notions. In addition, you will learn to use grammar correctly and produce sentences that are understood. And with a certification, your performance in the job market can become much better, because companies are looking for educated people.

So, shall we get started? The bad news is, if you've been online, you've probably seen that there are a lot of classes and courses available. At that point in your search you may be feeling lost and confused, as you may not know how to find the best online Spanish lessons for you or what it should have.

Well, first of all, we will tell you to think about your goals. Do you want to improve your speaking? Or, on the contrary, do you want to learn Spanish grammar to write well at work and stand out in the job market? Once you have defined these goals, consider the amount of study time you can dedicate to Spanish. It probably won't be much, as we all have things to do and our busy schedules allow us little free time.

Therefore, the option of online Spanish lessons is more than recommendable. Imagine learning from the comfort of your own home and, moreover, without exaggerated costs! Online Spanish classes are known for the freedom they offer. Unlike a classroom-based academy, if you study online you will be able to attend class wherever you want, whenever you want (as long as the online Spanish tutor schedule and yours coincide, of course).

Thus, you don't necessarily have to invest in travel expenses. In addition, the time you save on transportation can be spent studying the language. Another advantage is that online Spanish lessons, like the ones we offer at Classgap, give you the opportunity to learn with the Spanish teacher online that suits you best. Do you want to learn with someone who is a specialist in the job market?

Or, maybe you are interested in a teacher who can help you improve your accent? On our platform all that is possible! And yes, studying Spanish online can be confusing at first, but with the help of your online Spanish tutor, you can simply leave the organization of the classes to the teacher and take advantage of the opportunity to study, so don't hesitate any longer and find your teacher today!

💰 How much does an online Spanish lesson cost?

One of the major concerns of students who embark on learning a language is the cost of the course. Of course, there are other important factors, but this is one that can really determine the choice of training. Likewise, when considering the possibilities of studying a language, such as Spanish, one usually thinks of an in-person academy. The methods of in-person classes are good, as you can share space with classmates who have the same interests as you and learn from them.

However, they tend to have very high costs, due to the many expenses associated with studying. In the case of academies and in-person classes, you will most likely have to register. In addition, the price may include a supplement for the use of the space. Not to mention your personal expenses: if you live close to the place where the lessons are held, you may not need to travel.

But, on the other hand, if you have to travel by your own means or take public transport, the cost of time and money will be added. In this sense, face-to-face courses are usually expensive, but online Spanish classes can be a good way to save money, since their price will be, as a whole, much cheaper. This happens because all those additional costs of travel or renting a space to attend the course are eliminated.

On the other hand, you will also have to define your goals: if you want to improve your Spanish in order to work, for example, in a technical company, you will need a very specialized Spanish teacher. If, on the other hand, you simply want to converse in order to gain fluency, you can choose someone who teaches at a more basic level. However, what is certain is that Classgap teachers usually have very affordable rates so that you can improve your level and learn everything you need.

Thus, you can find teachers who place their rates around 20 or 30 euros. However, they tend to be more specialized profiles, since the vast majority of online Spanish tutors in our database charge around 15 euros per hour of class. In addition, there are some online Spanish tutors with whom you can attend a first lesson for free. This way, you will be able to find the right online Spanish tutor for you.

👨‍🏫 What is an online Spanish lesson like?

The world changes very quickly and the voracious pace at which technology advances requires you to perfect new skills. One of these skills tends to be languages, as they are the most demanded in terms of studies, as well as in the workplace. Therefore, if you want to learn Spanish, even if you have a basic knowledge of the language, or if you want to improve your language skills, you are on the right path!

However, with the amount of information circulating on the Internet, you may feel confused and overwhelmed. You should know that this is a very common feeling among most students, as starting out on this path alone is always a bit tricky. However, you have the option of relying on an online Spanish tutor.

At this point, you may be interested in knowing how the language is taught and what is the most usual development of an online Spanish class. This way, knowing everything you are going to learn in an online Spanish class, you will surely feel more comfortable with the idea. Online Spanish classes usually develop like this:

  1. At first, there will be the introductions. When the online Spanish tutor and you already know each other, this part will not be necessary. But it is common to find a summary of the previous class and a preview of what you will see during the lesson.
  2. Then, depending on what the 'online Spanish tutor considers, you will start with the exercises. Keep in mind that these will include a lot of practice, so that you will get a good grasp of all the contents.
  3. You will find exercises in reading comprehension, written expression, or pronunciation to improve your oral skills, among others. In addition, you will also do dictations that will allow you to acquire fluency in writing and correct mistakes.
  4. On the other hand, it is possible that you will encounter more theoretical, but necessary, moments in which the online Spanish teacherwill explain the grammar of the language, the syntax or work on new vocabulary.

In the online Spanish classes you will find theory, but also a lot of practice. And don't forget that, if you want to accelerate your learning even more, you can always rely on different resources to complement the online Spanish lessons. These are tools such as watching movies and series with subtitles, listening to Spanish podcasts or reading great authors, always using works adapted to your level. This way, you are sure to learn Spanish online much faster!

💻 Why take Spanish lessons online?

Studying a language can hide many reasons. For example, maybe someone needs to learn Spanish online because it is the fastest and easiest way to learn it. Or perhaps a person who already has some knowledge of the language wants to perfect his or her grammar in order to write correctly at work. What is certain is that Spanish is a highly valued language. Not only in Europe, but also in the world.

This is because it is one of the most widely spoken languages, along with English and Mandarin Chinese. Moreover, considering that the territory in which Spanish is spoken is very large, it is understandable that one would want to learn it, as more opportunities can be covered. These include the possibilities of studying in a large number of countries, as well as accessing the labor market in those regions.

For all these reasons, many people decide to take the plunge and learn the language. But why take Spanish lessons online? The truth is that, in addition to personal, student or work-related reasons, online Spanish classes have many advantages:

  1. They open doors to the world. Studying Spanish, perfecting your knowledge of the culture and the language, can bring you very ambitious job opportunities. In addition, you will meet people from a large number of countries with whom you will be able to interact fluently.
  2. You will save time. On a more practical level, online Spanish classes are the most appropriate. If you attend an in-person course, you will most likely lose hours in transportation, and in our busy schedules, turning those moments of waiting into studying is very profitable.
  3. Online Spanish lessonsare more economical. Classgap's online Spanish tutorshave prices to suit everyone. That is why we are proud to have teachers who make their knowledge available to everyone. Say goodbye to the exaggerated commissions charged by the big academies and chains.
  4. You and your tutor. And no one else. In online Spanish classes you will have a professional teacher just for you. That means that you can ask as many questions as you need and that, in addition, the teacher can adapt to your pace so that you learn efficiently.

As you can see, there are many reasons to take Spanish classes online. They are usually more effective and it is very easy to contact your teacher. So, don't hesitate and find your teacher today!

🚀 How can I study Spanish online?

Each teacher has his or her own methods and students have their own systems for assimilating information. However, the best thing to do is to find the ones that work for you. Because, it is true that there are many tips, but perhaps not all of them are the right ones for you. Therefore, you must find your own way. It is true that you can rely on .

On our website you will find a great variety of teachers ready to help you. You just have to contact them and check, with a first free lesson, if the chosen teacher is the right one. Moreover, you don't have to worry about where the classes will take place: in Classgap we provide you with a virtual classroom from where you can download all the necessary documents.

This will make it easier! And, having an online Spanish tutor, you are sure to make progress. You will study important topics such as new vocabulary, depending on the level you want to learn or improve. In addition, you will also review grammar and syntax. Not forgetting conversations so that you can express yourself well as soon as possible.

The best thing is that your teacher will adapt to your pace. On the other hand, if you want to learn Spanish online, it is vital that you set your goals: Do you want to reach a certain level, or do you prefer to study to be able to apply for a scholarship? Either way, your online Spanish teacher can adapt the content of the lessons to your needs.

Another important factor to take into account when it comes to studying Spanish online is the timetable. In addition to matching with your teacher, you will have to block your class time. But, if you want to advance faster, you will need moments of self-study to assimilate everything you have seen. To achieve this, it is vital to have a well organized and structured schedule.

Finally, if you want to complement your online Spanish classes to improve faster, you can carry out activities or actions that will help you to do so. For example, contact a classmate who is in the same process as you and have a coffee to talk and practice.

Or perhaps make a linguistic tandem, in which a person who speaks another language wants to learn Spanish so you can both practice. You also have the option of consuming content in Spanish. Listen to music, read books (according to your level) or watch series and movies in the language. You will see that these are the perfect complements to better study your Spanish classes online.

Spanish Online Lessons

Why study Spanish? Here are the reasons

The importance of the spanish language has notably increased within these last years. The language is growing at a tremendous rate. In fact, along with English and Chinese, it is found in the top 3 of the most important languages spoken all around the world. It is not only spoken in Spain, but it is the most spoken language in Central and South America. It is the 3rd most spoken language in the world with almost 500 million people. Moreover, it’s the official language in 21 countries all over the world: Spain in Europe, Guinea Ecuatorial in Africa and almost every country in Central and South America. Did you know that 16.4% of the population of the United States of America speaks Spanish as their native language? And that’s not all, but 1 in 4 Americans know the language. Along with English, it is the most widely used language in international relations. Due to the growth of the Spanish-speaking population, it is expected that in a few years, in Europe, 20% of the population will speak Spanish as a first or second language. So, is Spanish the language of the future? We can assure that it has a very promising future ahead and will prevail over other languages such as French or Chinese. That being said, knowing Spanish will turn you into a more savvy person and help you broaden your cultural horizons and learn about multiple perspectives. Spanish-speaking countries have many wonderful places to visit: Spain, Mexico or Cuba are cultural must-visit countries, as they have hundreds of museums, ancient architecture, vestiges of many cultures, etc. You can walk around for hours admiring the unique vibrant atmosphere. One of the main reasons why you have to learn Spanish is the gastronomy: Spain is a gastronomic powerhouse that has been rewarded with multiple Michelin stars and other international awards that confirm its great potential. Paella, gazpacho, migas, tapas, tortilla de patatas… all of these dishes make Spain the best option when choosing a culinary destination. If you learn the language, it will help you go further into this tasty world.

Spanish online lessons

The kindness of the people of Spain and Latin America is an incentive to learn their language. If you visit their countries, be sure that, in case of any problems, the locals will help you without hesitation. Learning the language will open a door to their extensive culture. You will know great literary works of authors like: Cervantes, Bécquer, García Márquez or Neruda. In addition, the film and music industry has given us great characters such as Pedro Almodóvar, Ricky Martin, JLO, Antonio Banderas or Shakira. Do you want to start with online classes? It may seem complicated, but learning Spanish will facilitate learning many other languages. When you reach an intermediate level you will have the grammatical structure of the Roman languages such as: Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, Catalan and Galician. Moreover, Spanish is a phonetic language which is written just as it’s pronounced. What do you need to learn Spanish from home? Very simple; make sure that your device has a good Internet connection, register with Classgap and be eager to learn. Our platform will allow you to select, through our extensive grid, the teacher that best suits your needs. You can filter by the following criteria: the level you want to achieve, if you want your teacher to be native speaker, your time flexibility and budget. Some teachers even offer a free 20-minute trial to help you get to know each other better. In Classgap you’ll find all the necessary tools so that you and your teacher have an excellent online class experience. You will be able to share documents, assignments or video links that complement the lessons, all within a chat integrated into the platform which makes the communication between teacher and student much easier. And don't worry about the payments, they are made safely through Classgap, through an easy and secure method. Spanish is a wonderful language and it is never too late to learn it. Do you enjoy listening to music? If so, you will love listening to Spanish music; its vibrant rhythms really makes you full of cheer. The most internationally known styles are pop, salsa, reggaeton or cumbia. Who doesn't know La Macarena by Los del Río, Guantanamera by Celia Cruz or Despacito by Luis Fonsi. Imagine if you could understand everything they say! If you want to take a deeper look into the Spanish language and culture, find your ideal tutor in our verified teachers' grid. If you are passionate about challenges and continuous improvement, you will love Spanish!

Which Spanish teacher is best for you?

Classgap is your ideal platform if you want to learn Spanish. You will find a wide variety of teachers who will offer you private online Spanish classes. You will see that there are qualified teachers and native teachers, all of them verified. We make sure you find the profile that best suits you. Another reason why learning Spanish is very rewarding is that knowing the language improves your curriculum. It is no secret that knowing other languages can open many doors in the job market. Mastering languages gives you more value as an employee and can lead to having a higher income. Speaking Spanish can help you, because each day, more and more companies make contacts with Spanish-speaking countries. If you want to live in a Spanish-speaking country, you may need a native teacher. This would be the best option for you, as he or she will teach you a wider vocabulary and a more fluent and natural way of speaking. Moreover, you'll learn typical expressions, and Spanish especially has a wide repertoire of popular sayings that you'll love to learn. On the other hand, if you want to learn Spanish for cultural reasons or just because you like to travel, a good option is to choose a bilingual teacher. He or she has also having been a student and will help you with any problems or difficulties that may arise throughout the learning process. Learning Spanish is fun, not only because you are introducing yourself to another culture, but also because you will feel that you have achieved something meaningful at the end. It’s always grateful to have a wider vocabulary so that you can communicate with people all around the world. To achieve your goals, you only need passion and a good private tutor. Sign up for Classgap and start your online Spanish lessons now!