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Nationalité : Italie

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A propos de moi Disponibilité Évaluations (10) Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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My name is Nadya and I'm from Belarus, but now I live in Italy. On this website I would like to teach you my mother tongue Russian, please notice I'm a native so my quality as a teacher doubles. Moreover I attended a Linguistic University and graduated in Pedagogy &Linguistics. The focus was on pedagogy, linguistics, communication, international relationship, translation. !!!Not other academic disciplines like many new teachers on this website studied/have studied!!! This also means that I love ...

My name is Nadya and I'm from Belarus, but now I live in Italy. On this website I would like to teach you my mother tongue Russian, please notice I'm a native so my quality as a teacher doubles. Moreover I attended a Linguistic University and graduated in Pedagogy &Linguistics. The focus was on pedagogy, linguistics, communication, international relationship, translation. !!!Not other academic disciplines like many new teachers on this website studied/have studied!!! This also means that I love my job as a teacher from the beginning and I never wanted to change it. I have experience in teaching Russian and German/English since my studying years. I can explain materials in English, German, Russian or Italian. ***** My main FOCUS is on conversation and informal communication. I set clear learning goals, plan well, establish and build rapport, also I think that a KEY SKILL for teaching online is bringing and maintaining a lot of energy♥♥♥. During my lessons I use a lot of authentic materials, DIGITAL TOOLS so I offer my students plenty of CREATIVE tasks, warmers, role-plays, different games, which help my students to start communication FAST AND FUNNY♥♥♥. ***** I can help you in many ways. Bye! Nadya

Lire la suite


  • Allemand
    • Goethe-Zertifikat A1
    • Conversation
    • Préparation à l'examen Goethe B2
    • Grammaire
    • Préparation aux entretiens d'embauche
    • TestDaF
  • Russe Élémentaire/A1-2, Intermédiaire/B1-2, Avancé/C1, Maîtrise/C2

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Notation des élèves


Basé sur 10 évaluations
100 %
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0 %
A very gifted teacher, with abundant energy and enthusiasm. Nadia brilliant at explaining grammar, and reminds me to be careful when she knows that I'm about to make usual mistakes. Thank you, Nadia.
Nadia has high standards for teaching methods, and this is exactly what I was looking for. I felt very lucky to have found such a wonderful teacher to help me improve my German. Highly recommended.
I really enjoyed my lessons with Nadia. She is kind and patient, and explains things clearly. She also has a wonderfully positive and cheerful personality, which makes it a pleasure to talk with her. 
Nadia è un insegnante molto qualificata, disponibile con un’ottima organizzazione del lavoro. Gli argomenti trattati sono sempre interessanti e stimolanti, e la sua simpatia è unica. Con lei I miei progressi sono stati notevoli, sono partito da un livello di principiante ed ora riesco finalmente a parlare e comprendere il tedesco. Consigliatissima!!!
Nadia è un insegnante veramente valida che oltre ad essere molto preparata riesce a creare un bel rapporto fra alunno e docente. Ha moltissimo materiale da condividere che rende le sue lezioni ancora più efficaci. In sintesi ho vissuto una bellissima esperienza con lei e dunque la consiglio vivamente come insegnante di fiducia.
Elio Giuseppe
Sono laureato in Stml ( Scienze e tecnica della mediazione Linguistica ) ed ho praticato la lingua russa per oltre 10 anni avendo vissuto in Lituania e Bielorussia, ma Nadja mi ha insegnato degli aspetti e delle sfumature della lingua Russa in maniera molto facile essendo lei molto preparata nella lingua italiana as well. Ha una predisposizione per la didattica e nell’uso dei programmi per fare schemi e specchietti davvero unica. Senza eguali Spasibo Nadja
Nadia è una bravissima insegnante, molto paziente attenta a capire le esigenze reali del proprio allievo. Ho avuto un'esperienza molto positiva e in breve tempo ho appreso davvero tanto.
Thank you very much Nadia for excellent English lessons! Thanks to Nadia's professionalism, I have improved my English to B2 level and plan to continue studying with Nadia.
Nadia sta facendo lezione “di mantenimento” in tedesco a nostro figlio di 8 anni. Lui è felicissimo e non vede l’ora di iniziare ogni settimana. Nadia oltre ad essere molto brava col tedesco, prepara ogni lezione con cura e riesce a catalizzare l’attenzione del bambino per tutta la lezione. Secondo me non è da tutti. Brava Nadia !!!
Nadia passt den Unterricht an die individuellen Bedürfnisse des Schülers an. Sie unterstützt den Unterricht durch diverses Unterrichtsmaterial wie Übungen aber auch Audios. Im Unterricht achtet sie darauf, dass man auch aktiv die Sprache spricht, selbst wenn es einem nicht immer leicht fällt. Aber sie hilft dann gerne. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und werde auch weiterhin Unterricht bei ihr nehmen, um meine Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern.
Il écrit par les utilisateurs autour de la revue du monde, cliquez ici pour les lire


AnglaisCompétences professionnelles complètes


RusseLangue maternelle

ItalienCompétences conversationnelles


Premier cycle Laurea: Lingue E Insegnamento (Tedesca E Inglese)

Plus à propos de moi (hobbys, intérêts...)

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Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Allemand - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

19 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit
Anna C.

Anna C. Premium


14 cours

Enseigne: Allemand

Parle: Anglais, Allemand, Français, Polonais

Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache und ich unterrichte Deutsch online. Während meines Unterrichts verwende ich gerne unterhaltsame deutschsprachige Gesch...

17 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






3525 cours

Enseigne: Allemand, Anglais

Parle: Espagnol, Allemand, Anglais, Italien, Français

Nachhilfelehrer mit Erfahrung für die Fremdsprachen Deutsch, Englisch und Italienisch, und Zertifikaten des höchsten Sprachniveaus (C2) für jede Sprac...

13 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






7 cours

Enseigne: Allemand, Italien

Parle: Allemand, Italien, Anglais, Français, Espagnol

Vous cherchez un professeur d' allemand ou d`italien ? Le mieux avec un locuteur natif ? Les cours doivent-ils être dispensés dans une autre langue ? ...