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Jose T.

Nationalité : Chili

A propos de moi Disponibilité Plus d'informations

A propos de moi

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Hello! My name is Jose Tomas Navarrete and I am a 4th-year social psychology student with a great knowledge of written and spoken English at an almost native level. I learned English on my own and since I never attended a British school or an English-speaking one, I personally motivated myself to access and enrich myself with this language. Music, books, the internet, and movies are my biggest influences, and above all, the curiosity to understand and make myself understood in a different way wi...

Hello! My name is Jose Tomas Navarrete and I am a 4th-year social psychology student with a great knowledge of written and spoken English at an almost native level. I learned English on my own and since I never attended a British school or an English-speaking one, I personally motivated myself to access and enrich myself with this language. Music, books, the internet, and movies are my biggest influences, and above all, the curiosity to understand and make myself understood in a different way with the world. I don't follow an exclusive work methodology, since we all have different ways and methods of learning. Personally, I prefer to adapt to the student to be able to have a didactic methodology according to the comfort and flexibility of the class and what is required. The dynamic is conversational and not very structured at 100%. Everything depends on each person, since we are all different and we have different types and levels of learning. I have certifications for the EFCELT (2012) Upper Intermediate B2 exam taken in Australia. I also took the IELTS exam in 2016 with an overall score of 6.5 and a spoken level of 7.5 on a scale of 1-8. I studied part of my career at Oregon State University in the United States during 2017. Currently, I am an educational psychologist graduated from Alberto Hurtado University and I am looking to employ my knowledge of psychology in teaching methodology and work as I adapt to the student.

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  • Sciences naturelles/SVT Intermédiaire, Avancé
  • Sciences sociales Initiation, Intermédiaire, Avancé

Disponibilité (Le calendrier montre votre fuseau horaire)

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EspagnolLangue maternelle



Master 1 o Master 2 Efcelt
Master 1 o Master 2 Ielts
Deuxième cycle Psicólogo Educacional

Plus à propos de moi (hobbys, intérêts...)

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• Puis-je modifier une réservation ?

Oui, un empêchement peut toujours arriver, vous pouvez donc changer l'heure ou le jour de votre cours depuis la rubrique "cours programmés" de votre espace personnel, en cliquant sur l'option "Changer la date".

• ¿Comment se déroulent les cours ?

Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Sciences naturelles/SVT - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

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20 min. essai gratuit



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