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Haider H.

Nationalité : États-Unis / Pays de résidence : Pakistan

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A propos de moi

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Hi Struggling friends! I hope you are hanging in there. I am a 2019 Duke University- Fuqua School of Business, Master of Management Studies Graduate. I cleared my SAT exam with a very high score in the Math section and GMAT exam with 47/50 in Quant Section. Since 2012, I have been tutoring, mentoring and helping middle school, high school and undergraduate students achieve their desired grades. I strongly believe my grip and knowledge in Economics and Mathematics is very strong. Over the years...

Hi Struggling friends! I hope you are hanging in there. I am a 2019 Duke University- Fuqua School of Business, Master of Management Studies Graduate. I cleared my SAT exam with a very high score in the Math section and GMAT exam with 47/50 in Quant Section. Since 2012, I have been tutoring, mentoring and helping middle school, high school and undergraduate students achieve their desired grades. I strongly believe my grip and knowledge in Economics and Mathematics is very strong. Over the years, my concepts and teaching style for these 2 disciplines has been polished a lot and now I possess the ability to effectively pass on my knowledge to my students. I prefer one on one tutoring sessions with my students because it truly helps me identify their problems and understand why they are struggling with the discipline. Also, it helps me gauge their knowledge in the discipline. My teaching style is slightly different than the modern style of teaching which involves throwing a lot of the burden on the students in terms learning on their own from textbooks and notes. I strongly believe that it is an absolute must that a strong foundation in a discipline is made before the student is challenged. Therefore, I do a lot of spoon feeding till the time I am confident that my students have built a solid foundation and grasped the concepts. From there, I take the modern style approach and take my students to deep waters where they are challenged and built confidence in the discipline. Whenever, I take any student on board I provide them with content, notes and questions which I developed over the past 10 years. I have a lot of math problems solved with me. Also, I have compiled a lot of study material and notes. I believe studying 1 hour a day could make you an exceptional math problem solver. I require hard work and patience from your end. Furthermore, I have few formal teaching experiences in which I taught SAT Math section classes and Statistics to a classroom of 50 plus students.

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  • Mathématiques
    • Algèbre
    • Statistiques
    • Mathématiques de base
    • Trigonométrie
    • Calcul
    • Géométrie

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AnglaisLangue maternelle


Deuxième cycle Bsc Honors In Business Economics 2016 Graduate
Troisième cycle Duke University 2019 Masters Of Management Studies Graduate

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Les cours sont donnés dans la salle de classe virtuelle de classgap, développée à des fins pédagogiques avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que la vidéoconférence, le service de messagerie instantanée, le tableau blanc virtuel ou le traitement de texte en ligne collaboratif. Voir la classe virtuelle

Mathématiques - Recommandations d'autres professeurs :

16 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






54 cours

Enseigne: Mathématiques, Physique

Algèbre Statistiques Mathématiques de base Trigonométrie Logique Géométrie

Etudiant Ingénieur, donne cours à domicile depuis 5 ans en maths, physique et chimie

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