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Cours particuliers de Russe en ligne

10 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Italien

Salve a tutti! Mi chiamo Natalia e sono di madrelingua russa. Sono laureata in lingua e letteratura russa ed insegno in Italia da più di 10 anni dando lezioni private. Ho una notevole esperienza nell'insegnamento della lingua russa ai bambini bilingue. Con loro uso una combinazione di metodologie ludiche e simulativi. Con gli studenti universitari si crea un percorso individuale seguendo le capacita personali, gli obbiettivi da raggiungere e il tempo a disposizione. Oltre alle lezioni classiche offro ad ogni studente un supporto quotidiano con lo scambio di messaggi scritti e vocali. Si lavora molto sui modi di orientamento sui siti russi per dare agli studenti indipendenza nello studio. Offro il supporto nella preparazione e la stesura della tesi di laurea indicando tutte le fonti possibili di informazione, sopratutto russi e online. Ho una notevole esperienza dell'insegnamento della lingua russa alle persone autodidatte di diverse fasce di eta e di livello di apprendimento. il piano didattico si crea, si forma, si stabilisce insieme seguendo i principali motivi dello studio e lo scopo, il livello desiderato da raggiungere. Ho anche partecipato ai vari progetti di traduzione e preparazione dei vari libri, materiali didattici, presentazioni per l'infanzia e varie fasce di eta. Nel mio lavoro cerco sempre mettere al primo posto l'individualità dello studente, le sue capacita e le particolarità personali, creare un rapporto sereno e collaborativo, "spingere" lo studente ad arrivare da solo alle soluzioni esatte invece di dare le risposte già pronte.

16 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






416 cours

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais, Français

Je travaille avec des personnes de tous âges et de tous niveaux, mes méthodes sont axées sur la pratique de la communication et l'élimination des diff...

15 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Espagnol, Anglais

Hola! Creo firmemente en la capacidad de cada persona para aprender un nuevo idioma. Mi pasión por enseñar inglés se refleja en mi dedicación para asegurarme de que mis alumnos se sientan independientes y seguros al utilizar el idioma en su vida diaria. Trabajo arduamente para reforzar el material previamente enseñado, manteniendo así el aprendizaje activo y continuo. Con ánimo y perseverancia, estoy seguro de que alcanzarás tus metas lingüísticas. ¡Adelante, tú puedes lograrlo!

7 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais, Chinois

Hello! My name is Nastia 🤸🏻‍♂️I was born and raised in Russia, but currently I live in Turkey. 🌏 I am a teacher of Russian, English and Chinese. I have a higher pedagogical education with majors in English and Chinese 🍜🍔🥞 I have 4 years of experience teaching languages to students of different ages, from primary schoolchildren to adults 👧🏻👴🏻 I always focus on the interests, needs and desires of my students, as well as their feedback. In my lessons, I always try to create a friendly atmosphere because it is important to me that students can express themselves comfortably. I also always try to choose interesting and exciting materials for my lessons: audio and video, games, interactive tasks and much more. I'm looking forward towards helping you with Russian!

17 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais, Espagnol, Français

Cuando se trata de enseñar ruso, me baso principalmente en métodos comunicativos y directos. Aquí una breve descripción de cuáles son: 1. La esencia del método directo es evitar el idioma intermediario y hablar principalmente (preferiblemente sólo) el idioma de destino. Este método se puede implementar a partir de A2. Si Vd. no tiene experiencia anterior con el ruso, el enfoque comunicativo (que se describe a continuación) será más adecuado. Ante nosotros tendremos un material auténtico en el idioma de destino que tiene imágenes vívidas; nuestra tarea será transmitir con la mayor precisión posible lo que vemos. Además, presentaremos varias situaciones de la vida real en las que tendremos que utilizar las habilidades lingüísticas que hemos aprendido para conseguir resultados. Aquí es donde entran en juego las habilidades para escuchar. 2. El método comunicativo (Content-based Instruction, Instrucción basada en contenidos) se basa en el análisis del material lingüístico, ya sea un fragmento de una película, una serie de televisión, un vídeo de YouTube, un texto pequeño o un anuncio. Después de familiarizarnos con el material, anotamos todas sus características lingüísticas, construimos un mapa de palabras y discutimos lo presentado. De esta manera, el pensamiento se desarrolla en imágenes que se expresan inmediatamente en palabras en un idioma extranjero; no es necesario traducir mentalmente lo que se quiere decir. Su vocabulario crece mediante la práctica inmediata de nuevas palabras, en lugar de memorizar listas y tablas. Ambos métodos tienen como objetivo desarrollar habilidades para hablar y escuchar. En cuanto a la lectura y la escritura, es mejor utilizar otros enfoques cuando sea necesario desarrollarlos. Aquí se puede encontrar más información sobre los diferentes métodos de aprendizaje de idiomas: Thornbury, S. (2017) Scott Thornbury's 30 Language Teaching Methods. Cambridge University Press Lyster, R. (2007) Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content: A Counterbalanced Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Para concluir, permítanme compartir algunas reflexiones sobre la cultura, la filosofía y las características de la vida cotidiana: Debo decir que muchos profesores suelen pasar por alto esta parte tan importante del aprendizaje de idiomas y se centran más en la gramática y el vocabulario. El lenguaje, en general, es cultura, y todos los buenos manuales de idiomas tienen una sección correspondiente, que a menudo no es inferior en volumen a las secciones gramaticales y léxicas. ¡Espero verles en las clases!

12 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais

Hello 🙋‍♀️ My name is Yana. I was born and raised in Russia. I am fluent in Russian and can help you improve your pronunciation and communication skills in Russian. You will master the natural accent, the techniques of colloquial speech. My teaching experience is over 2 years. I graduated from the Novosibirsk Humanitarian University. In my classes, you can increase vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence construction. 📚My teaching method is called "direct". This method was found on the same basis that a child learns to speak his native language. Its scheme is approximately as follows: a foreign word is explained by a picture, from which follows the transition from rare words to rarely occurring sentences with great demand for question-answer circles. The direct method is also known as the natural method. It was developed as a reaction to the grammar-translation method and is designed to take the learner into the domain of the target language in the most natural manner. The main objective is to impart a perfect command of a foreign language. Learning Russian is possible! Study 1 on 1 with a native Russian speaker. I'm waiting for the recording 👋

10 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






15 cours

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Anglais, Russe

As a highly experienced Russian language teacher with a doctoral degree in the Russian Studies, I am thrilled to offer engaging and effective online Russian language courses. In today's digital age, there is no need to leave the comfort of your home to engage with a highly experienced Russian language teacher. With a decade of experience in distance learning and the use of modern virtual tools such as virtual whiteboards and webcams, I provide a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. I have over 10 years of experience teaching Russian language and literature to foreign students from various countries, including Georgia, China, and the United States. Additionally, I have worked as a Russian language instructor at Yale University's summer school. I have also taught Russian language and literature to Chinese students at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and to Georgian students at Tbilisi State University. I also have successful experience in online teaching of Russian as a foreign language using a virtual whiteboard and webcam. By enrolling in my course, students can expect to achieve the following results: - Develop a deep understanding of Russian grammar and syntax. - Expand vocabulary and improve conversational skills. - Gain proficiency in reading and comprehending Russian texts. - Master the nuances of Russian culture and literature. Embracing the convenience and flexibility of online learning, I am committed to providing personalized attention to each student, ensuring that they reach their full potential in mastering the Russian language. Join me in this virtual classroom to embark on a rewarding journey of language acquisition and cultural exploration. Let's unlock the doors to fluency and proficiency in the Russian language together!

18 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Italien, Allemand, Russe, Anglais, Français

Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Alice, lavoro come interprete e sono appassionata all'insegnamento della mia lingua, nonché delle lingue straniere. Offro lezioni private di italiano, tedesco, russo personalizzate per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ciascuno studente. Parlando inglese, tedesco, francese e russo, posso insegnare nella tua lingua, per aiutarti a capire meglio. Esperienza Internazionale nell'Insegnamento di Italiano L2 Ho avuto l'opportunità di insegnare italiano come seconda lingua all'estero, in un ambiente multiculturale e stimolante. Questa esperienza mi ha fornito una prospettiva unica sull'apprendimento dell'italiano come lingua straniera e mi ha permesso di sviluppare metodi didattici efficaci per studenti di diverse origini linguistiche e culturali. Ti aspetto!

11 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit



Nouveau Professeur

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais

Contact me before booking, much more hours are available! Hello! My name is Irina. I'm Russian. I'd be happy to help you learn my native language. With me, you will learn to speak, write, and read in Russian - without stress, in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere. Your success is my job. In 2003, I completed my studies at Tver State University with a master's degree in Teaching Russian Language. Since 2009, I've been working as a tutor, helping people who speak English to learn the Russian language. As a certified teacher, I have the linguistic knowledge needed to explain the unique features of the Russian language, such as its system of cases, verbs of motion, differences between animate and inanimate objects, variations in verb tenses, and more. I ensure better understanding by providing relevant comparisons to English. I offer: Conversational Russian; Russian for beginners; Intensive Russian; General Russian. *Conversational Russian. Well, being a native Russian speaker, we can chat about anything :D I guarantee you: expanding your vocabulary and improving your grammar; learning idiomatic phrases related to different topics; picking up slang (if relevant to the topic). *Russian for beginners. Beginners are my favorite kind of learners: they're new to the language and don't know about cases yet. I welcome all newcomers and enjoy working with those who are starting from scratch; we'll get along just fine. *Intensive Russian. Do you have limited time, but you need to learn a language "yesterday"? No problem! We will study 5 times a week, 2-3 hours a day, and by the next day, you'll need to learn a ton of material. Sounds tempting? Come on in! :) *General Russian. I'll guide you through all the possible structures of the Russian language. It's a lengthy journey if you're starting from scratch, but it will be a calm, steady, and productive process. First, we'll figure out your needs and level. From there on, we'll move at your pace, according to your preferences, and aligned with your interests. However, the most challenging part for anyone learning any language is to start speaking and understanding real-life conversation. With me, you'll have a safe space to speak, make mistakes, and improve – a place where you can grow confidently.

13 €/h
20 min. essai gratuit






11 cours

Enseigne: Russe

Parle: Russe, Anglais, Espagnol

Bonjour à tous! Je voudrais proposer quatre façons de travailler sur le russe: 1. LE COURS FONDAMENTAL - Un moyen long, détaillé et systématique couvr...

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