⏱ Usually responds within 12 hours

🏆 Over 5 years of experience teaching online classes

🔝 One of the most popular tutors


He's from Spain

10 10 1973
About me Availability Reviews (1973) More info

About me

My experience in teaching languages began as I was a college student, what at first was just a hobby turned out to be a professional activity in the long term. Enthusiasm and interest on what you do are the key to aim your goals. As for the language skills, all of them are very important, and they reinforce each other in the end, but I'd rather pay more attention to speaking and listening comprehension, now that reading and writing are more easily accomplished than the others when the teacher is...

My experience in teaching languages began as I was a college student, what at first was just a hobby turned out to be a professional activity in the long term. Enthusiasm and interest on what you do are the key to aim your goals. As for the language skills, all of them are very important, and they reinforce each other in the end, but I'd rather pay more attention to speaking and listening comprehension, now that reading and writing are more easily accomplished than the others when the teacher is not present.

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  • German
    • Conversation
    • Grammar
    • reading comprehension
    • Phonetics
    • Business German
  • Spanish Elementary/A1-2, Intermediate/B1-2, Advanced/C1, Proficiency/C2

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Student reviews


Based on 1973 ratings
93 %
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Samuel Rodríguez Arencibia
Estoy muy contento con las clases de Israel. En pocos meses he conseguido superar el examen del Goethe B2 y los correctores me dijeron que incluso me podía haber presentado a un nivel superior después de escucharme hablar. He notado una evolución muy grande desde que doy clases con este profesor. Tiene gran cantidad de material y lo ha sabido adaptar a mis objetivos. Me siento muy agradecido por haberme ayudado en mis proyectos y seguiré mejorando con él.
Efrén Martínez
Monica Indi
Muy bien, un profesor preparado con material didáctico y por lo que he visto se comunica perfectamente a nivel conversación, que en alemán es más difícil encontrar.
Israel hace las clases muy divertidas y explica fenomenal :)
Tras varias clases con Israel, decir que lo recomiendo como profesor. Es una persona muy amable y muy profesional y explica los contenidos con gran claridad. Además, hace las clases muy amenas, la hora de clase se aprovecha mucho y cuenta con mucho material para poder aprender y practicar.
Victor Colmenares
excelente! serio, responsable y muy formal
Antonio castro
Claro y preciso, con buenos ejemplos.
renzo villagra
Mariely Minguillo Calle
Explicacion muy clara
Cristina García
Daniel Perez Olandia
Después de 58h con Israel, solo lo puedo recomendar me ayudo en el proceso de conseguir el B2 de alemán, Muy preparado y con mucho material. Muchas gracias y mucha suerte¡ (Empecé con Francés una pena que no lo enseñes también¡)
Poppy Bonilla
Ricardo Martin Vidal
Paloma Andrés Ferrer
Israel es un profesor excelente. La pronunciación es muy buena, muestra paciencia, explica muy claro y ajusta las clases a tus necesidades. Creo que son los puntos mas importantes a tener en cuenta al buscar profesor.
The description has also been written in other languages, click here to read them all


GermanFull proficiency


EnglishWorking proficiency

FrenchWorking proficiency


Degree German Studies (Philology)

Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I cancel a booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking up to 8 hours before the lesson starts, indicating the reason for the cancellation. We will study each case personally to carry out the refund.

• How do I pay for the lesson?

At the time you select a lesson or package of hours, you will make the payment through our virtual payment service. You have two options:
- Debit / Credit
- Paypal
Once the payment is settled, we'll send you an e-mail with the booking confirmation.

• Can I modify a booking?

Yes, something unexpected can always happen, so you can change the time or day of the lesson. You can do it from your personal area in "Scheduled lessons" through the option "Change date".

• Where are the lessons held?

The class is done through classgap’s virtual classroom. Classgap was developed specifically for educational purposes, including many useful features such as: digital whiteboard, online text editor, webcam, screen sharing and many more. View virtual classroom

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