Alberto Manni


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team
United Kingdom
10 10 3

5,0 (3)

47 lessons

Maths, Physics

+ 10 years of exp. teaching online classes

About me Availability Reviews (3) More info

About me

During my engineering studies, about 30 years ago, I taught my first individual classes of Physics and Maths, and realized I really liked to see students mastering new concepts. Since then, I have worked mostly in the Industry, in Higher Education (University of Sheffield), and as a multilingual Language Teacher, while in the background I developed innovative ideas around Learning, which I shaped into a Course ("Conscious Learning" - google it on, that was successfully tested in my University with postgrads from various faculties. In 2022 I moved from the UK to South America, where I'm currently residing, but would like to teach online students from the UK and European countries. This could extend easily into the late hours for Europe, as I am now based in the GMT-5 time zone, to accommodate for working students, etc. I'm happy to teach Maths from basics to Algebra and Calculus, and classical Physics, with a high degree of student satisfaction. There are other subjects I can teach, if there is an opportunity, of course, like Electronics or Information Technology, because of my Engineering experience.


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Feedback from my students

Dr Roselina Arelhi
I had the pleasure of working with Alberto during his time as the Technical Manager at the University of Sheffield. Alberto kindly volunteered to deliver guest lectures for my Systems Engineering module to udergraduate students, not just once but consistently for three consecutive years. His teaching style was truly engaging, breathing life into the subject matter and creating an environment where students actively participated in the learning pr ... ocess. Alberto's extensive practical experience in the field seamlessly translated into valuable insights for our students, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world applications. The knowledge he imparted significantly enriched students' learning experience. Collaborating with Alberto was indeed a pleasure, and I am confident that his wealth of knowledge and engaging approach will continue to greatly benefit the students fortunate enough to learn from him.
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Simone Vecchiattini
Persona educata e di grande cultura, è molto flessibile e si adatta facilmente all'esigenze dell'alunno. Aggiungo anche che ha un approccio tranquillo il che rende piacevole anche la compagnia. Consigliato per chi cerca buon supporto
Great teacher!

I teach

  • Maths
    • Algebra
    • Basic Math
    • Linear Algebra
    • Trigonometry
    • Calculus
    • Geometry
  • Physics
    • Electrical circuits
    • Electromagnetism
    • Thermodynamics

Languages I speak



Dottore In Ingegneria Elettronica


Apprendimento Cosciente - Corso Sulla Didattica ( Ne Sono Creatore )


Other things I like

Frequently Asked Questions

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£17 /lesson

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Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

349 lessons

Physics, Maths
Basic Math Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Trigonometry Calculus Geometry

With a wide range of teaching experience acquired during my academic career, I have solid skills in Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry and Computer Scienc...



£11 /lesson

Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

1330 lessons

Algebra Statistics Basic Math Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Applied Mathematics

Hi, I'm Lorena and I'm a graduate in Mathematics. Although my specialty is mathematics, I love all sciences in general and I can also help you with ph...



£9 /lesson

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Ronald A.

Ronald A.
Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

26 lessons

Maths, Chemistry
Algebra Basic Math Trigonometry Calculus Geometry

Hi. My name is Ronald, I'm a Chemical Engineer graduated from University of The Andes, with a Master in Chemical Engineering. I'm 15 years experienced...



£12 /lesson

Free trial available


Verified teacher, moderated by the Classgap team

12 lessons

Maths, Chemistry, Biology

Mi nombre es María, soy licenciada en el grado de Ciencias Biomédicas por la Universidad de Lleida y también he estudiado hasta 3r curso del grado en Medicina en la UdL. Me interesa mucho el campo de la medicina aplicada, y las ciencias en general, cosa que intento inculcar a mis alumnos. Trato de que vean las clases como una opción para aprender a pensar, de modo que puedan aplicar los "trucos" a todas las materias, e incluso fuera del ámbito escolar. Hace más de 8 años que doy clases particulares a chicos/as desde 6º de primaria hasta 2º de bachillerato ( 1o carrera ADE matemáticas). He trabajado con un total de 37 alumnos, todos ellos con buenos resultados tras las clases. He preparado sobre todo materias a recuperar y pruebas de acceso (grado medio y selectividad sobre todo). Actualmente y, desde 3 años, soy profesora de centros públicos (Departament d'Educació) en la provincia de Lleida, lo cual me ha hecho adquirir muchísima más experiencia al margen de las clases particulares y trabajo en academias que previamente había realizado. Mi metodología se basa en hacer pensar al alumno. En lugar de explicar directamente el contenido, trato de que lleguen por sí mismos a las conclusiones acertadas, de modo que siempre puedan llegar a las mismas sin ayuda una vez lo hayan comprendido. Mis especialidades son las materias de ciencias como matemáticas, biología y química, ya que forman parte de mi campo de estudio y son aquellas con las que me encuentro más cómoda y más suelta a la hora de guiar a los alumnos, aunque también he tenido experiencia haciendo clases de inglés hasta la ESO. Personalmente, considero que cada alumno posee un área específica a explotar, por lo que mi propósito es ayudar a aquellos alumnos cuya "área ideal" sean las ciencias a que el trabajo en relación a estas les resulte más sencillo y comprensible y, del mismo modo, ayudar a aquellos alumnos cuya "área ideal de trabajo" sea distinta a las ciencias en general, a no generar un rechazo a tales materias (lo cual sucede en la mayoría de ocasiones ante un trabajo poco productivo para cualquier materia).