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Online LaTeX tutors

$13 /h
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New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Statistics Linear Algebra

Hi, I'm Damiano. I've a batchelor degree in Economics and finance, but also I studied software developement, worked in the field for a few years and I...

$28 /h
Free 20 min. trial



New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Statistics Linear Algebra Applied Mathematics Geometry

I am a professor of mathematics at the Faculty of Science. I have 15 years of teaching experience at university level. I have in-depth knowledge in m...

$18 /h
Free 20 min. trial






6 lessons

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Applied Mathematics Basic Math Calculus Geometry Linear Algebra Linear Programming Statistics Trigonometry Discrete Math Numerical Analysis Number theory probability Mathematical logic

The problem with mathematical-scientific subjects has often more to do with the "fear" of not understanding, and this is the problem I try to solve by...

$15 /h
Free 20 min. trial



New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Calculus Statistics Geometry Applied Mathematics Basic Math Discrete Math Linear Programming Number theory Trigonometry

Hello! I am Carmen García, a student in the last year of the Degree in Mathematics at the University of Seville. I have 5 years of experience giving o...

$12 /h
Free 20 min. trial






73 lessons

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Applied Mathematics Basic Math Calculus Geometry Linear Algebra Linear Programming Statistics Trigonometry Discrete Math Numerical Analysis Number theory probability Mathematical logic

I am a student who is going to start the last course in the degree in Physics. So far I have managed to pass all the subjects of the career using the ...

$24 /h
Free 20 min. trial






393 lessons

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Calculus Statistics Geometry Applied Mathematics Basic Math Discrete Math Linear Programming Number theory Trigonometry

My name is Paloma and I've been working as a private teacher fr more than ten years. I began when I was a students at university and I have continued ...

$18 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Lorenzo P.

Lorenzo P.


New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Basic Math Trigonometry Mathematical logic Geometry

Fin da quando ero seduto sui banchi di scuola ho sempre pensato a quanto sarebbe stato interessante trovarsi dall’altra parte della cattedra ed ho sviluppato con gli anni una forte ammirazione verso il mestiere dell’educatore. Quando ho iniziato la mia laurea magistrale (nel 2020) ho infatti cominciato a dare ripetizioni a ragazzi in difficoltà, sia online che in presenza. I ragazzi mi riempivano di complimenti, dicendomi che riuscivano finalmente a capire materie complicate come fisica e scienze, ed io provavo una soddisfazione immensa nel riuscire ad aiutarli ed a svolgere questo mestiere. Tant’è che nel 2021 ho cominciato a lavorare nella scuola privata Athenaeum in cui ho svolto lezioni di matematica, fisica e scienze (comprendendo l’ottica, la geografia astronomica, etc.) di recupero e non per ragazzi di diversi indirizzi scolastici. Ho quindi già due anni di esperienza nelle lezioni frontali in classe che mi hanno portato ad avere sicurezza, abilità e soprattutto il rispetto dei miei alunni. Durante questo intervallo di tempo ho sia lavorato in aula sia continuato con delle ripetizioni sporadiche quando ero libero dallo studio per l’università.

$6 /h
Free 20 min. trial
Ayesha A.

Ayesha A.


New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Basic Math Trigonometry Calculus Geometry

Hello my name is Ayesha Aftab. I have recently completed my bachelors in mathematics from University of central Punjab( Pakistan). I have two years of...

$11 /h
Free 20 min. trial



New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Applied Mathematics Basic Math Calculus Geometry Linear Algebra Linear Programming Statistics Trigonometry Discrete Math Numerical Analysis Number theory probability Mathematical logic

Bonjour, je m'appelle Mouctar DIALLO, je suis élève ingénieur à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Ingénieurs de CAEN (ENSICAEN) en Informatique. J'ai fait deux ans d'Institut Polytechnique en Télécommunications à l'Institut Polytechnique de l'Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry et deux ans de Licence en Informatique à l'Université de Caen Normandie. Dès l'obtention de mon BAC en Science Mathématiques en 2019, j'ai commencé à donner des cours particuliers pour financer mes études. Basé sur ma propre expérience et celles de beaucoup de mes amis qui sont passés par les écoles préparatoires, j'ai réussi à développer une pédagogie très efficace pour aider les Lycéens et les Collégiens à trouver la voie vers la Science à travers les Mathématiques. Rejoignez-moi pour faire l'aventure ensemble. A très bientôt!

$13 /h
Free 20 min. trial
José L.

José L.


New Tutor

Teaches: Maths

LaTeX Algebra Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Applied Mathematics Calculus

Me gusta dar las clases de manera que se adecúen al alumno y conseguir sus objetivos, he dado clases a alumnos que preferían diferentes métodos de enseñanza sin ningún tipo de problema, me adapto fácilmente a las necesidades del alumno Me gusta dar las clases de manera que se adecúen al alumno y conseguir sus objetivos, he dado clases a alumnos que preferían diferentes métodos de enseñanza sin ningún tipo de problema, me adapto fácilmente a las necesidades del alumno y así poder obtener los objetivos deseados

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