These tools will help you pass online university

Graduating from a university degree is a big challenge. It is not an easy feat to meet standard university academic levels. Besides, if we’ve taken upon ourselves to survive university without putting a foot on campus, it is going to be tricky. I'm not talking about skipping class though, I'm talking about online university. 

Find the teacher you need for uni

For those of you who are still not convinced about the type of education you need or prefer, we might as well distinguish the most important traits that define long-distance university:

  • Mediated learning through devices with an internet connection: subjects are taught in a completely virtual environment. Through videoconferences or virtual message exchanges, the teacher imparts the contents of the class without having to be anywhere near the students. 
  • Use of multimedia files: the virtual environment previously mentioned allows us to share digital material such as videos, images, texts... Classes are more dynamic and flexible. There’s no need to use physical textbooks that weight tons and are heavy to carry. Access the didactic material from anywhere anytime you want.  
  • Interactive lessons: with all the technological advancements, online classes are more interactive and collaborative than ever with all the chats, forums, and video conferences at our disposal. Online education opens the perfect space for participation, feedback, and collaborative projects. 
  • Flexible learning: classes are scheduled around the student’s time availability. This education allows combining work and studies without having to give up neither. 

Besides all these advantages, online university suffers from a high dropout rate every year. Among the main reasons, we find an excessive amount of work, traditional didactic strategies, or little time to study or do homework. 

Also, a lot of students start online university with high expectations based on their previous experiences with traditional education. However, we need to take into account that online education has its educational model. We need to learn to accept it and adapt to this new system. 

To graduate from long-distance university, there are some key points every student needs to remember:

  1. Motivation: this new model gives a lot of independence which means that the student has to find enough motivation to study, follow the study plan, and work on the tasks assigned all by themselves. 
  2. High level of responsibility: following a plan made by you means being responsible for your time management. University always requires responsibility, but long-distance education requires a little more sacrifice. Self-discipline is a must. 
  3. Autonomy: being autonomous is strongly tied with motivation and self-discipline. The long-distance university is a lot of work outside a controlled environment. Autonomous work becomes a "must" to succeed. 

These requirements are not exclusive to long-distance university, we can also find them in more conventional models of education. However, in online education, they become essential and play a vital role in the students’ learning process. 

Tips for students:

  • Explore all existing channels and use them for whatever doubt or question that could arise. 
  • Explore different study methods until you find the one that works for you. 
  • Find the perfect time and place to study. Studying on your own is hard to do if you don’t have a cozy and comfortable space in where to work. Avoid places with potential distractions. Also plan a flexible schedule according to your specific needs. 
  • Check your progress regularly. If you already have a study routine, use some time to test your knowledge. This way, you will have the tools to evaluate your progress and whether you have doubts or not. 
  • Use regularly all the communication channels at your disposal. If you keep in touch with your tutors, it will be easier to solve doubts and problems when they arise. 
  • Manage your time wisely. Online education makes studies compatible with work, family, and friends. But to achieve this balance you need firm management on your schedule. 
  • Build your knowledge not only through study material but also through teacher-student interactions. Take part in debates, forums, and chats to share opinions, ideas… Join your classmates to create a more participating environment. 

Additional resources to graduate long-distance university 

  • Social media: it may sound strange but there are Facebook or WhatsApp groups that help you with doubts, or problems that arise from university courses. Check them out and see if you are interested.
  • Private Tutor: having a private tutor can be of great help for the most difficult subjects on your study-plan. The long-distance university is usually more customized to the needs of the student but some teachers are not as good as they should be. For this reason, a private tutor may be a great complement to your education. Classgap has a great number of options from where to choose. 

  • Online learning platforms: you don’t need to commute to get the help you need. Some platforms, such as Classgap, offer the space to connect teachers and students, so they can have online classes in the easiest way possible. 
  • Internal communication channels: the online university has a great communication channel between teachers and students. Ask for emails or chats to talk directly to your teachers about any possible problems or doubts you may be having about the lessons. 
  • Classmates: even though it’s an online university, you still have classmates who have the same problems you do. Try asking for their opinions, or experiences. Maybe they can provide the answers you are looking for.

Those of you who need to face all these challenges have a long road ahead. However, you are not alone and hopeless. Check our post about the essential tools for online education. Remember, each subject is different and some teachers are better than others, but everything is possible with the right mindset. Are you ready to embark on this adventure?

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