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My name is Paul Collins and I am a guitar tutor from the United Kingdom. I structure my guitar lessons in accordance with the students needs. If the student is a beginner, I usually start by explaining the anatomy of the guitar itself, the tunings of the strings, and then how to play notes on the guitar fretboard, before grouping these notes into some very basic chords and scales. We would start by using chord diagrams and TAB notation, eventually progressing to writing the notes on the stave...

My name is Paul Collins and I am a guitar tutor from the United Kingdom. I structure my guitar lessons in accordance with the students needs. If the student is a beginner, I usually start by explaining the anatomy of the guitar itself, the tunings of the strings, and then how to play notes on the guitar fretboard, before grouping these notes into some very basic chords and scales. We would start by using chord diagrams and TAB notation, eventually progressing to writing the notes on the stave. I try to include references to the students favourite songs, as I believe it is important for the student to recognize what they are learning. For intermediate and advanced students, we would focus on specific techniques with a heavy emphasis on music theory. For those students requiring certification, I can guide them through their Rockschool, ABRSM, London College of Music and Trinity grades. I generally aim to teach students between grades 1 and 8 who are aged 16 or over. I mostly teach rock, pop, blues and metal styles. I can teach 30 min, 45 min or 60 min lessons. I began playing the guitar 32 years ago, and have since built up a wealth of experience in teaching, performing and recording music. As a child, I would listen to rock n roll and Motown records at home, and eventually started to learn to play the guitar at age 10. I became interested in rock, heavy metal and punk rock music during my teenage years, which led to my interest in more specific guitar music as an adult. After playing in school bands, I played my first proper gig at age 17, and continued to perform in bands on guitar and bass, as well as record in recording studios. I began recording at home when I attended college to study Music Technology, and have since enjoyed writing, mixing and mastering my own music, as well as recording guitar for other artists. I started teaching guitar and bass full time in 2005, and switched to working in guitar shops in 2009 for 11 years, whilst still teaching occasionally. Since working in guitar shops, I have developed a passion for guitar repair and maintenance. I now play guitar and bass at grade 8, as well as some ukulele and mandolin, and I have a particular interest in music theory, and transcribing music by ear. I am an Associate Member of the Registry of Guitar Tutors and a member of the Musicians Union. I have now returned to teaching music full time, and have recently decided to focus on online lessons.

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  • Chitarra Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato

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Studi e certificazioni

Certificazioni London College Of Music - Bass Guitar Performance - Level 8 - Distinction
Certificazioni London College Of Music - Electric Guitar Performance - Level 8 - Distinction
Certificazioni London College Of Music - Rock Guitar Performance - Level 8 - Distinction
Certificazioni London College Of Music - Acoustic Guitar Performance - Level 6 - Distinction
Certificazioni London College Of Music - Ukulele Performance - Level 5 - Distinction
Certificazioni Rsl Rockschool - Guitar Performance - Grade 8 - Merit
Certificazioni Rsl Rockschool - Ukulele Performance - Grade 3 - Distinction

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• In che modo si realizzano le lezioni?

Le lezioni si realizzano nell'aula virtuale di Classgap, sviluppata per un apprendimento dinamico con diverse funzionalità, come la videoconferenza, la lavagna virtuale o editing di testi in tempo reale. Nel seguente link puoi vedere una demo dell'aula e conoscerla: Vedere l'aula virtuale

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