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🏆 Più di 10 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento online

Boglarka G.

Lei è di Regno Unito

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Su di me

L'insegnante ha scritto la presentazione in un'altra lingua Tradurre ora

Music is my life! Ever since I was a toddler, I was always so passionate and fascinated with music. It was Bizet’s opera, Carmen that gave me the initial spark to become a musician. Originally I’m from Hungary, but I also called Israel home. Currently I live in the United Kingdom. I am a creative educator and an award-winning artist who is dedicated and committed to bringing out the best in each student to achieve excellence in their instrumental playing. I provide one-to-one and group lesson...

Music is my life! Ever since I was a toddler, I was always so passionate and fascinated with music. It was Bizet’s opera, Carmen that gave me the initial spark to become a musician. Originally I’m from Hungary, but I also called Israel home. Currently I live in the United Kingdom. I am a creative educator and an award-winning artist who is dedicated and committed to bringing out the best in each student to achieve excellence in their instrumental playing. I provide one-to-one and group lessons in both violin and viola. All ages and levels are welcome, whether you are preparing for an exam/audition or you would like to play for fun, I can tailor the lessons according to your needs. During the lessons, we will work on: - improving technical abilities - having a beautiful sound - increasing confidence while performing - playing in the most natural way, avoiding muscular tension - learning a broad range of repertoire I think it is extremely important that a teacher and a student build an honest relationship with each other, so that the student can trust the teacher to help them achieve their goals. I understand that every student has their own needs in order to reach a higher standard. Therefore, I have become proficient at identifying technical problems that a student may have, and finding a solution in activities that will engage and stimulate the student’s creativity. This I believe helps to solidify the process in their memory more effectively. Whatever your goal is, I think the enjoyment of music and violin playing is paramount, and my aim is to create a warm environment for the students to learn and feel pleased with themselves after each lesson. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Leggi di più


  • Violino Iniziazione, Intermedio, Avanzato

Disponibilità (Il calendario viene visualizzato in ora locale)

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IngleseCompetenze complete

Studi e certificazioni

Master / Specializzazione Artist Diploma In Violin Performance
Master / Specializzazione Master Of Arts In Violin Performance

Su di me (Hobby, interessi...)

Domande frequenti

• Posso cancellare una prenotazione?

Sì, puoi cancellare una prenotazione fino ad un massimo di 8 ore prima della lezione, indicando il motivo della cancellazione. Studieremo ogni caso in maniera personale per procedere alla restituzione dell'importo.

• Come realizzo il pagamento della lezione?

Nel momento nel quale selezioni una lezione o un pack, potrai realizzare il pagamento tramite carta di credito o debito.
- Carta di credito/debito.
- Paypal.
Una volta che hai realizzato il pagamento, riceverai un email di conferma della prenotazione.

• Posso modificare la prenotazione?

Sì, se nel caso hai un imprevisto, potrai cambiare l'ora o il giorno della lezione. Puoi farlo direttamente dalla tua area personale, in "Lezioni programmate", tramite l'opzione “Cambiare la data”.

• In che modo si realizzano le lezioni?

Le lezioni si realizzano nell'aula virtuale di Classgap, sviluppata per un apprendimento dinamico con diverse funzionalità, come la videoconferenza, la lavagna virtuale o editing di testi in tempo reale. Nel seguente link puoi vedere una demo dell'aula e conoscerla: Vedere l'aula virtuale

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