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Insegnanti nativi cinesi online

Non perda l'opportunità di imparare con un autentico insegnante madrelingua cinese. Ti immergerai nella cultura e raggiungerai un'immersione totale nella lingua. Diventa un esperto con le lezioni di cinese online di Classgap.

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$18 /h
Prova free di 20 min.

Gretchen Sponsorizzato


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Hello, I'm Gretchen from Shanghai, China. I have been teaching Chinese online for 3 years. Throughout this period, I have come to realize that fixed courses and content can be limiting for the diverse learning needs of my students. Recognizing that every student has their own unique starting point and strengths, my aim is to offer customized Chinese lessons that cater to their cultural backgrounds, language proficiency levels, and learning objectives. Therefore, I am more inclined towards providing personalized courses tailored to meet each student's specific requirements. This approach allows me not only to strike a suitable balance between listening, speaking, reading, and writing components but also enables me to tailor the course content according to specific needs such as Conversational Chinese / Business Chinese / Advanced Chinese / Elementary Chinese. By employing objective analysis and rationalized customized solutions, my ultimate goal is to effectively assist you in your Mandarin learning journey. My advanced Chinese courses will encompass an array of topics including but not limited to Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy etc., which will be integrated into comprehensive listening, speaking reading and writing courses aimed at nurturing your proficiency in Mandarin. Specialty: 1)Conversational Chinese: Enhance Chinese comprehension and expression abilities through immersive conversational practice in real-life scenarios. 2)Advanced Chinese: Integrate topics such as Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy, etc., providing advanced learners with rich content and materials for an authentic understanding of China. 3)Business Chinese: Leverage over 10 years of professional marketing experience in multinational companies to offer business Chinese students a plethora of practical case exercises tailored to their daily work needs. 4)Chinese Literature: As an avid enthusiast of Chinese literature with profound knowledge on various literary works, I am delighted to share these captivating contents. 5) Conversation practice, pronunciation refinement, exam readiness enhancement, interview guidance. We will: 1) Before the formal start of the course, we will have a 30-minute online communication to assess your current language level and understand your specific needs. 2) Together, we will establish your learning direction and create a personalized program that suits you best. 3) I will design the course based on your individual requirements and learning plan. 4) Throughout the learning process, our courses will cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I will make adjustments according to your actual progress. 5) During the course, I will introduce various materials including Chinese history, culture, religion, natural landscapes, aesthetics, opera, calligraphy etc., as well as other topics that interest you. 6) All courses are tailored specifically for you. I won't rely on generic textbooks from the internet in order to fully meet your individual needs.

$17 /h
Prova free di 20 min.



11 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

1.Self introduction😊 Hello,my name is Grace,nice to meet you here.I come from china,I have a master’s degree and a certificate of Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages.during my postgradrate studies,I have been to Malaysia and New Zealand to teach Chinese, I have been a Chinese teacher for 4 years and I have rich teaching experience 。 2.Teaching style and advantages🎯 I’m a dedicated teacher with a very friendly and encouraging teaching style.I specialize in teaching spoken Chinese,including daily conversation and conversation skills.many of the foreign students with zero foundation of Chinese proficiency I have taught have been able to communicate fluently in Chinese after studying for half a year to one year。 3.Course content and teaching methods🏅 I know learning a new language can be challenging sometimes.but don’t worry,I am good at making it easier and more enjoyable for you to learn Chinese.I highly recommend the Chinese teaching concept"learning by interaction",I I like interacting with students as friends.I often design some interesting games to teach vacabulary and grammer.。I teach courses at all levels,including HSK,YCT,Easy steps to Chinese.and so on.and I would tailor the course according to your individual goals and needs.Come on ,book a trial lesson now,I would help you quickly improve your Chinese in a relaxed and enjoyable class.let’s start this fantastic learning journey together!

$11 /h
Prova free di 20 min.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Hello, I am Qun, my English name is Venus, I have 1 year online Chinese teaching experience, 3 years offline education experience. I am a native speaker of Chinese National Mandarin Level 2 Grade A. Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. I love teaching Chinese and enjoy teaching process.I am super patient, easy-going and fun to talk to.Beside,I have clear and standard Chinese pronunciation, slow and moderate speaking speed. I will always keep the mood relaxed which will make for a great learning environment.In each class, I will summarize the new things we have learned and the problems you have encountered in my notes. These notes always help me discover and solve the difficulties that students encounter.Come and learn Chinese with me. You will find it easy to learn Chinese well. My courses and textbooks are diverse, as follows: ❤️ Children's Chinese Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Culture ❤️ Adult Chinese Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Culture ❤️ HSK1-6 Systematic Chinese Learning ❤️ YCT1-6 Systematic Chinese Learning ❤️ Zero Basic Chinese Language Teaching ❤️ Business Chinese ❤️ Chinese for Civil Engineering ❤️ Rapid completion of spoken Chinese (studying abroad, traveling, living, culture) 🍱🍱 The textbooks we have prepared for you include: HSK1-6, YCT1-6, Boya Chinese, Business Chinese BCT, New Thinking Business Chinese, Learn Chinese with Me, Chinese Speaking Speed, Chinese Paradise, Happy Chinese, Easy Learning Chinese, Experience Chinese, etc 🍱🍱

$12 /h
Prova free di 20 min.






58 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Vengo dalla Cina, una ragazza nativa cinese con dieci anni di esperienza come host. Iavere un forte interesse per i caratteri cinesi, in particolare p...

$13 /h
Prova free di 20 min.






133 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese, Italiano

Insegnante HSK Junior,2 anni di esperienza di insegnamento, parla inglese e italiano.

Ciao! Sono Weina, un’insegnante cinese, laureata in educazione prescolare. Ho 10 anni di esperienza di insegnamento all’asilo e 2 anni di esperienza n...

$11 /h
Prova free di 20 min.






1060 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Spagnolo

Hola Mi nombre es Liuqing, nací en China y una vez terminados mis estudios en Beijing (Pekín) viaje a Argentina para realizar un master en educación. Trabaje de traductora, como docente en la universidad nacional de Córdoba (U.N.C) y actualmente doy clases privadas. Tengo alumnos particulares con los cuales llevo muchos años, algunos comenzaron cuando eran muy pequeños y es algo muy grato poder ver toda la evolución que han tenido tanto en el idioma como en el aprendizaje cultural ya que son dos cosas que van de la mano. Me gusta enfocarme en los intereses de mis alumnos ya que todas las personas tienen un ritmo y una forma diferente de aprender. Mis clases son dinámicas, activas, participativas, tanto en forma presencial como online. Mi marido es argentino y viajamos de forma asidua a China para visitar a mi familia. No dudes en escribirme y consultarme todo lo que necesites. ¡¡¡Espero verte pronto para acompañarte en este apasionante viaje en el cual aprenderás un idioma y una cultura milenaria!!!

$11 /h
Prova free di 20 min.



6 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese, Giapponese

If you want to learn the most accurate and authentic Mandarin pronunciation, come to me. Given that my undergraduate major was broadcasting, which is closely related to Mandarin Chinese proficiency, I am a professional bilingual broadcasting host. I have received highly professional training in Mandarin Chinese pronunciation, tones and speech practice to expand my experience. As a result, I have strengthened my Mandarin Chinese proficiency through specialized training and hands-on experience in areas such as tone production, articulation and elocution throughout my studies and career. I have 1 year of experience teaching bilingual classes. My undergraduate major was bilingual broadcasting, so I am also a Mandarin Chinese and English bilingual host. I have previously worked at Zhejiang Television. My IELTS score is 7, demonstrating a certain level of English proficiency. I hope we can make continuous progress together.

$17 /h
Prova free di 20 min.



Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Hi~ I'm Amber, a native Chinese speaker from the hometown of giant panda, with a Master's degree and holding a Certificate of Class 2A in Mandarin Chinese. I have 10+ years working experience which specialized in training & recruiting, including one year in Southeast Asia. The trainees told me that 'you are always patient and energetic in class‘ I’d like to make a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere. Different methods will be adopted according to your interests and Chinese learning goals. Interactive method will be used throughout. Let's integrate Chinese learning into daily life and make things easier and interesting. You will gain not only the Chinese language, but also the profound Chinese culture and a long-term study partner. Meanwhile, I am also a backpacker and diver, and it was during my travels that I made many foreign friends and became their Chinese teacher. Life should be diversified, do not hesitate, try boldly!

$11 /h
Prova free di 20 min.
Yang G.

Yang G.


Nuovo Insegnante

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Master Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Bachelor Degree in German Language of Ecust. Work as a college teacher From 2016 to 2017,i took an internship in Meihe Mandarin House and taught more than 292 lessons. From 2017 to 2020, i worked in the School of International Education in charge of HSK lesson. I taught many students from different countries. Like adult from UK, Germany, Austria, Thailand, Russia and so on as well as kids of summer camp My Teaching Style is flexible customized and interactive I have following certificates: TCSOL,Mandarin Proficiency Ceritificate, Teacher Ceritificate of Higher Education

$15 /h
Prova free di 20 min.
Jerry L.

Jerry L.


14 lezioni

Insegna: Cinese

Parla: Cinese, Inglese

Hi there, I’m Jerry. For the past 3 years I’ve been teaching Mandarin and Cantonese online to students both kids and adults at all levels, beginners to advanced. As an English learner, I know how scary it can be learning and practicing languages so i make my lessons fun, clear and easy to understand. I tailor my lessons to students who want to improve their Chinese speaking skills. My students are from different parts of the world with diverse backgrounds and ages. Among them, the youngest is 6 and the oldest are in their seventies. My strength is to teach from the learner’s perspective and cater to their needs with the easiest to understand language. My goal is to make your every class with me a fruitful one! If you want to speak Mandarin naturally, feel free to join my spoken course! My lessons & teaching style I offer free-talking conversation classes to improve accuracy, vocabulary and fluency. We can select topics that interest you ( I offer 100 topics) and you can learn native Chinese expressions. If you would like structured classes, we can choose materials together. Do you have a textbook, story or TV show that you want to learn from? ✅Native Speaker ✅Friendly and enthusiastic ✅Determined to help YOU reach YOUR goals ✅ Drastically improve Pronunciation, Fluency, and Confidence My teaching material Image files Quizzes PDF file Audio files Articles and news Video files

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Lezioni di cinese online con madrelingua

Quanto tempo ci vuole per imparare il cinese mandarino?

I periodi di apprendimento dipenderanno dalle caratteristiche di ogni studente, dal suo impegno nella lingua e dalla sua motivazione quotidiana. È essenziale che, quando si prende la decisione di imparare il cinese, lo si faccia con convinzione. Senza dubbio, il modo migliore per imparare il cinese è attraverso le lezioni online.

È possibile imparare a parlare cinese online?

Certo che è possibile! Le lezioni di cinese online offrono grandi vantaggi quando si tratta di imparare la pronuncia. Stando da solo con l'insegnante puoi godere della totale libertà di praticare il tuo cinese senza essere imbarazzato di fronte ai tuoi compagni di classe, l'insegnante non è lì per giudicarti quindi sentiti libero di giocare con la tua pronuncia. Inoltre, l'istruzione online abbatte qualsiasi barriera geografica, dandoti accesso a insegnanti madrelingua cinesi, che ti insegneranno la pronuncia corretta e autentica del cinese.

Qual è la parte più difficile dell'apprendimento del cinese?

Imparare il cinese è una sfida che ti arricchirà personalmente e professionalmente. Indubbiamente, imparare il cinese è una sfida, ma con il giusto insegnante e il giusto metodo ci riuscirai senza complicazioni o grandi sforzi. La parte più complicata per una persona la cui lingua madre è il romanico è di solito la scrittura, poiché il cinese è composto da caratteri che sono molto diversi da quelli del nostro alfabeto.