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Profesores de Griego online

$18 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Italiano, Inglese

Docente con esperienza ventennale impartisce lezioni online. Le materie che insegno sono : greco antico, latino, italiano, storia e filosofia. Le lezioni saranno chiare, esaustive e le spiegazioni verranno corredate con appunti utilizzabili. Il mio metodo di insegnamento si basa su empatia, logica e comunicazione. Incoraggeró lo studente a sviluppare intuito, comprensione e capacità di espressione. L' obiettivo finale, oltre a stimolare un miglioramento scolastico, sarà quello di fare maturare competenze che durino nel tempo e siano il fondamento per il percorso scolastico. Gentilezza ed umanità saranno sempre fattori essenziali delle mie lezioni. Ho esperienza anche con studenti dsa. La mia formazione è stata in Lettere Classiche all' Università degli Studi di Genova. Mi sono specializzato, nel corso degli anni, nei vari ambiti riguardanti lingue antiche, letterature, storia e filosofia. In particolare cerco sempre di connettere in modo costruttivo ed armonioso diversi ambiti per permettere allo studente di sviluppare maggiore consapevolezza dei propri studi. English version: Experienced teacher ( with more than twenty years of teaching ) gives online lessons of ancient Latin and Greek, philosophy, history, Italian Literature/ language. I can provide lessons suitable to first learners , intermediate students or advanced ones. My method involves step by step solutions ( regarding translations), focusing on how to solve particular textual passages. Grammar rules, idiomatic sentences, lexical explanations will be explicitly and extensively analysed and notes will be added to summarize the content of each lesson. My goal is delivering clear and complete lessons, covering whatever is needed to help the students and foster further knowledge. Human touch, patience and kindness are my core values , when I teach. My formal background was completed at the University degli Studi di Genova , where I studied literature, classical languages, history and philosophy. Since then , I have constantly kept myself up to date, improving my skills both throught the process of teaching and by exploring the latest teaching methods. I am passionate about what I do, considering teaching the best way to connect with people, spreading my knowledge and helping others to find their own vocation.

$26 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.






106 clases

Enseña: Griego

Habla: French, English, Greek

As the holder of a teaching diploma of the Greek language from the University of Aristotle of Thessaloniki and a Master 2 of research in Classical Letters from Paris IV-Sorbonne, I created learning supports specific to teaching Greek to French-speaking people based on my experience of teaching at home or on the Internet. My students are very diverse: children and adults, people who want to learn the Greek language as a foreign language or bilingual people or even Greeks who live abroad. We progress together from the beginner level to the most experienced level. In general, my methodology adapts to the needs, objectives and age of each student. I have created and continue to create interactive online exercises that make the learning process fun and enjoyable. With these, I also provide the diverse material necessary for the courses. Besides that, I also give more specialized courses: conversation courses for those who want to focus on their ability to communicate; courses on professional objectives for those who want to work in Greece; intensive courses for those who want to learn quickly to live or stay in Greece (ideal for the Erasmus program).

$26 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.


Estados Unidos

Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: English, Spanish

Daniel magister vobis omnibus salutem plurimam dicit! My name is Daniel Ruprecht, and I am a PhD student in Classics at the University of Chicago. I have been teaching in various capacities since my undergraduate degree at Stanford University ('17), through my master's at U Arizona ('19), and for a time with the Paideia Institute in Rome. I employ conversational / active language pedagogy, meaning that I teach Latin in Latin, and, if you work with me, you'll be talking back in no time! There is no faster, more efficient, or more fun way to learn a language than using it, and I specialize in activating your Latin ability. Whether you are taking your first steps with the language or you are ready to discuss complex Latin poetry, I can help! Reach out and let's learn together!

$14 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Greek, English

Hello, I'm Elena Maragkou. I have a degree in History and Archeology from the University of Thessaly. I have 3 years experience in teaching Greek and English and I have experience in private lessons. I would like to organize my classes according to the objectives of each student and I'll be happy to help you learn that language. English is a language that a lot of people use and it would be great to communicate with people in English. Also Greek is an interesting language and it would be great if more people were able to speak Greek.

$11 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Lela E.

Lela E.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Griego, Inglés

Hello! I am Lela Eleni, ESL teacher, I have a TESOL certificate from the World TESOL Academy. I have 3 years of experience teaching online classes to secondary and high school students, with an emphasis on conversational English. I like to organise my online English classes according to the learning objective and I like adding hints of the Arts like music and literature and I will be happy to be your English teacher to help you achieve everything you set out to do in terms of your level of English!

$17 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Español, Catalán

Antigua estudiante de filología clásica con mas de tres años de experiencia en clases presenciales y, por norma general, en clases online. Clases part...

$17 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Greek, English

I am an English tutor with 10 years of experience in private lessons for adults and children from all over the world. I’m originally from Greece but have been living in the UK over the last 13 years. I obtain a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and a master's degree in Creative Writing, both from universities in Britain. I provide one to one lessons in either English or Greek or both! I focus primarily on helping students feel more comfortable with Speaking, along with all other aspects of language learning. I teach using the target language as the main language of communication in order to help students start practicing the language without having to overthink things through and improve their confidence on the new language. I am always very optimistic and positive as a person, since positive thinking can helps us not only in the greater “successful” learning of a foreign language but also to achieve any goals we set in life in general. Additionally, as a Psychologist and specifically through Positive Psychology, I help students with various methods to unleash their potential, as well as to overcome fears and setbacks in order to master not only the target language but to also gain the self-confidence needed, so that they can use English/Greek comfortably at any given time. Lastly, I tailor my teaching style and general support to students specifically around their individual needs, so that they can achieve their goals successfully. I use a variety of methods and games that help in successful memorisation as well as the overall understanding of vocabulary and grammar rules - the above is also possible through flashcards, videos, storytelling and creative writing where I also obtained my master's degree. Having many years of experience as a performance coach, psychologist and project manager, I also offer various coaching sessions. In addition, I provide full support with interviews in the UK and abroad, CV completion and mock interviews with many interview tips to help you be successful in your future job role!

$13 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Italian, English, Spanish

I am Eleonora, 28 years old and a thousand passions. To list them would be impossible! I have been supporting students of all ages for more than 10 years now! I consider myself an empathetic , cheerful and patient person! My goal is to pass on my knowledge with SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE and above all NEVER boring methods! 😊 I will reveal to you all the ''tricks'' to be able to brilliantly pass tests, quizzes and exams ( WITHOUT ANXIETY! 💪🏻) of GREEK, LATIN, HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY,ITALIAN, GEOGRAPHY ,ENGLISH,LAW (even at the university level ) and acquire an infallible study method ! 🎯

$18 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.



Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Italiano, Inglese

La mia passione è da sempre legata al campo umanistico e ritengo davvero piacevole offrire il mio aiuto in caso di necessità, soprattutto a livello scolastico. Ho frequentato il liceo classico e ho deciso di proseguire i miei studi presso l'Università di Bari, scegliendo la facoltà di Lettere, che tutt'ora orgogliosamente frequento. Impartisco da sei anni lezioni di discipline umanistiche (Letteratura italiana, Grammatica Italiana, Latino e Greco antico), rivolte in particolare a studenti frequentanti la scuola secondaria di II grado, ma offro il mio aiuto anche a studenti di scuola media per doposcuola e aiuto compiti. Mi rendo disponibilissima anche per consigli di orientamento e di metodologia: reputo molto importante esporre adeguate indicazioni su come approcciarsi in maniera sana e appropriata al mondo dello studio, facendo tesoro anche delle mie esperienze passate. Procedo con l'esposizione del mio metodo di lavoro, riferendomi in particolare alle discipline classiche (Latino e Greco antico). Innanzitutto, all'inizio del ciclo di lezioni, somministro dei questionari generali per comprendere l'attuale livello di preparazione grammaticale dello studente, al termine dei quali saprò come procedere per colmare le prime carenze. Durante il ciclo di lezioni, è mia premura offrire schemi integrativi e test di verifica totalmente personalizzati, al fine di monitorare l'andamento della carriera dello studente. Primo obiettivo è l'esposizione di quella che io ritengo essere la miglior procedura per completare il lavoro di traduzione e di studio della versione, essenziale per la realizzazione di una buona resa in italiano e per una comprensione globale del testo classico. Dall'individuazione dei verbi si passa all'analisi logica e periodale, fasi finalizzate a realizzare un corretto studio a livello sintattico e ad elaborare rapporti di coesione intratestuali. Mi preme esplicitare il mio totale sostegno a favore di una didattica basata sulla proposta di stimoli benefici e sull'idea di porre lo studente nelle migliori condizioni di lavorare, arrivando a riconoscere senza incertezze le proprie capacità e a concepire lo studio come valida possibilità per migliorarsi.

$22 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Paola G.

Paola G.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Griego

Habla: Italiano

Ciao! Sono Paola, ho una laurea in lettere antiche conseguita all'università di Roma La Sapienza, una specializzazione conseguita all'estero e due dottorati di ricerca. Applico tecniche di recupero rapido per ottenere buoni risultati sia in latino che in greco, evitando debiti ed insufficienze. Anni di esperienza mi hanno fornito idee e strategie per evitare le solite lezioni di recupero ma affinare strategie più efficaci e meno noiose. Per ogni studente, infatti, è necessario trovare le giuste chiavi di volta per ottenere rapidamente buoni risultati

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