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Profesor de Italia

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Docente con esperienza ventennale impartisce lezioni online. Le materie che insegno sono : greco antico, latino, italiano, storia e filosofia. Le lezioni saranno chiare, esaustive e le spiegazioni verranno corredate con appunti utilizzabili. Il mio metodo di insegnamento si basa su empatia, logica e comunicazione. Incoraggeró lo studente a sviluppare intuito, comprensione e capacità di espressione. L' obiettivo finale, oltre a stimolare un miglioramento scolastico, sarà quello di fare maturare ...

Docente con esperienza ventennale impartisce lezioni online. Le materie che insegno sono : greco antico, latino, italiano, storia e filosofia. Le lezioni saranno chiare, esaustive e le spiegazioni verranno corredate con appunti utilizzabili. Il mio metodo di insegnamento si basa su empatia, logica e comunicazione. Incoraggeró lo studente a sviluppare intuito, comprensione e capacità di espressione. L' obiettivo finale, oltre a stimolare un miglioramento scolastico, sarà quello di fare maturare competenze che durino nel tempo e siano il fondamento per il percorso scolastico. Gentilezza ed umanità saranno sempre fattori essenziali delle mie lezioni. Ho esperienza anche con studenti dsa. La mia formazione è stata in Lettere Classiche all' Università degli Studi di Genova. Mi sono specializzato, nel corso degli anni, nei vari ambiti riguardanti lingue antiche, letterature, storia e filosofia. In particolare cerco sempre di connettere in modo costruttivo ed armonioso diversi ambiti per permettere allo studente di sviluppare maggiore consapevolezza dei propri studi. English version: Experienced teacher ( with more than twenty years of teaching ) gives online lessons of ancient Latin and Greek, philosophy, history, Italian Literature/ language. I can provide lessons suitable to first learners , intermediate students or advanced ones. My method involves step by step solutions ( regarding translations), focusing on how to solve particular textual passages. Grammar rules, idiomatic sentences, lexical explanations will be explicitly and extensively analysed and notes will be added to summarize the content of each lesson. My goal is delivering clear and complete lessons, covering whatever is needed to help the students and foster further knowledge. Human touch, patience and kindness are my core values , when I teach. My formal background was completed at the University degli Studi di Genova , where I studied literature, classical languages, history and philosophy. Since then , I have constantly kept myself up to date, improving my skills both throught the process of teaching and by exploring the latest teaching methods. I am passionate about what I do, considering teaching the best way to connect with people, spreading my knowledge and helping others to find their own vocation.

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  • Latín Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2
  • Griego Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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InglésCompetencia profesional

Estudios y certificaciones

Licenciatura Laurea In Lettere Moderne

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• ¿Dónde se realizan las clases?

Las clases se realizan en el aula virtual de Classgap, desarrollada para el ámbito formativo con muchas funcionalidades específicas para ello, como el vídeo-chat, la pizarra virtual o el editor de textos a tiempo real. En el siguiente enlace puedes ver una demo del aula y conocerla:  Ver aula virtual

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6 clases

Enseña: Latín

Habla: Spanish, English

Soy Marta, profesora desde hace mucho tiempo. Por mi formación puedo dar clases particulares de Lengua y literatura, Latín, Griego, Historia, Filosofí...

$11 /h
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Giulio C.

Giulio C.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Francés, Latín

Habla: Italian, French, English, Spanish

My name is Giulio Carignano and I am a 19-year-old young Italian. I studied from the first year of kindergarten to the 3rd grade at the French school Jean Giono, I later attended the Massimo d'Azeglio classical high school in Turin, where I was a school representative for two years. After passing the very selective entrance test I am currently studying at Sciences Po Grenoble, one of the most prestigious political science schools in the world. Next year I will study abroad for a year at Trinity College Dublin in parallel with a second law degree at the Sorbonne in Paris. I am an optimistic person and passionate about soccer and politics. I am fortunate to have two brothers and a dog in my family, which has helped form my value for sharing and cooperation. One aspect that excites me is learning. I am always hungry for knowledge and love to acquire new skills. However, I do not limit myself to just learning; I also enjoy teaching. I am convinced that the sharing of ideas and knowledge is crucial for the progress and development of the world. I believe that everyone has something to offer and teach others, and it is in this spirit that I try to contribute to the growth of the people around me. In addition to my passion for learning and teaching, I am also a polyglot. I am fluent in Italian, French and English. I have obtained a C1 level certification in English and the highest level of C2 in French.

$13 /h
Prueba gratis 20 min.
Cecilio I.




Cecilio I.


Profesor Nuevo

Enseña: Español, Latín

Habla: Español, Italiano

Hola, soy Ismael González de Guadalajara, México. Soy licenciado en Filosofía por el Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum de Roma, Italia. También soy...