🏆 Más de 5 años de experiencia dando clases online

Peter K.

Profesor de Estados Unidos , actualmente reside en Grecia

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I guide people, either through the parts of chemistry they find difficult, if they just have some problems, or through the whole subject, always giving simple, basic and easy to understand reasons. It is essential that the students like the subject, and I find that my students end up liking chemistry much more than they did at the start, and get a real feeling that it is an enjoyable subject. I know chemistry is often disliked as a subject, but this is the teaching, not a problems of chemistry i...

I guide people, either through the parts of chemistry they find difficult, if they just have some problems, or through the whole subject, always giving simple, basic and easy to understand reasons. It is essential that the students like the subject, and I find that my students end up liking chemistry much more than they did at the start, and get a real feeling that it is an enjoyable subject. I know chemistry is often disliked as a subject, but this is the teaching, not a problems of chemistry itself, and I have found I get people to like it!

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  • Química
    • Química farmacéutica
    • Química
    • Química orgánica
    • Química básica
    • Química inorgánica
    • Química analítica

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Estudios y certificaciones

Licenciatura Chemistry With Biochemistry, University Of Southampton, Uk Cursando
Certificado Tesol, Uni-Prep, Canada Cursando

Más sobre mí (aficiones, intereses...)

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