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Profesora de Egipto

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Assalamu àlikum, peace be upon you.. I'm GHADA Salah Ahmed. I'm Arabic teacher for non_native speakers. I graduated from faculty of literature, Department Arabic language and literature, Cairo University. I got the language skills course at the Science House College, Cairo University. I received the General Education Diploma at the Faculty of Education of the University of Alfayum. ‏ I got some courses in Islamic law at Zadi. I got an Arabic language course for non-speakers at the Russian...

Assalamu àlikum, peace be upon you.. I'm GHADA Salah Ahmed. I'm Arabic teacher for non_native speakers. I graduated from faculty of literature, Department Arabic language and literature, Cairo University. I got the language skills course at the Science House College, Cairo University. I received the General Education Diploma at the Faculty of Education of the University of Alfayum. ‏ I got some courses in Islamic law at Zadi. I got an Arabic language course for non-speakers at the Russian Cultural Centre on website Rawaq. l also obtained a Certificate of Training in IElTs at the British On Site Institut from Lily future learn. Now I'm studying On-Line Scholarship at EVS. ‏ I worked for one year in teaching Arabic language to native speakers. I worked for a year and fifth months in teaching Arabic language to non_native speakers. I like to read and write. I wish I could teach you Arabic.

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  • Árabe Elemental/A1-2, Intermedio/B1-2, Avanzado/C1, Proficiency/C2

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ÁrabeCompetencias completas

InglésCompetencia profesional

Estudios y certificaciones

Licenciatura I Graduated From Faculty Of Literature, Department Arabic Language And Literature, Cairo University
Diplomatura I Received The General Education Diploma At The Faculty Of Education Of The University Of Alfayum
Certificado I Got The Language Skills Course At The Science House College, Cairo University.
Certificado I Got Some Courses In Islamic Law At Zadi.
Certificado I Got An Arabic Language Course For Non-Speakers At The Russian Cultural Centre On Website Rawaq.
Certificado بمكة المكرمة مع الدكتور مقبل الدعدي حصلت على شهادة دورة القراءة الناقدة في جامعة أم القرى
Certificado دورة توظيف الألعاب التعليمية في تدريس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها بموقع إيدوفكرة
Certificado دورة مهارات التدريس عن بعد مع أ. زكي فراش أون لاين
Certificado الملتقى الدولي الثالث لمعلمي اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
Certificado كيفية تدريس سلسلة التكلم للناطقين بغير العربية بموقع بروج أون لاين
Certificado دورة اللغة العربية، عناصرها ومهاراتها
Certificado دورة تحفيز التساؤل عند الأطفال
Certificado دورة تدريس نور البيان باللغة الإنجليزية
Certificado دورة تدريس مهارات اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية لطلاب Gcse

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