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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Windows

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe




Giuseppe Empfohlen


1222 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows IP-Netzwerke Linux

Ich bin Elektronikingenieur, fest angestellter IT-Lehrer an einer High School, mit über 22 Jahren Erfahrung im Unterrichtsbereich, mit 2 Postgraduiert...

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Cloud Computing Linux Server

Ciao! Sono Biagio, un appassionato esperto di sicurezza informatica con oltre 5 anni di esperienza nel settore. Oltre alla mia esperienza pratica in sicurezza informatica, sono anche un insegnante appassionato di informatica e matematica. Conosco l'importanza di fornire una solida base di conoscenze tecniche agli studenti e di guidarli attraverso il processo di apprendimento in modo chiaro e coinvolgente. Offro lezioni personalizzate su una vasta gamma di argomenti informatici e matematici, aiutando gli studenti a comprendere i concetti fondamentali e a sviluppare competenze pratiche. Dalla programmazione alla crittografia, dalla geometria alla statistica, sono qui per supportare gli studenti nel loro percorso di apprendimento. Il mio obiettivo è ispirare e guidare gli studenti verso il successo, fornendo loro le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per eccellere nel mondo sempre più digitale di oggi. Sono appassionato nel trasmettere la mia esperienza e aiutare gli altri a raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale.

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Wilfredo F.

Wilfredo F.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows IP-Netzwerke

Buenas; Soy Wilfredo Fabricio Sanchez; Licenciado en Sistema; por la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; Actualmente soy Jefe de Sistema de la empresa Cooperativa de Tabacaleros de Jujuy una de las empresas mas grande de mi provincia; Hace 6 años soy docente de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy en la materia Fundamentos de Programación. Y tener esta oportunidad de poder compartir mis conocimientos con personas seria poder cumplir un sueño mas, Espero que puedas ayudar a cumplir mis sueños y yo ayudarte a cumplir tus objetivos.-

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






123 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Informatik


¡Hola! Soy Jennifer Rubio, graduada en pedagogía por la universidad de salamanca y técnico de administración de sistemas informáticos en red. Tengo 4 años de experiencia dando clases a alumno de primaria, con énfasis en lengua. Además cuento con experiencia en impartir clases de informática a nivel de usuario a personas adultas. Me encanta planificar las clases según los objetivos de aprendizaje de cada alumno. Estaré encantada de ayudarte y conseguir los mejores resultados.

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik


Hello, Future Learners! I'm excited to have the opportunity to connect with you and help you on your educational journey. Let me introduce myself and give you a comprehensive look at what you can expect from my classes. About Me: I'm Muzamil Asad, your dedicated online educator. Teaching is not just a profession for me; it's my passion. With 3 years of experience in the field, I've had the privilege of guiding students of all backgrounds and ages towards their academic and professional aspirations. Whether you're a beginner or someone looking to deepen your existing knowledge, I'm here to support your growth. What Sets Me Apart: One of the things that sets me apart as an instructor is my commitment to being approachable and adaptable. I firmly believe that learning should be an interactive and personalized experience, and my teaching philosophy revolves around this principle. I understand that each student is unique, with their own learning style and pace, and I'm committed to tailoring my classes to your individual needs. Class Organization: I strive to make each session engaging, informative, and enriching. In our classes, you can expect a well-structured curriculum, clear explanations, and ample opportunities for questions and discussions. I encourage active participation, so don't hesitate to ask questions, share your insights, and collaborate with your fellow learners. My Expertise: I bring a wealth of knowledge in various subjects to the virtual classroom. I'm proficient in SQL,Databsase, Java, C# and some other coding stuff too and I have honed my skills through continuous professional development. In addition to my subject expertise, I'm also well-versed in the use of various educational tools and programs, including [mention specific tools or software you use]. This ensures that our online learning experience is not only intellectually stimulating but also smooth, efficient, and effective. Let's Connect: I'm here to guide you on your learning journey, answer your questions, and provide the support you need to succeed. You can count on me to be a responsive and understanding educator. I believe in an open and collaborative learning environment, and your success is my priority. I'm not just a teacher; I'm a mentor and a partner in your educational pursuits. Conclusion (Optional): In summary, my goal as an online educator is to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your chosen field. Whether you're looking to boost your career, pursue a personal passion, or simply expand your horizons, my classes offer a platform for growth and development. I look forward to meeting you in my upcoming classes, and I encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about my teaching approach. Thank you for considering my classes. See you soon! Best regards, Muzamil Asad

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik


My name is Farhana. I did my MS in mathematics from GSCWUB in 2021. I'm currently working as a visiting lecturer at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. I am passionate about teaching Mathematics for all grades and levels. With my strong passion for mathematics and extensive tutoring experience, I am confident in my ability to make a significant positive impact on the academic success of students. As an accomplished mathematics tutor, I have successfully guided numerous students through various mathematical concepts, ranging from elementary to advanced levels. My goal has always been to foster a deep understanding of mathematical principles while creating a supportive and engaging learning environment. I believe that every student has the potential to excel in mathematics, and I am committed to unlocking their full potential through personalized instruction tailored to their individual needs and learning styles.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Linux Server

Lezioni online: Java, C/Cpp /C# , Python, CSS, HTML, Angular, JavaScript, SQL, Database, UML, SpringMVC, Spring Boot, Git, Maven, Test & Deploy, Debugging, MathLab, concetti teorici di informatica ============================== Buongiorno, impariamo i fondamenti di informatica passo passo (anche se non sei esperto e non ami particolarmente la materia). Tratteremo gli argomenti che vuoi, tra cui: - Installazione e utilizzo ambiente di sviluppo (IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, VisualStudio, Intellij, ecc.) - Programmazione base con esempi (learning by example + slide, manuali ecc) - Come verificare se il codice è scritto bene (formattazione e leggibilità del codice) - L’importanza del debug (verifica del corretto funzionamento del programma, lettura dei valori delle variabili, ispezione del codice in esecuzione, modifica 'a caldo' delle variabili) - Test automation (Maven, Gradle), uso librerie e framework piu comuni e altri software più come excel, word, powerpoint ecc per chi vuol solo migliorare nell'uso del pc.. Grazie mille per la vostra attenzione Buono Studio! Massimo

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Intelligence Systems

En tant que passionné de programmation informatique, je propose mes services pour vous aider à comprendre les concepts clés de la programmation, à améliorer vos compétences en codage, à résoudre des problèmes complexes de programmation, et à développer des projets informatiques de qualité. Je possède une expérience solide en programmation informatique, ainsi qu'une connaissance approfondie des langages de programmation tels que Python, Java, C++, et bien d'autres. Je peux également vous aider à développer des compétences en développement web, bases de données, algorithmes, structures de données, et autres sujets liés à la programmation. Je suis disponible pour des séances de tutorat en ligne ou en personne selon vos préférences et horaires. Mes tarifs sont compétitifs et je suis flexible sur les horaires pour répondre à vos besoins. Contactez-moi pour discuter de vos besoins en programmation et comment je peux vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. Ensemble, nous allons améliorer vos compétences en programmation informatique et faire de vous un développeur talentueux et performant !

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Dominikanische Republik

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Intelligence Systems Cloud Computing

Soy Darwin un joven Creyente en Cristo. Hace más de 4 años me dedico a la informática, el soporte técnico, el análisis de riesgos, continuidad de negocios y el mundo de la ciberseguridad. Para mi será un placer poder aportar en tu vida con mis conocimientos adquiridos por estudios y experiencias reales. Dentro de mi formación académica se encuentran las siguientes: -Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria -Tecnólogo de Administración de Redes -CCNA -Certificación ISO 27001 -Windows Server -Gestión de Riesgos -Cloud Computer -Seguridad informática -Nist Cibersecurity Framework Estas son varias de las capacitaciones y habilidades que me han formado en el profesional de hoy en día y espero poder traspasar a mis estudiantes esos conocimientos para que también puedan seguir creciendo y fortaleciendo su formación profesional. Puedo ayudarte en temas relacionados con: -Ofimática -Informática básica -Soporte Técnico -Sistemas operativos -Virtualización de sistemas operativos -Canvas para diseño o presentaciones -Gestión de Riesgo Tecnológicos -Continuidad de Negocios -Tutoría para proyecto de grado -Prácticas de concientización de ciberseguridad -Identificación de phishing -Consejos prácticos para evitar ser víctimas de ataques de ingeniería social. Elige en qué estudiar y te veo en clases!

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Linux Server

Hey there, awesome folks! 🌟 I'm PJ, your friendly neighborhood coding wizard! 💻 Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and years of hands-on experience, I'm here to rock your coding world! In my classes, we're all about turning learning into an epic adventure! 🚀 Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned coder, I'll tailor each session to suit your style and pace. From unraveling the mysteries of Python to conquering the challenges of Java, we'll embark on a journey of discovery together! But hey, it's not all serious business! 🎉 Expect plenty of laughs, high-fives, and maybe even a virtual dance party or two along the way. Because let's face it, learning should be fun, right? So, if you're ready to level up your coding game and unleash your inner coding superhero, buckle up, and let's dive in! The coding cosmos awaits! 💫🚀

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Windows Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Cloud Computing Linux Server

Doctorant/Assistant, actuellement en Stagiaire au laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble en France. Je donne cours d'informatique (Cloud, Programmation, Sécurité, SE, etc....). Partager mes connaissances en informatique à travers ce cours est une passion nourrie par le désir de démocratiser l'accès au savoir technologique. En unissant nos forces, nous pouvons créer une communauté éduquée, inspirée et prête à façonner un avenir numérique inclusif et innovant. Toute personne qui souhaite se former en programmation ou en un domaine bien priçi de l'informatique durant cette période de congé, s'exister pas à me contacter. Car je suis disponible à tout moment pour vous. Ceci est aussi valable pour des personnes qui ont besoin de l'aide aux devoirs ou des cours de soutien.

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