Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Musik

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






93 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Musik

Aprende a tocar el violín sintiendote motivado y tocando la música que te gusta! Mi método es flexible, utilizo diferentes técnicas para poder centrarnos siempre en la necesidades del alumno, y que también sea este el que pueda marcar sus propios ritmos. Creo que es importante trabajar la técnica del instrumento para que el alumno avance teniendo una base sólida y pueda sentirse cómodo con el instrumento. Intento siempre ofrecer a los alumnos la posibilidad de elegir algunas de las piezas que vamos a tocar, para que se sienta más motivado, siempre que sea adecuado para su nivel y podamos trabajar al mismo tiempo la técnica del instrumento. Creo que es muy importante que el alumno disfrute aprendiendo y que las clases se adapten a su nivel, sus gustos y por supuesto su edad. Soy graduada en el grado superior del conservatorio y continuo formandome con violinistas de renombre internacional, lo que me ha llevado a conocer el repertorio violinistico y tecnico del instrumento, y a conocer tambien las diversas escuelas pedagogicas que existen. Como experiencia, llevo 10 años dando clases particulares de violín y 6 años dando clases de violín y otras materias musicales en academias. En todos estos años he aprendido a identificar las flaquezas y facilidades de los alumnos, lo que me ayuda a personalizar las clases en función de lo que necesita cada estudiante. Si te apetece aprender a tocar el violín, no dudes en contactar conmigo!!!

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Jonatan E.

Jonatan E.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Mein Name ist Jonatan Ezequiel Taborelli, Absolvent der Gitarrenschule der Fakultät für Geistes- und Kunstwissenschaften der Nationalen Universität Ro...

25 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



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Unterrichten: Musik

Hey there! I'm Paulina. I hold Master of Arts Degree in Music Education and Qualified Teacher Status obtained in England. I studied piano and accordion performance, improvisation, composition and music theory. Since then I have been traveling the world playing music and teaching it to students from many different countries and cultures, including the UK, USA, Poland, China, Vietnam, Thailand and Caribbean Islands. Being a traveling educator taught me to be very sensitive to diverse needs of each individual and to provide student-centered education that supports unique student’s goals and aspirations. Currently I accept students from the age of 7 to learn with me the art of playing piano and/or accordion - both very unique and mesmerizing instruments! I will teach you how to play beautiful french and italian music that stands at the core of accordion and piano's glory, but also darker and more complex music of the Balkans or South America (like tango), that will turn heads of anyone witnessing you play. As an academically trained musician I always include classical repertoire in my course as I believe any well-rounded musician should be familiar with and able to perform classical pieces. Like all other instruments, piano and accordion have evolved greatly in recent years. I will show you how you can use these instruments to play modern music including jazz and contemporary, but also popular styles like rock or electronic music. After years of education and gained experience I use a mixture of different methods, creating and adjusting my accordion course to each student's specific goals and aspirations. With my educational background in classical piano I teach solid playing technique based on Frederick Chopin's teaching method. Chopin was a passionate teacher himself, who developed an array of tools for learners to play their instrument in a relaxed, healthy and brilliant manner. To support the development of the natural creative senses of my students I also use the method of E.J. Dalcroze who developed a beautiful approach to learning music through experience, improvisation and active creation and E.Gordon - whose teaching is based on audiation, “sound before sight” learning, natural understanding of the language of music. To ensure healthy habits and prevent any playing-related injuries you will learn about Alexander technique - gentle, natural movement and relaxation should be at the core of each musician’s technical skills. The course also includes strong theory and ear training to build high level musicianship skills in my students, that will enable them to communicate with other musicians clearly and effectively as well as play not only solo but with bands, duets and orchestras, where listening and accurately responding to other instruments and musicians is the basis of musical communication. I have successfully led many of my students in their professional journey preparing them for internationally recognised exams, like Trinity and ABRSM, so if one of your goals is to gain these official qualifications we will include that in the course. Being an experienced performer, having played not only classical repertoire and concerts, but also being part of jazz, progressive rock and folk bands I adjust the course to support achieving your goals in the quickest and most effective way, without wasting your time on things that are not in your area of focus at the moment. I strongly believe that learning musical language should be approached as learning any language - by practicing speaking it as soon and as much as possible. That's why, when you learn with me, we go straight to the instrument, playing from the first moment. By using small and consistent steps you will comfortably speak the language of music, in time being able to create longer and longer phrases and sentences, making your own music and to read existing music in a more efficient and fluent manner. Most of all my teaching style is about the relationship between me and each individual student, so really it's ever changing and flexible. Just like our goals, dreams and abilities.

36 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Ich bin ein professioneller Musiker und Komponist mit zwanzigjähriger Studien- und Konzerterfahrung. Ich habe eine Lizenz in Theorie und Solfeggio und...

11 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






20 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Musik

Ab meinem achten Lebensjahr begann ich, die chromatische Mundharmonika zu studieren, dieses kleine und faszinierende Instrument, mit dem ich aufgewach...

17 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

¡Hola, soy Federica Grasso, en arte Lachea. Soy cantautora, profesora de canto y música! Actualmente estoy estudiando Canto pop-rock en el Conservatorio de Messina y he completado el programa Trinity Rock&Pop Vocals, obteniendo el grado octavo en 2022. En los últimos años, he enseñado canto a niños, adolescentes y adultos, tanto en persona como online, prestando atención a sus necesidades y objetivos personales. Estudiar canto conmigo es una experiencia personalizada, me adapto a lo que deseas lograr, tu nivel actual y tus metas. Estudiar canto es dedicar tiempo a ti mismo y cuidar de tu voz, ya sea que lo hagas como pasatiempo o de manera profesional. Si estás interesado en aprender más sobre armonía y teoría musical, planificaremos juntos un plan de estudios adecuado también (o solo) para eso. ¡Espero verte en clase! ¡Estaré encantada de ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos!

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Diplomato al conservatorio “Ottorino Respighi” di Latina. Ho studiato composizione con il Maestro Stefano Fonzi (direttore d’orchestra di San Remo nonché collaboratore di Ennio Morricone). Ho conseguito un master in mix e mastering di Steinberg con il massimo dei voti. Insegno pianoforte classico e moderno, solfeggio e teoria musicale adeguando il percorso di studio a seconda delle necessità sia ad adulti che a bambini preparandoli eventualmente agli esami in conservatorio. Ho esperienza decennale nel campo dell’insegnamento e negli anni ho affinato un metodo moderno che rispetta perfettamente il classicismo dei metodi del conservatorio. Ho pubblicato 2 album facendo parte di una band country rock come tastierista e sassofonista. Amo la musica più di ogni altra cosa.

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Hi guys, my name is Lisa and I'm 25 years old. I have been teaching singing for 4 years now and have been working as a professional jazz singer for 6, with my trio. I am a very extroverted and enthusiastic person and I would like to be able to share a bit of my world with you and convey my passion to you. I graduated from the conservatory in jazz singing, and I have been studying piano since I was 5 years old. Music has always been very important to me, and I think teaching is very important. I currently work in a school, and I teach children of all ages, and this excites me and makes me very satisfied.

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Mi nombre es Alejandra soy profesora titulada de música ,con orientación en piano ,enseño hace más de diez años en el conservatorio Schiuma de Buenos Aires,dónde enseña tanto a niños como adultos lenguaje musical o audio perceptiva y piano. Te propongo tomar clases online para desarrollar tu oído musical,reconocer notas y ritmos y aprender a leer y escribir música.Como también,aprender a leer y tocar en el piano tus canciones favoritas En las clases vas a contar con un seguimiento personalizado,videos y apuntes que acompañaran tu aprendizaje.😊🎵🎹

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Musik

Hey there, I am Yi Kai. I have been practicing the cello since 2010 and got serious in 2013. I am currently working hard to audition for a local music conservatory and in the meantime, I have been teaching since 2017. I have Grade 8 in Cello Performance from the ABRSM. I like to plan my classes based on the individual's needs and help shape my students to the best of their abilities, rather than making them into a copy of me or whoever. I discuss big goals with my students and I help set the path for the student to achieve their goals without compromise.

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