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Lehrerin aus Singapur" , derzeit wohnhaft in Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

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Hey there! In short, the two elements I strive for in a class is challenge and fun! I like to bring a lot of outside content/resources to go over during class. Textbooks are my go-to materials. Each subject usually has a curriculum that comes from a particular textbook and if I were teaching that subject I would teach the material in the textbook while bringing a couple outside practice problems. I tend to also teach over a whiteboard and use many visuals for all the visual learners out there. I...

Hey there! In short, the two elements I strive for in a class is challenge and fun! I like to bring a lot of outside content/resources to go over during class. Textbooks are my go-to materials. Each subject usually has a curriculum that comes from a particular textbook and if I were teaching that subject I would teach the material in the textbook while bringing a couple outside practice problems. I tend to also teach over a whiteboard and use many visuals for all the visual learners out there. I am also a fan of homework - this doesn't mean I throw workloads of worksheets to my students, instead, I like to make sure the homework is doable and at the same time will enhance knowledge of a concept. Last but not least, I like starting off my classes with icebreakers. Usually this includes a mini game that is related to the material or a "competition" that is more like a fun timed quiz. Ultimately, I strive to challenge my students while teaching them that learning can also be fun!

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Trigonometrie
    • Lineare Algebra
    • LaTeX
  • Geige Anfänger

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Spanisch Basic

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Introduction To Java - John Hopkins University
Zertifikat Advanced Java Programming - John Hopkins University
Zertifikat Chinese Basic 1-3 - John Hopkins University