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Mehmet A.

Aus Türkei"

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Medical Doctor. Professor of internal Medicine. Although credientials from Istanbul, I do have USMLE certificate from USA (diploma for foreign doctors for applying practice in the States). Taught mostly diabetes lectures for pharmaceutical companies, primary vare physicians, medical students and the public mostly on 'DIABETES'. Had students not from Turkiye but UK, USA, Germany as well. Rather than diabetes, various topics on medicine we may learn & discuss TOGETHER. INTERACTIVE learning is...

Medical Doctor. Professor of internal Medicine. Although credientials from Istanbul, I do have USMLE certificate from USA (diploma for foreign doctors for applying practice in the States). Taught mostly diabetes lectures for pharmaceutical companies, primary vare physicians, medical students and the public mostly on 'DIABETES'. Had students not from Turkiye but UK, USA, Germany as well. Rather than diabetes, various topics on medicine we may learn & discuss TOGETHER. INTERACTIVE learning is the key for better understanding of our needs and will provide fruitful outcomes, I do believe.

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  • Naturwissenschaften Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Zertifikat Md (Medical Doctor)
Abschlusszeugnis Professor