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Lehrerin aus Kolumbien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Mexiko

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Hello! I am Alejandra Zapata, a graduate in biology and a final year student of the Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences of Guadalajara University. I like to adapt the classes to the interests of the student with problems and examples from everyday life. I can provide advice to middle and high school students, but also at a professional level in related subjects with: 1-Molecular biology. 2-Immunology. 3-RNA sequencing analysis (RNA seq). 5-Design of experiments. 4-Advice on the development of degr...

Hello! I am Alejandra Zapata, a graduate in biology and a final year student of the Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences of Guadalajara University. I like to adapt the classes to the interests of the student with problems and examples from everyday life. I can provide advice to middle and high school students, but also at a professional level in related subjects with: 1-Molecular biology. 2-Immunology. 3-RNA sequencing analysis (RNA seq). 5-Design of experiments. 4-Advice on the development of degree projects at the specialization, master or doctorate level. 5-Writing articles or research projects. I will be happy to help you with the issues that give you problems!

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  • Naturwissenschaften Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciatura En Biología Y Educación Ambiental
Promotion Doctorado En Ciencias Biomédicas Am Lernen

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