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Hi! I am a Physician and Neurosciences Specialist with more than 3 years of experience in teaching and research. I worked as a clinical tutor at St. George's University. Currently I teach virtual classes to high school students and university medical students, with a focus on Neurosciences, including: Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, semiology and pathologies of the Nervous System, as well as the management of these patologies and the latest research in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases...

Hi! I am a Physician and Neurosciences Specialist with more than 3 years of experience in teaching and research. I worked as a clinical tutor at St. George's University. Currently I teach virtual classes to high school students and university medical students, with a focus on Neurosciences, including: Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, semiology and pathologies of the Nervous System, as well as the management of these patologies and the latest research in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. I recently completed a course on Neurofeedback for the alternative management of multiple pathologies and syndromes of the Nervous System, as well as emotional disorders. I focus on Alternative Medicine and handle homeopathic and herbal medicines, avoiding as much as possible the collateral effects in the management of different diseases and my goal is to share all the information I can about this type of therapy, its scientific evidence and its impact on the public health in an understandable way, using educational images and videos and with a non-technical language so that people can understand and assimilate all medical concepts easily and learn without having to memorize.

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  • Naturwissenschaften Fortgeschritten

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Alexander Ruiz
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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Médica Cirujana
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Magister En Neurociencias