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Alessandria D.

Lehrerin aus Kanada" , derzeit wohnhaft in Italien

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Hi! My name is Alessandria and I’m a pianist, music educator, children’s choir conductor and owner of the Alessandria Di Nardo Piano Studio in Florence, Italy. Born in Montreal, I’m a native English speaker and also fluent in French and Italian. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from McGill University in Musical Arts with a concentration in Piano Performance, and I also have a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance from the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini of Florence. I have been living in Fl...

Hi! My name is Alessandria and I’m a pianist, music educator, children’s choir conductor and owner of the Alessandria Di Nardo Piano Studio in Florence, Italy. Born in Montreal, I’m a native English speaker and also fluent in French and Italian. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from McGill University in Musical Arts with a concentration in Piano Performance, and I also have a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance from the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini of Florence. I have been living in Florence, Italy for almost 10 years, where I have worked in numerous schools and cultivated my passion for musical communication through teaching, deepening my own communication skills with children and experimenting with various approaches and strategies. In our piano lessons, you are always placed at the center of your education, and the time you need while learning is always respected. The personalized program is established according to the your specific needs and with the intention of laying the building blocks for a solid foundation in lifelong learning, as well as the development of sensitivity to beauty, art and culture. What has always fascinated me is the communicative aspect that we learn while playing the piano, exchanging through this medium both musical and emotional information. By creating sound, you’ll learn to explore another way of expressing thoughts and emotions, and begin to really know yourself, and the enormous expressive potential that music has. Above all by dedicating yourself to the piano on a daily basis, you will soon discover that your commitment is a gift for your soul. Satisfaction will be acquired over time, in long-term goals, building a bond with the instrument and music that can last a lifetime. A little more about myself if you’re interested… As a pianist I have performed in numerous important festivals and events in Italy, England, France, Malta, Hungary, and Denmark, and I have participated and won prizes in many national competitions as a soloist, in chamber music, as well as a choir conductor. Since 2015 I have been dedicating myself to the French composer Erik Satie, performing his works for piano in music festivals in Florence, among them the memorable Sonic Somatic festival, which first edition I inaugurated with a complete fifteen hour performance of “Vexations”, in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi. With this performance I got a taste of performance art and in 2017 I performed a piano performance art piece by Ari Benjamin Meyers, Vexations II, also inspired by Satie’s original. I’m continuing with my investigation of Satie's music, trying to offer a deeper look at the soul of this eccentric but timeless composer, and essential figure in the evolution of music during his lifetime up to present day.

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  • Klavier Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten
  • Musik Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor Of Musical Arts, Piano Performance
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Master’S Degree In Piano Performance