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Physiologie-Lehrer Online

Müssen Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in Physiologie verbessern? Nehmen Sie Online-Einzelunterricht mit erfahrenen Lehrern

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7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Cristina M.




Cristina M.


38 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie Genetik microbiologia inmunologia

¡Hola! Soy profesora de Biología y Geología con una gran experiencia en secundaria y bachillerato aunque también he impartido clases en un grado medio de Técnico en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería. Desde hace más de 10 años doy clases particulares de forma independiente, aunque hace un par de años he trabajado para una academia en Granada (España), dando apoyo a alumnos de primaria y bachillerato en materias relacionadas con mi rama así como preparación de pruebas de acceso a la Universidad y materias relacionadas con la Biología en carreras universitarias. En el último año he trabajado en diferentes centros impartiendo mi materia.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






11 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie Genetik microbiologia Biotechnologie

Ciao amico/a! Sono molto contento di avere l'opportunità di parlarti delle materie scientifiche che amo tanto: fisica, chimica e biologia! Sono un laureato in Biotecnologie e ho deciso di mettere a servizio la mia passione per questi argomenti attraverso l'insegnamento. Quando si tratta di tenere lezioni, mi piace coinvolgere attivamente gli studenti, rendendo le lezioni interessanti ed interattive. Utilizzo principalmente lezioni frontali, in cui pongo domande e incoraggio tutti a partecipare attivamente per rendere l'apprendimento più coinvolgente e divertente. La mia priorità è evitare che le lezioni siano noiose, perché credo che attraverso l'interazione sia possibile apprendere meglio. Un metodo che apprezzo particolarmente è quello di iniziare la lezione con una curiosità o una domanda intrigante. Questo può stimolare la curiosità dei miei studenti e motivarli ad approfondire l'argomento. Alla fine dell'ora, fornisco la risposta alla domanda, in modo da far riflettere su ciò che abbiamo imparato insieme. Per valutare i progressi dei miei studenti, utilizzo un test iniziale per valutare il loro livello di conoscenza all'inizio del corso. Inoltre, durante il percorso, svolgo test intermedi per verificare che gli studenti stiano apprendendo in modo appropriato. In questo modo, posso adattare le lezioni alle loro esigenze e garantire che stiano progredendo. Mi piace presentarmi come se stessi parlando con un amico, in modo diretto e cordiale. Penso che sia importante creare un ambiente positivo in cui gli studenti si sentano a proprio agio e motivati ad esprimere le loro domande ed i loro dubbi. Per me, è fondamentale instaurare una relazione di fiducia con loro, in modo che possano avvicinarsi a me senza esitazione. In conclusione, il mio obiettivo è rendere le materie scientifiche affascinanti e accessibili a tutti gli studenti. Voglio condividere la mia passione per la fisica, la chimica e la biologia, e desidero che i miei studenti sviluppino una curiosità e un interesse duraturi per queste discipline. Spero di poter fare da catalizzatore al loro apprendimento e di renderli appassionati come lo sono io. Sono convinto che, insieme, possiamo vivere un'esperienza di insegnamento e apprendimento indimenticabile!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ahmed M.

Ahmed M.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie farmacologia inmunologia neurologia

Hello, My name is Dr/Ahmed, I'm from Egypt - Medical Student currently in the training year of MBBS, resident at Kasr-Alainy hospitals, Egypt -Tutor of Biology for all grades and in both languages: Native English and Native Arabic. I will be tutoring you in biology & Chemistry, we will learn together Biology, Chemistry, AP Biology, AB chemistry, MCAT, SAT, and IGCSE Biology. -Explaining the field of Medicine and medical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, histology, Biochemistry, and internal medicine. So, you're a student... And you're here right now because need an excellent teacher who can teach you biology or any other science subject. My name is Dr. Ahmed and I'm from Cairo, Egypt. Currently, in my final year of MBBS, I specialize in teaching medical subjects including Biology. Biology is complicated! I've been studying it and teaching since my own undergrad days. Here’s the thing. So many teachers seem to think that you’re hiring them to read-out your lessons. They think their main goal is to read or narrate what's already written in the book! Not me. My goal is simple: to help you comprehend, Understand and memorize the concepts of the subjects the right way. I have disrupted the conventional tutoring style and made things easy yet effective for my students. I look forward to working with you! We will identify your goals and work on them together so be ready and put on your seatbelt it will be an amazing journey the one we will have together Ahmed, MD.

17 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Christina S.

Christina S.


7 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie Genetik ecologia neurologia

Hallo, ich bin Sibylle und möchte dich gerne für das Lernen in den Fächern Biologie und Chemie motivieren und natürlich auch begeistern. Als Lehrerin...

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



11 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie fisiologa_animal ecologia

Hola, Me llamo Alioth Vargas. Gradue con bachelors degree de Biologia Marina. He trabajado tanto en el campo científico como en el educativo. Trabajé como biólogo en acuicultura y también en acuarios. En términos de educación, he trabajado como tutor en la escuela internacional de Phnom Penh, ayudando a estudiantes de secundaria en todas las clases. Me especialicé en niños que tenían el inglés como segunda lengua. Mi estilo de enseñanza es relajado y amigable, la escuela es difícil por lo que es, estoy aquí como complemento, no como estrés adicional para el niño.

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






46 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie Genetik microbiologia virologia

Ciao, mi chiamo Bianca. Mi sono diplomata nel 2019 presso il liceo classico Augusto Monti di Chieri con votazione 100/100 e lode. Ho svolto il primo anno di università presso la facoltà di scienze biologiche a Torino. Mentre attualmente frequento la facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Ho conseguito diverse certificazioni Cambridge per l'apprendimento della lingua inglese. Ho anche avuto la possibilità di effettuare differenti viaggi studio all'estero (Irlanda e Spagna). Mi piace molto il contatto con i ragazzi e ho già avuto diverse esperienze riguardanti ripetizioni in ambito scientifico. Non ho mai avuto problemi nella creazione di un buon legame insegnante-allievo, in quanto, da studentessa, riesco a capire meglio le dinamiche proprie del/la ragazzo/a. Mi ritengo una persona molto empatica, comprensiva, ma anche alquanto esigente, soprattutto se si tratta di studio e lavoro. Le mie lezioni si svolgono online, utilizzando principalmente: - schemi miei personali per l'approfondimento - appunti personali - integrazioni da testi universitari e libri del liceo, a seconda delle esigenze del singolo individuo. Quello ch mi propongo di insegnare è: - costruire mappe concettuali e riassunti - ricercare un metodo di studio efficace - esporre le lezioni Ho esperienza nel dare lezioni online a studenti di scuole medie, superiori e università. Sarei molto felice di aiutarvi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



14 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie Genetik Biotechnologie genomica

I am a recent graduate who has always loved studying with my peers, and this has helped me understand how to present topics in a way that is understandable to everyone. I enjoy maintaining a friendly relationship with the person I am teaching while always maintaining an essential level of respect.The lessons I envision are not traditional lectures like those in school or university but are based on problems and how to solve them. It's something that we often forget; we are all different, and everyone has their own way of doing things.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ghulam M.




Ghulam M.


19 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Zellbiologie Genetik Biotechnologie inmunologia

Hello, I'm Mustafa, your next guide in the intriguing world of biological sciences and beyond. As an experienced online biology tutor with a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, a Master of Science in Biotechnology, and a Bachelor's in Education, I bring a unique blend of academic knowledge and practical understanding to make your learning journey fruitful and engaging. As a former examiner for the Cambridge board, I specialize in a multitude of scientific disciplines including Biology, Science, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, IGCSE Chemistry, AP Biology, IGCSE Biology, AQA Biology, A-Level Biology, General Biology, IB Biology SL/HL, General Physics, Biology (A-Level), Biology 0610, Biology (9700), and Biology Edexcel. My exceptional performance in these fields is a testament to my dedication, having secured all A's in my GCSE and A-level studies. But that's not all. My role as a researcher at a well-reputed institute and as a lecturer has honed my teaching approach, bringing a nuanced perspective to the online tutoring experience. I leverage this to offer customized and effective learning experiences for my students, each tailored to accommodate the learner's unique needs. My teaching methodologies have been tested and proven in both online and offline settings. I utilize a graphic tablet with a digital pen, ensuring an interactive, visually engaging experience. With a robust internet connection, I conduct live classes via classgap virtual classroom, offering personalized and real-time feedback to my students. My tutoring is not merely a dissemination of knowledge; it's about building strong connections with my students, inspiring them to push their boundaries and reach new academic heights. So, if you're in search of a biology tutor near me or an online biology tutor with a deep understanding of biological sciences, a commitment to student success, and an impressive academic background, look no further. Whether you're just starting your journey or seeking expert-level reinforcement, I am here to guide you every step of the way. Join me in exploring the fascinating world of biological sciences, and let's achieve your academic goals together. Book a lesson with me today and experience a unique, engaging, and enriching learning experience

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie farmacologia

Hi, I'm Fatemeh, aka Hasti! I'm a 27 y.o pharmacist, Master's grad from Charles University in Prague with an A grade. Teaching has been a natural talent and passion of mine since high school. I found joy in helping my classmates navigate challenging subjects, and this continued through university. Professors recognized my ability to explain complex topics, often requesting me to assist my colleagues for better comprehension. It became evident that I have a true passion for teaching. Now, as a certified graduate, I am excited to officially share my knowledge and assist science lovers in understanding complex concepts. Ready to explore the awesome worlds of biology, chemistry, and pharmacology with me, Hasti? 🎓 As a certified pharmacist and passionate teacher, I'm here to make learning a blast and create simple stories that you will never forget! Picture personalized lessons designed just for you, where complex concepts become exciting discoveries. Together, we unlock your potential and excel in science!

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Biologie

Physiologieunterricht Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer Zellbiologie fisiologa_animal Genetik inmunologia

Hello there, do you think biology is a challenging subject? Well, I'm Noor and I'm here to make this better. Whether you're a uni student or a high school student, I believe I can help you out! I have been a TA at the Faculty of Science for five years now. I graduated, ranked excellent with honours and currently I'm pursuing a Masters degree in Molecular Toxicology. So, at uni, I teach subjects like molecular biology, genetics, cytology, Physiology, Vertebrate and invertebrate Taxonomy, comparative anatomy and parasitology. All sorts of subjects related to zoology. also have three years of experience in teaching biology private tutoring sessions to high school students. This includes both the SAT curriculum and the IGCSE curriculum My teaching material includes my own exclusive notes and solving plenty of exercises and past papers for exam practice. Well, by now I think it's pretty obvious that teaching biology is my passion in life, so I assure you that I will definitely make it your favorite subject. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and book your free trial session so we can discuss all your needs and start right away. You wish you had found me earlier? See you.

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