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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Lineare Algebra

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Numerische Analyse Trigonometrie Geometrie

Ciao, sono uno studente di ingegneria informatica e impartisco lezioni di Matematica e Fisica per studenti di scuole medie e superiori. Una volta decisi gli argomenti su cui verterà la lezione comincerò ad aiutarti nell'apprendere nuove nozioni e insegnamenti. I miei studi sono principalmente scientifici e i miei insegnamenti sono per lo più logici e di facile accesso, conoscendo argomenti complessi posso insegnare argomenti più semplici in modi migliori. Spero di poteri aiutare ad affrontare i tuoi studi in un modo migliore.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Geometrie

Hi, my name is Mohamad, I am from Lebanon, I have more than 12 years of experience as a radiation protection officer in a cement company and give private lessons in sciences, maths, physics, and chemistry. I enjoy teaching since it is a way to meet new students and cultures and love to help them with the materials where they are struggling with. I really feel happy when I see improvement in my student's learning skills and encourage them to enrich there knowledge and showing them that studying is fun.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






20 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Numerische Analyse Trigonometrie LaTeX

Ciao! sono Alessio Rubino, ho 24 anni, sono laureato in ingegneria civile all'università di Pisa. Ho un anno di esperienza nell'insegnamento online a studenti delle scuole medie e superiori, con particolare attenzione riguardo le materie scientifiche come matematica e fisica. Mi piace organizzare le mie lezioni in base agli obiettivi da raggiungere per i singoli studenti. Sarò felice di essere il tuo insegnante e ad aiutarti a raggiungere qualsiasi obiettivo. Il mio motto è "comprendiamo i concetti così da non dover imparare le formule a memoria!"

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






25 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Statistiken Rechnen Mathematische Logik Geometrie

Hola soy Jefferson Vaca graduado en física y estoy terminando mi maestría en Astrofísica en el INAOE-México. Desde la preparatoria me ha gustado enseñar y entiendo que cada persona tiene una forma de aprendizaje diferente. Busco adaptarme a tu estilo de aprendizaje, el objetivo de mis clases siempre será simplificar de forma más intuitiva hasta los conceptos más difíciles. Domino el calculo diferencial e integral, las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales y ordinarias de manera analítica o con métodos numéricos.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Numerische Analyse Angewandte Mathematik Zahlentheorie

Hey, I am Prateek Govill, I have done MBA in Finance and Engineering in Computer Science. I have worked in various software and consulting companies in past 9 years. I enjoy teaching as it gives me internal satisfaction and the happiest moment for me is when the students understand the concepts. I take joy in teaching students who are fearful of Maths and Physics. I have experience of giving both online and offline classes to students. I usually give more time than the designated as I believe teaching needs dedication and patience to make people understand the concepts and it is different from other professions. You may book a trial class with me to get comfortable and decide. I am sure you would like to connect with me :)

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik

So many students have ideas about how they’re “bad at math” or that they “won’t use math” when they’re older. But Mathematics is the language of nature.Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. I'm a math major, what i can tell you from my daily experience in studying math is. its just beautiful. Sometimes its about patterns, sometimes about logic. But all you need is a pen and a paper, its all in your brain!. By the way I'm Afrae, Afrae TANZITE; your future mathematics teachers of course if you want to, I have a master degree in Applied mathematics from the University of HASSAN 1 (MAROC). and I am now a PHd student in Germany. I have two years of experience teaching online classes to secondary and high school students. Anyone can become a teacher, but it takes a lot of effort and time to train yourself to be a good teacher and mentor. I am confident that I am the right choice to be hired.

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Haider S.

Haider S.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Numerische Analyse Trigonometrie Rechnen

Graduated in Engineering ( Electrical ) from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. Throughout my studies, I built excellent knowledge and skills in mathematics (algebra, real/complex analysis, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, functions, differentiation, integration, topology, differential equations/calculus, and related topics). Having very good knowledge of mathematics is not enough to be a good tutor. In my case, I have 10 years of tutoring experience in mathematics ranging from different student levels (elementary/school level, high school/mid-level, and college/university level). When passion, good skills, helpful personality, patience, and meaningful experience, in mathematics, meet in a person to produce a qualified tutor able to help students to overcome specific learning difficulties in mathematics.

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






608 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Ciao, sono Alice e mi sono diplomata presso il liceo scientifico con 100/100. Frequento il primo anno di ingegneria elettronica. Offro ripetizioni agli studenti delle scuole elementari, medie e superiori. Insegno ormai da più di tre anni. Descrizione del metodo di insegnamento utilizzato: dopo una breve spiegazione, facendo anche uso di schemi e mappe , svolgo alcuni esercizi di esempio insieme allo studente in modo che capisca passo passo.;Infine lo pongo davanti ad un esercizio simile e vedo i punti che ha capito e quelli che invece hanno bisogno di essere rispiegati.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Mathematische Logik Geometrie

I am a passionate and enthusiastic mathematics teacher with over 15 years of experience. I firmly believe in a student-led and teacher-guided approach. There is a fine balance between knowing your theory and understanding the methods. If you cannot identify what to do, you won't know how to solve it, right? I love teaching students who are eager to learn, but even more so, students who struggle with the subject. Let's sort out those cracked foundations and lay new ones so we are able to build on them successfully in the future.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Lineare Algebra Algebra Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

I an having a teaching experience of nearly 12years years in various Engineering colleges as Electronics faculty .Apart from that I also worked as a Maths Teacher side by side. I am a B.Tech and live to teach Maths to all grades and also for the competitive Maths. I worked with different organisations as Maths Teacher and prepare the student not for syllabus or Curriculum only but prepare the students for other types of mental Maths and olympiad so that without doing any extra effort student can get through with these Exams.