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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Cloud Computing

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Mohammed B.




Mohammed B. Empfohlen


675 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Windows Linux Server

Grüße, angehende Technologen,

Im sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Bereich der Technologie ist der Erwerb solider Kenntnisse in Programmierun...

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Cristian E.




Cristian E.


41 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing

Hola! Quiero apoyarte en tu camino en el área de la tecnología. Te dare todos los tips y trucos que no te dan en la Universidad o bootcamp. Te ayudaré a mejorar las bases, para que seas un profesional de clase mundial. No todo es solamente programar. Eso es solo la punta del iceberg. Te ayudaré a recorrer todo el iceberg. Las habilidades blandas, de comunicación, son esenciales, llegando a serlo en casos más que las técnicas. Estaré aquí para darte los mejores consejos y ayuda para que no seas uno más.

14 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe


Dominikanische Republik

Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems Windows

Soy Darwin un joven Creyente en Cristo. Hace más de 4 años me dedico a la informática, el soporte técnico, el análisis de riesgos, continuidad de negocios y el mundo de la ciberseguridad. Para mi será un placer poder aportar en tu vida con mis conocimientos adquiridos por estudios y experiencias reales. Dentro de mi formación académica se encuentran las siguientes: -Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria -Tecnólogo de Administración de Redes -CCNA -Certificación ISO 27001 -Windows Server -Gestión de Riesgos -Cloud Computer -Seguridad informática -Nist Cibersecurity Framework Estas son varias de las capacitaciones y habilidades que me han formado en el profesional de hoy en día y espero poder traspasar a mis estudiantes esos conocimientos para que también puedan seguir creciendo y fortaleciendo su formación profesional. Puedo ayudarte en temas relacionados con: -Ofimática -Informática básica -Soporte Técnico -Sistemas operativos -Virtualización de sistemas operativos -Canvas para diseño o presentaciones -Gestión de Riesgo Tecnológicos -Continuidad de Negocios -Tutoría para proyecto de grado -Prácticas de concientización de ciberseguridad -Identificación de phishing -Consejos prácticos para evitar ser víctimas de ataques de ingeniería social. Elige en qué estudiar y te veo en clases!

13 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Joan D.

Joan D.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke

Soy Joan y estoy emocionado de compartir mi conocimiento y pasión por las Matemáticas contigo. Mi camino académico incluye una Maestría en Telecomunicaciones, donde me sumergí en el fascinante mundo de la tecnología. Me especializo en la aplicación de Machine Learning a las redes, llevando la teoría a la práctica de manera emocionante. Sin embargo, esto no lo pude lograr sin un entendimiento profundo de las matemáticas. Mi enfoque de enseñanza es personalizado y participativo. No solo quiero que comprendas los conceptos, sino que también disfrutes del proceso de aprendizaje. En mis clases, exploraremos desde los fundamentos hasta aplicaciones avanzadas. Si buscas una experiencia educativa personalizada, enfocada en tus metas y llevada a cabo por alguien apasionado por su campo, ¡has llegado al lugar adecuado! Estoy emocionado de ser tu guía en este emocionante viaje de descubrimiento matemático

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems

Hello! I'm Siraj Munir, and I am thrilled to be a part of this online teaching platform, where I can share my expertise in AI, machine learning, and programming languages. With a passion for education and a deep understanding of these subjects, I am committed to providing engaging and effective learning experiences for students. As an experienced educator, I have successfully taught AI, machine learning, and programming languages to students at various levels. My goal is to empower learners with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in these rapidly evolving fields. I believe that education should be interactive, hands-on, and tailored to individual learning styles, and I strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all my students. Here's what you can expect from my teaching approach: 1. Comprehensive Subject Mastery: With a solid foundation in AI, machine learning, and programming languages, I bring in-depth knowledge of concepts, algorithms, and best practices. I stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and industry trends, ensuring that my students receive relevant and cutting-edge information. 2. Engaging and Interactive Lessons: I design my lessons to be engaging, interactive, and practical. I utilize a variety of teaching methods, such as real-world examples, case studies, and hands-on coding exercises, to enhance understanding and retention. I encourage active participation and provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. 3. Personalized Learning: I understand that every student is unique and has different learning styles and goals. I adapt my teaching methods to accommodate individual needs, whether through one-on-one sessions, group discussions, or personalized assignments. I provide guidance and support to ensure that each student can progress at their own pace and achieve their learning objectives. 4. Practical Application and Project-Based Learning: I strongly believe in the importance of practical application in the learning process. I incorporate project-based learning approaches, where students work on real-world projects, apply their knowledge to solve problems, and gain hands-on experience. This helps students build a portfolio of practical skills and enhances their ability to tackle real-world challenges. 5. Clear Communication and Support: I prioritize clear and effective communication with my students. I encourage an open and supportive environment where questions are welcomed, and discussions are encouraged. I provide timely feedback and guidance to ensure students stay on track and make steady progress. My goal is to empower students to become independent learners and critical thinkers. I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of your learning journey in AI, machine learning, and programming languages. Together, we will explore the fascinating world of these subjects, acquire valuable skills, and unlock your full potential. I am committed to providing a positive and enriching educational experience that will set you up for success. Thank you for considering me as your online instructor. I am eager to contribute my knowledge and expertise to your learning and growth. Let's embark on this educational adventure together! Sincerely, Siraj Munir

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Windows Linux Server

Doctorant/Assistant, actuellement en Stagiaire au laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble en France. Je donne cours d'informatique (Cloud, Programmation, Sécurité, SE, etc....). Partager mes connaissances en informatique à travers ce cours est une passion nourrie par le désir de démocratiser l'accès au savoir technologique. En unissant nos forces, nous pouvons créer une communauté éduquée, inspirée et prête à façonner un avenir numérique inclusif et innovant. Toute personne qui souhaite se former en programmation ou en un domaine bien priçi de l'informatique durant cette période de congé, s'exister pas à me contacter. Car je suis disponible à tout moment pour vous. Ceci est aussi valable pour des personnes qui ont besoin de l'aide aux devoirs ou des cours de soutien.

19 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






35 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Linux Windows IP-Netzwerke Server MAC OS X Intelligence Systems

Qui je suis ? « Travailleur », « rigoureux », « consciencieux », « méticuleux », « créatif » et « organisé » sont des adjectifs qui me qualifient et mes aptitudes relationtionnelles me permettent de vite m’intégrer. J'aime transmettre le savoir, partager mes connaissances et mes expériences. Je suis un développeur d'application et entrepreneur avec 5 ans d'expérience en développement d'application. Durant mes expériences, j'ai pu travailler dans le domaine du Web, Mobile et gestion de bases de données ainsi que manager d'équipe de développeurs de plusieurs niveaux dans l'optique de travailler sur des projets de développement d'application en Freelance / en tant qu'associé dévéloppeur. Mon objectif est de vous accompagner dans l'aboutissement de votre projet : que cela soit de l'apprentissage des bases du code ou l'explication d'un cours, le traitement d'un TP, exercice et examen ou la création d'une application Web / Mobile. Les cours se feront à votre rythme en distanciel ou à domicile dans la mesure du possible.

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Windows Linux Server

Hello future coding maestros! I'm Evans, and I'm thrilled to embark on this coding adventure with you. Let me introduce myself, highlight what makes me stand out, and outline how I approach teaching programming. Who Am I? I'm not just your programming tutor; I'm your mentor in the world of coding. My love for programming has been a constant driving force in my professional journey. With 7 years of hands-on experience in the field, I've tackled challenging projects, solved intricate problems, and stayed on the cutting edge of programming languages and techniques. What Sets Me Apart? What distinguishes me as your programming instructor? It's my unwavering commitment to making coding accessible and enjoyable for everyone. I firmly believe that programming is both an art and a science, and my mission is to help you unlock your creative and problem-solving potential. I understand that every student is unique, and I tailor my approach to match your specific learning style and goals. How I Organize My Programming Lessons: My programming lessons are designed to be interactive, hands-on, and highly effective. Here's what you can expect when you join my coding classes: Hands-On Coding: We dive straight into writing code. You'll be coding, debugging, and building practical projects right from the start. Real-World Applications: I bridge the gap between theory and practical coding. You'll work on projects and challenges that mimic real-world scenarios, preparing you for success in the coding industry. Structured Learning: Our curriculum is meticulously organized, taking you from programming basics to advanced techniques at a pace that suits your comfort level. Collaborative Learning: I encourage active participation, questions, and group problem-solving. Learning programming is a collaborative effort, and we'll navigate it together. Mastery in Specific Programming Languages: While I cover a wide array of programming topics, I have particular expertise in [mention specific programming languages or areas of specialization where you excel]. You'll gain in-depth knowledge and practical proficiency in these areas under my guidance. In conclusion, my goal is to empower you with not just coding skills but also the confidence to excel in the programming world. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps into coding or an experienced coder looking to refine your abilities, I'm here to support you on your programming journey.

5 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems IP-Netzwerke Windows Linux Server

My name is Dat. I'm a computer science instructor who can teach CS with CodeCombat. Join me! So you can learn how to solve the levels, challenges, syntax, and algorithms from CS1 - 6, GD1 - 3, and WEB1 - 2 most easily and simply. Besides, you can know how to think logically and apply it to solving problems in daily life. Finally, you will understand the main core of the computer science field. It boosts your confident and self studying other programming languages or technologies by yourself.

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems Linux

Hello, students! My name is Manoj Kumar , and I am thrilled to embark on this journey of knowledge-sharing with you. With over 11 years of experience as a software engineer, I have had the privilege of working on various challenging projects and honing my skills in the field. However, my passion extends beyond coding and problem-solving. I find immense joy in teaching and guiding aspiring learners like you. Throughout my career, I have developed a strong command over subjects such as mathematics, physics, and computer languages like C++, C, and Rust. These subjects have always fascinated me, and I believe they hold the key to unlocking countless opportunities in the realm of technology and beyond. My goal is to make these subjects approachable and enjoyable, breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible lessons. Teaching is not merely a profession for me; it is a calling. I believe in fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment, where students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring their curiosities. My teaching style is interactive, encouraging active participation and critical thinking. I am dedicated to understanding your individual needs and adapting my approach accordingly, ensuring that each student can grasp the material effectively. Whether you are preparing for exams, looking to solidify your foundations, or simply eager to expand your knowledge, I am here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we will unravel the wonders of mathematics, physics, and computer languages, empowering you with the skills to excel in your academic and professional pursuits. I look forward to embarking on this exciting educational journey with you. Let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of learning together!

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Informatik

Cloud Computing Intelligence Systems MAC OS X IP-Netzwerke Windows

Llevo más de 30 años como técnico informático, y en esos años siempre lo he compatibilizado con funciones didácticas. He dado clases en mi propia empresa, a Ayuntamientos, Hospitales, empresas, farmacéuticas, colegios, ONGs... clases particulares, clases a adultos, a jóvenes, niños... Siempre me han dicho que tengo unas grandes dotes de comunicación, soy bastante gracioso y sé muy bien combinar un aprendizaje serio con una metodología fácil de seguir. Nunca ningún alumno se ha quejado, en tantos años.

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