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Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Mathematische Grundlagen

16 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe




Pranjal Empfohlen


154 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Geometrie Zahlentheorie

Hi there! My name is PRANJAL, I am a Mathematics Teacher, I teach -Middle school and High-school scholars I can help you in Mathematics using my innovative teaching style and proper guidance. I have 10 year's of experience in the field of teaching online as well as offline classes of IB and IGCSE curriculum. If you are not that confident related to any concept do not worry about, I was also a student of middle school and high school like you and I used to struggle a lot with the basic concepts of mathematics and eventually it turned into math's-phobia it was only until a private teacher could help me that I was able to master them. But today I got to know that it was not me who was scared of math it was all about not getting proper support and remedial sessions. I got to know that every type of educational educational system has some drawbacks and shortcomings which needs to be redefined because it makes students vulnerable and develops woe , after going through such conditions we com into the play because our task is to focus on individual subject and kid where it is needed and give that much necessary support to carry out the studies, Initially I will explain the concepts and ask you to solve some sort of worksheets provided which will help you to get some confidence, fill the gaps and also help you to understand that I am a suitable person for all your learning requirements. I will organize a free 20 min session where we can discuss about the difficulties faced by you and pre-plan upcoming sessions. My Qualifications and teaching experience- I got Master's degree in Mathematics with the knowledge of pedagogy (M.Sc in Mathematics Education) from University of Delhi. I have also got teaching certificate that is: Bachelor's in Education(B.Ed) (teaching certificate mandatory for teaching in India) from NCERT(NATIOIONAL COUNIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING). Let me show my skills and make mathematics easier than ever. I have been teaching online(2016) as well as offline(2012) since 2012. I have taught more than thousand kids and got enormous skills which lead the learners towards better conceptual understanding and clarification I have also taught learners from various nations and have idea of dealing with variety of curriculum from countries like (United kingdom, France, Asian countries, USA, Canada, Australia and many Gulf countries). I always make my class interactive. I take help of animated videos to explain difficult concepts. Uses various tools like geogebra and concept maps to explain the graphs and equations. Teaching over the years, I also have a wide range of collection of books, practice questions and study sources from which I provide students to practice. Some regular homework helps to understand the subject very well. You can book a lesson with me directly before two hrs . If you have any questions please text me, let me know about your learning requirements and plan the session accordingly. I n the 20 min free session \we can discuss, and work forward towards an interactive and interesting session :-) I am waiting for your text enthusiastically, Book the trail session and lets start :-).

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Trigonometrie Geometrie

Metalltechniker, Kfz-Mechaniker, Fach-Abitur-Flugzeugbau, 10Jahre Auslands-Erfahrung

Hallo, mein Name ist Andre und ich bin gelernter Metalltechniker und Kfz-Mechaniker, habe meine Fachhochschulreife im Bereich Luftfahrttechnik erworbe...

8 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






146 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Statistiken Trigonometrie Rechnen Mathematische Logik

Hallo zusammen,
Ich bin Elias. Ich bin Mathematiklehrer. Ich habe einen Abschluss in Management von der Saint Jospheh University und außerdem ein...

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






172 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Lineare Algebra Numerische Analyse Trigonometrie Geometrie

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






269 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Lineare Algebra Numerische Analyse Trigonometrie

Ciao, sono Francesco, ho un diploma di Liceo Scientifico e sono un laureando in Scienze Biologiche (curriculum bio-sanitario). Impartisco lezioni private di tutte le principali discipline scientifiche da 4 anni, in particolare chimica inorganica, chimica organica, stechiometria e matematica generale. Il mio target di insegnamento è in un range che spazia dalla scuola media all’università. Mi ritengo un “attore” (nel privato mi diletto di teatro e musica) 😂, poiché nel mio modo di insegnare ricorro spesso a metafore ed analogie con altre discipline umanistiche, cercando di colmare il gap, che a volte impedisce la comprensione di concetti scientifici, a studenti con altre forme di “intelligentia” Un saluto e a presto 😊

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Cristina M.




Cristina M.


46 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

¡Hola! Si necesitas clases de apoyo desde la comodidad de tu hogar, este es tu sitio. Soy profesora de Biología y Geología con una amplia experiencia en secundaria y bachillerato aunque también he impartido clases en un grado medio de Técnico en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería. Desde hace más de 10 años doy clases particulares de forma independiente, aunque hace un par de años he trabajado para una academia en Granada (España), dando apoyo a alumnos de primaria, secundaria y bachillerato en materias relacionadas con mi especialidad así como preparación de pruebas de acceso a la Universidad y materias relacionadas con la Biología en carreras universitarias. En el último año he trabajado en diferentes centros impartiendo mi materia. Si necesitas ayuda con las ciencias, no lo dudes, pide tu clase de prueba para definir los objetivos a conseguir y poder alcanzar tus metas.

19 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe




Cosimo Empfohlen


2223 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Lineare Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Rechnen Geometrie

Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich aufgrund der enormen Vorbereitung, die ich in jede einzelne Unterrichtsstunde gesteckt habe, keine weiteren Schüler aufne...

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe




Raul Empfohlen


1111 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Angewandte Mathematik

Seit mehr als 15 Jahren unterrichtet er Unterstützungskurse für ESO- und Baccalaureate-Studenten in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern. Vor allem Mathema...

17 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



7 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Welcome to my profile! 😊 I'm an engineering graduate with tons of experience in online tutoring worldwide. 🌍 I've had the pleasure of delivering thousands of successful lessons. With 12 years of experience in tutoring students from diverse backgrounds, I have developed a deep understanding of various math subjects, including algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, and more. My goal is to make math enjoyable and accessible by breaking down complex concepts into simpler, relatable terms. 🎯 I believe that anyone can succeed in math with the right guidance, patience, and practice. 😊✨

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Cristina M.




Cristina M.


3555 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Angewandte Mathematik Trigonometrie Diskrete Mathematik

Soy graduada en química 👩🏼‍🔬, llevo 7 años dando clase online 👩🏼‍💻 de MATEMÁTICAS 🧮 , QUÍMICA Y FÍSICA desde secundaria a bachillerato, preparación para los exámenes de selectividad 📖, además de QUÍMICA en diferentes grados universitarios 🎓como farmacia🔬, química, biotecnología, 🧫 bioquímica, ingenierías,...; grados formativos como técnico de laboratorio🧪 y preparación de oposiciones para profesor 🧑🏻‍🏫 de química y física. Todos los alumnos que he tenido han logrado sus objetivos tanto en aprobados como en lograr la nota que necesitaban. Me gusta preparar las clases con anterioridad para aprovechar al máximo las horas juntos y ofrecer una atención personalizada al 100%, obteniendo así tus mejores resultados👩🏼‍🎓. Puedo resolver dudas 🙋🏾‍♂️ fuera del horario de clase las 24h 🏪. Tengo flexibilidad de horarios, puedes cancelarme la clase si lo necesitas. Dispongo de una tableta gráfica 🖊 con la que creo una pizarra virtual 🖥 que comparto contigo y tendrás acceso a los pdf de los apuntes 📑 que vamos viendo durante las clases. Juntos conseguiremos aprobar aprendiendo 💆🏼 y con truquitos que facilitan la resolución de los ejercicios y problemas. Pregunta cualquier duda a través de los mensajes 📩 o con la clase de presentación gratuita 💸 de 15 minutos.

18 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






67 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Mathe

Mathematische Grundlagen Algebra Lineare Algebra Trigonometrie Rechnen Geometrie

Ich habe 3 Jahre Nachhilfeerfahrung. Ich habe alle verschiedenen Klassen unterrichtet. Ich verstehe jeden Lernenden in Bezug auf seinen Lernstandard u...

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