Online-Lehrkräfte für das Fach Wordpress

10 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe
Ayesha I.

Ayesha I.


Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design


As a programmer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, I excel in crafting dynamic and user-friendly web applications. My proficiency in front-end technologies enables me to design visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. Coupled with my back-end skills in PHP, I create robust and secure server-side functionalities, ensuring seamless interactions between users and the application. With a comprehensive understanding of the full-stack development process, I bring innovative solutions to complex web development challenges.

15 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

Wordpress CMS

Nata in una famiglia di artisti tradizionali. Sono cresciuta circondata da vetrate dipinte, odore di vernici e tinture. Ho deciso di ricercare un’arte differente da quella dei miei genitori e come nativa digitale ho trovato la mia passione nel web e nelle sue tendenze. Dopo il diploma ho deciso di partire con il mio Mac e un trolley per Brescia dove ho coseguito il diploma di secondo livello all’accademia Santagiulia in Web e comunicazione. Ho iniziato la mia avventura lavorativa, in un’agenzia di Brescia, dove ho imparato molto sul Web e su come si lavora in questo settore, ma soprattutto ho scoperto che non lavoro per vivere, ma vivo per lavorare. Il web è la mia passione.

6 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






10 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Web-Design


¡Bienvenido! Soy Franco Medina, desarrollador backend y docente. Trabajo desde hace 5 años en empresas y entidades publicas y desde el 2021 enseñando en escuelas digitales. A la par de mi carrera como programador llevo adelante una academia especializada en Python y capacito trainees y juniors para entrevistas o evaluaciones técnicas. Puedo ayudarte a introducirte al mundo del desarrollo web con PHP o Python junto a las herramientas que los componen o colaborarte si ya estas programando y necesitas un impulso. ¡Te espero!

30 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design


Je vous propose des cours de tous niveaux sur les trois logiciels de référence Adobe: PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR, INDESIGN Infographiste de profession et formateur diplômé, je peux intervenir sur des projets précis, pour de petites périodes ou de plus longues formations. Contenu: Initiation au logiciel, retouche d'images, gestion avancée des CALQUES, trucages, montages complexes, réalisation de logo, mise en page, réalisation de livre, carte de visite... etc... Public: débutants, avancés, professionnels ... Présentation : Graphiste de formation (Diplôme en 1987), j’ai développé, en parallèle, une activité de formateur en infographie et en dessin depuis plus de 25 ans, dans plusieurs établissements de formation ainsi que de manière privée. Expérimenté sur la plateforme Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, inDesign ), je peux préparer des formations adaptées à vos besoins précis. J’ai obtenu en 2005 le certificat FSEA1 de qualification de formateur d’adultes..

20 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

Wordpress CMS

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and innovation, the role of a computer science teacher extends far beyond the classroom. As an experienced and dedicated computer science educator, my commitment to shaping the future innovators of tomorrow is unwavering. With a passion for the subject and a deep understanding of its intricacies, I strive to create an enriching learning environment that empowers students to excel in the world of programming, problem-solving, and cutting-edge technology. One of the cornerstones of my teaching philosophy is fostering a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals. I firmly believe that a solid understanding of core concepts forms the bedrock upon which students can build their future endeavors. I make it a priority to break down complex topics into digestible modules, ensuring that each student comprehends the material at their own pace. This personalized approach not only cultivates a sense of confidence but also promotes active engagement and critical thinking. Beyond theory, I emphasize the practical application of computer science principles. Through hands-on projects and real-world simulations, students get to witness firsthand how their learning translates into tangible solutions. This approach not only makes the subject matter more relatable but also equips students with the skills and confidence to tackle real challenges in the field. From coding interactive applications to developing algorithms, my students are immersed in a dynamic learning experience that mirrors the dynamic nature of the tech industry. In my classroom, diversity and collaboration are celebrated. I firmly believe that the best solutions arise from a blend of perspectives and backgrounds. I encourage open discussions, peer learning, and group projects that enable students to collaborate, share ideas, and collectively find innovative solutions to problems. By fostering an inclusive environment, I ensure that every student feels valued and empowered to contribute their unique insights. Staying updated with the latest industry trends and advancements is crucial in the world of computer science. As a teacher, I am committed to continuous learning and professional development. Attending workshops, conferences, and networking events enables me to bring fresh insights and emerging technologies into the classroom. By keeping pace with industry trends, I ensure that my students receive education that is not only relevant but also forward-looking. In conclusion, as a computer science teacher, my mission extends beyond delivering lectures and grading assignments. I am dedicated to nurturing the next generation of tech trailblazers by providing them with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. By focusing on fundamentals, practical application, diversity, and ongoing learning, I equip my students with the tools they need to excel in the ever-evolving world of computer science. Join me on this exciting journey of exploration, innovation, and empowerment, as we unlock the limitless potential of the digital age together

24 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

Wordpress CMS

Salut, je suis Chloé, une graphiste qui travaille depuis plus de dix ans avec WordPress pour la création de sites web et la suite Adobe pour la création graphique (mais aussi tout un tas d'autres outils divers et variés, en fonction des besoins.) Mon surnom c'est Dr.Geek, si vous bloquez quelque part sur un ordinateur ou sur le web, je trouverais probablement une solution pour vous tirer d'affaire. J'adore les défis et par-dessus tout, j'aime aider ; alors si vous êtes humain(e), vous aussi, on va passer un moment cool et vous allez apprendre plein de choses ! :D

7 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design


¡Bienvenidos a mi clase de Programación Web! Soy Ginno Zavala, un experto en este fascinante mundo digital. En este curso, te llevaré de la mano junto con la inteligencia artificial para que descubras el poder de la programación y cómo puedes transformar el mundo a través del código. Con más de 4 años de experiencia, te enseñaré las mejores prácticas, herramientas y técnicas que te convertirán en un programador web sobresaliente. Prepárate para sumergirte en desafíos prácticos, proyectos emocionantes y adquirir habilidades que te abrirán puertas en el mercado laboral actual. ¡Juntos, desbloquearemos tu potencial y construiremos el futuro digital!

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design


Hola, soy Pablo, Lic. en diseño gráfico y comunicación, apasionado del diseño, trabajao desde hace mas de 8 años en este rubro, participando de cientos de propyectos, he dado clases por mas de 4 años en Universidades e Institutos, estoy formado y capacitado para darte las herramientas que solicites y necesites para tu crecimiento y el logro de tus objetivos, haciendo el proceso entretenido y acorde a lo que quieras y necesites aprender, totalmente actualizado. Te espero! Gracias!

12 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe






19 Unterricht

Unterrichten: Web-Design

Wordpress CMS

Hi, my name Theo. I have 20+ years of experience in web development, I have international advanced diploma in computer studies from NCC UK. I worked as Senior Technology Consultant at a leading firm in Botswana. I have gained a lot of practical experiences that I would love to share with my students. I love to teach and tutor people on how to build websites and web applications. I love reading technology blogs, build web applications, listening to music and watching sci-fi based movies and series. Book a class with me and you will not regret it.

9 €/Stunde
20 min. gratis probe



Neue Lehrkraft

Unterrichten: Web-Design

Wordpress CMS

Experience of 10 years more than 10 accredited certificates, License in MULTIMEDIA WEB TECHNOLOGY FROM ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE coach and creator of websites, applications with WordPress you can discover my projects with entrepreneurs on my professional site , I insist that my students are satisfied with my conferences. You can check that according to their opinions. Today, I have been working with Wordpress for over 3 years. I have worked on large projects as well as smaller projects. I now want to share this experience with you and train you in the use of this incredible tool that is Wordpress. Work program : My lessons generally take place in three stages: - Your objectives: I like to take the time at the start of the course to clearly define your objectives and what you want to achieve to be sure that you leave satisfied! The objective: Work on your problem! - The theory: I like to explain the “why and how” as they say. In my opinion, once you understand the logic, it is much easier to implement. - Practice: We defined your objectives, we worked on the theory, so now we're getting down to business and practicing! The training plan: - Let's understand the types of websites - Accommodation - Creation of the site using WordPress - Site design using Elementor, Divi or Woo-coomerce - Security -Backup -Optimization And at the site creation & design stage: - we will see all the types of websites + their necessary configurations

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