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Liu H.

Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello! I am Wendy, a Chinese language teacher. I am good at teaching Chinese to children. I have extensive experience in teaching Pinyin, and I have five years of experience in teaching Chinese to children. I like to organize my online Chinese language courses based on each student's learning goals, and I am happy to be your Chinese language teacher to help you achieve all the goals you have set in terms of Chinese proficiency!I enjoy traveling, reading, and photography. Learning a new language ...

Hello! I am Wendy, a Chinese language teacher. I am good at teaching Chinese to children. I have extensive experience in teaching Pinyin, and I have five years of experience in teaching Chinese to children. I like to organize my online Chinese language courses based on each student's learning goals, and I am happy to be your Chinese language teacher to help you achieve all the goals you have set in terms of Chinese proficiency!I enjoy traveling, reading, and photography. Learning a new language is a challenge for everyone. To help students achieve their learning goals. I will incorporate Chinese language teaching into their hobbies. And constantly encourage them during the learning process.

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  • Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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