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Lehrerin aus Türkei" , derzeit wohnhaft in Italien

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I am Sümeyye Yalçın. My whole life i have enjoyed learning foreign languages. I am a psychologist but passionate about languages. I have been both teaching Italian and Turkish to English speakers online for 3 years. I had many students around the world. I also have experience teaching Italian in classrooms. I try to understand your motivation to learn the language, your preferred ways of learning it and your interests. We all have been learning languages the traditional way that did not work. I ...

I am Sümeyye Yalçın. My whole life i have enjoyed learning foreign languages. I am a psychologist but passionate about languages. I have been both teaching Italian and Turkish to English speakers online for 3 years. I had many students around the world. I also have experience teaching Italian in classrooms. I try to understand your motivation to learn the language, your preferred ways of learning it and your interests. We all have been learning languages the traditional way that did not work. I aim to change that

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  • Italienisch
    • CILS Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Italienisch im Alltag
    • Konversation
    • Lokale Kultur
    • Phonetik
    • Grammatik

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Sumeyye mi ha aiutato con le basi della lingua turca con i libri, video divertenti e esercizi audio. Mi ha dato i compiti ed è sempre stata disponibile per rispondere alle mie domande . Mi ha sempre spiegato pazientemente le parti che non capivo. La consiglio vivamente
Luca Marini
Sumeyye é un'ottima insegnante. Paziente, creativa e sempre in grado di tenere alta la mia attenzione anche nei momenti di difficoltà. É riuscita a guidarmi negli obiettivi che mi ero proposto anche quando pensavo di non poterli raggiungere. Consiglio a tutti quelli che vogliono imparare il turco anche da zero di fare lezione con lei!!! Grazie!
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EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

ItalienischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Italian B2
Bachelor-Abschluss Psychology
Zertifikat English C1

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