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Hello, aspiring programmers, I'm Robin Singh, a self-taught software engineer with over 2 years of hands-on experience in the fast-paced world of Indian startups. During my Masters in the UK, I'm on a mission to share my expertise with you as your online programming tutor. From contributing to massive open-source projects like Next.js to mastering cutting-edge technologies, I've honed my skills, and I can't wait to help you unlock your programming potential. My primary languages are JavaScript ...

Hello, aspiring programmers, I'm Robin Singh, a self-taught software engineer with over 2 years of hands-on experience in the fast-paced world of Indian startups. During my Masters in the UK, I'm on a mission to share my expertise with you as your online programming tutor. From contributing to massive open-source projects like Next.js to mastering cutting-edge technologies, I've honed my skills, and I can't wait to help you unlock your programming potential. My primary languages are JavaScript and Python, but I can make you a rockstar programmer in any language of your choice. Join me in this exciting journey to become a coding superstar!

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  • Programmierung
    • SQL
    • Javascript
    • Python
    • Web-Entwicklung
    • React
    • Django

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Abschlusszeugnis Bachelor

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