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Greetings! I'm Radhika Chauhan, a passionate teacher specializing in math and physics. With a remarkable Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise. For over six years, I have been successfully guiding and inspiring secondary and high school students through captivating online classes. Regarding math and physics, problem-solving takes center stage in my teaching approach. I firmly believe in tailoring my ...

Greetings! I'm Radhika Chauhan, a passionate teacher specializing in math and physics. With a remarkable Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise. For over six years, I have been successfully guiding and inspiring secondary and high school students through captivating online classes. Regarding math and physics, problem-solving takes center stage in my teaching approach. I firmly believe in tailoring my classes to suit the unique learning objectives of each student. With me as your dedicated mentor, you can rest assured that I will go the extra mile to assist you in achieving your academic goals in these fascinating subjects. Together, we'll explore the exciting realms of math and physics, unlocking your true potential and fostering a deep understanding of the concepts. So, why wait? Join me on this incredible learning journey, and let's conquer the fascinating world of math and physics together!

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Geometrie
  • Physik
    • Elektromagnetismus
    • Thermodynamik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Festkörperphysik
    • Mechanische Physik
    • Quantenphysik

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Promotion Ph.D.

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