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Lehrerin aus Mexiko"

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I have more than 20 years of experience teaching group and private courses, the courses are 100% practical and focused on objectives according to your needs because the practices are developed especially for you applying the necessary tools and learning how to increase productivity with new tools. I issue invoice so your courses will be perfectly tax deductible if you require it. In case you are looking for a job, I train you specifically in the topics that are currently most important for the c...

I have more than 20 years of experience teaching group and private courses, the courses are 100% practical and focused on objectives according to your needs because the practices are developed especially for you applying the necessary tools and learning how to increase productivity with new tools. I issue invoice so your courses will be perfectly tax deductible if you require it. In case you are looking for a job, I train you specifically in the topics that are currently most important for the companies that you know and develop quickly. In the case of employee training, I prepare them to be able to present the reports in a uniform way and instruct them to automate the files as much as possible, verifying that they have as few errors as possible to provide reliability in the information presented. If necessary, I elaborate the base of the files and train the personnel for its correct feeding and distribution. EXCEL AGENDA 1. Basic Excel (6 Hours) 1.1. Excel Environment 1.1.1. Books Predesigned Templates Blank Workbook 1.1.2. Spreadsheets Cells Offsets 1.1.3. Toolbars Home Page Layout View 1.2. Databases 1.2.1. Sorting 1.2.2. Automatic Filtering 1.2.3. Search 1.2.4. Replace 1.2.5. Moving and Pinning Panels 1.3. 1.3. Spreadsheet Background 1.4. Basic Formulas (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) 1.5. 2. Intermediate Excel (8 Hours) 2.1. Links 2.2. Elaborated Formulas 2.2.1. Relative References 2.2.2. Absolute References 2.2.3. Nested Formulas 2.3. Excel Functions 2.3.1. SUM 2.3.2. ROUNDING 2.3.3. IF (Logical) 2.3.4. ADD IF 2.4. Conditional Formatting 2.5. Graphics 3. Advanced Excel (8 Hours) 3.1. Dynamic Chart 3.2. Hyperlinks 3.3. Nested functions 3.3.1. If AND 3.4. Advanced Filters 3.5. Subtotals 3.6. Schemes 3.7. Pivot Tables 3.8. Macros 3.9. Protect Spreadsheet and Protect Workbook 3.10. Review 3.11. Consolidate 3.12. Hypothesis Analysis Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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  • Informatik
    • Cloud Computing
    • Windows
  • Web-Design
    • Wordpress

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Es una maestra amable, puntual, responsable,con mucho conocimiento en informática .
Francisco Ramírez
Noemi me ha ayudado mucho porque es un profesor paciente y dedicada, pero a la vez me ayuda a avanzar sin presionarme, los ejemplos y las prácticas las aplicamos directamente a cosas relacionadas con mi trabajo de esta manera me es más fácil comprender
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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Turismo

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