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Miyoung P.

Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello, everyone! I'm a Chinese teacher from China and my Chinese name is Miyoung Park. The English name is Willa. I like teaching Chinese very much and have many years of teaching experience. I enjoy making friends and communicating. Singing and dancing are my strong points. When I teach Chinese, I can also teach Chinese songs to students. My second language is Korean, so I can teach Chinese directly to Korean students.We can communicate in English.Oh, my God. I hope you learn Chinese from me. I...

Hello, everyone! I'm a Chinese teacher from China and my Chinese name is Miyoung Park. The English name is Willa. I like teaching Chinese very much and have many years of teaching experience. I enjoy making friends and communicating. Singing and dancing are my strong points. When I teach Chinese, I can also teach Chinese songs to students. My second language is Korean, so I can teach Chinese directly to Korean students.We can communicate in English.Oh, my God. I hope you learn Chinese from me. I'll call you Chinese with great enthusiasm.

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  • Koreanisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Bachelor Degree